July 13th


Warmth filtered through the ivory curtains of the bedroom, casting a filmy haze on everything beneath it. And it was beneath the clean cotton blankets that the light wove in between a familiar freckled olive hand, that of which hung lazily off the bed, casting a darkened shadow onto the floorboards beneath. It smelled of bread and rosemary, the remnants of dinner from the previous night. The deepened sighs of a mouth, turned upward in a dreamy haze breathed along the pleasantly warm air. The hum of the fan above hushed the sounds of the world around, not that there was much to drown out. It wasn't often that every morning would be as peaceful as this one.

With a grunt and a creak, the figure beneath the blankets slowly turned away from the brightening morning light. Eyes fluttered open lazily and a yawn floats unhurried across the pillow.


Squinting, the boy elongated himself into a slow stretch, his toes peeking out at the edge of the bed. Messy hands grabbed a handful of blankets and draped them over his body. Tucked in, the auburn-haired boy mused peacefully, reveling in the sanctity and silence of the morning. Nobody had yet to awaken or stir from slumber, and he finally could sleep in. Especially after how long this week has been.

Seems like his new neighbors haven't arrived yet either.

Exhaling quietly, the teenager began to doze off again, letting his thoughts run like TV static in the back of his head. Thoughts like the events of last night, his family, his soulmate. It didn't matter. Getting a tingly feeling on his hip, Lovino sank further into his sheets, the little feeling unconsciously luring him to sleep. Mouth falling into a lop-sided grin, Lovino thought on the source of the little touch before grogginess washed over his being; from his eyelids to his feet. The familiar buzz of sleep pulled at him. He felt heavy, like a pile of bricks, molding into the sheets of the bed. Deeper and deeper, the teen sank into the pillow, traveling further into his dreams.

After a few moments, nothing was left but the still breathing of his sleeping form.

But just as the boy dozed off, in another town, nearly 400 miles away, another family started off, ready to start the morning off energetically. A close-knit group of 4, almost everyone had woken up an hour ago and right now they were packing together all that was left of their belongings: suitcases of clothes, handfuls of pillows and blankets, and backpacks full of books, movies, and junk. Voices bounced off every wall of the furniture-less house, except from the the bathroom where Antonio, the eldest, combed his hair carefully, attempting to tame down his usually unkempt coffee-colored curls.

Pursing his lips, he flashed a winning smile in the mirror and ran a hand through the back.

"I'm so excited!" He hummed to himself, feeling up on the stubble on his face. Quickly, he brought out the razor and a can of shaving cream and got to work. Nifty hands glided along his jawline with precision and he shaved away the prickly hairs until he was left with nothing.

Proudly, he stepped back to admire his work. Thoughts bubbled like a running brook in the back of his mind as he wet a washcloth under the running faucet.

A sudden creak from the doorway echoed across the small tiled room and the teenager glanced up, his face pressed into a towel.

"Antwonio... are you're rweady?" A soft and sleepy, child's voice mumbled tiredly.

Emerald eyes flicked away from the mirror to his younger brother in the doorway and he beamed, eyes twinkling brightly.

"Almost done~." he sung, gesturing for the younger child to come closer.

With uneasy footsteps, the toddler padded across the tiled floor, a fleece blanket dragging behind him. Reaching down, Antonio lifted the boy with little effort, balancing him on his cocked hip with a bright smile. Dimples pressed into his tanned chubby cheeks and his eyes squeezed shut in a long yawn before he looked up into his brother's eyes. Antonio reflected in his squinted sage-tinted eyes. "I dwon't wanna go..." he started, tears welling up.

Sweat dropping, Antonio's smile faltered as he tried to console the younger, rubbing circles into his back through the thin fleece.

"You don't want to make any new friends, Tomás?"

"Nwoo..." he whined, too tired to throw a tantrum. With pitiful sniffles, he pressed his face into his brother's shoulder.

"It won't be that bad now." Antonio hummed, resting his head on his brother's. With one arm, he distractedly threw his razor and cans of product into the duffel bag on the floor, which landed with soft clings. Antonio only felt a little nervous about the move. He could care less about changing schools and making new friends, moreover concerned about how much it would change his life. Everyone always met their soulmate in their teenage years, no matter what. And being 17 with the only contact from his soulmate being the soft and jittery, feather-light touches sent back and forth, back and forth...

Antonio knew he was going to meet the love of his life in this new town. After spending years restless and impatient, chasing after mirages in this old town, he was falling again, love sickness rustling the butterflies in his stomach. He could only imagine what kind of person they'd be. Well he already had an idea, mostly based off of the sheer amount of loving tingles he gets a day. Already an cheesy romantic, Antonio fell even harder, his heart beating wildly in his chest. Scenario after scenario, filed though his mind:

What would our first meeting be like?

When would we hold hands?

What will our first kiss would be like?

He was pining so hard after his soulmate, it was a miracle that they haven't sent any fond sleepy tingles in return.

As if cued, the little gold heart behind his left ear started to tingle and glow softly, fueling even more thoughts into Antonio's mind. Antonio could feel the heart in his chest soar and he smiled helpless and rosy-cheeked, sending back even more affectionate thoughts and love. He was already in love, well before even crossing paths.

"And they'll have the exact same mark as me..." he thought on fondly, unconsciously leaning over to grab his bag from the ground. Letting it rest on his left shoulder, Antonio feigned a couple of thoughtful glances over the bathroom, before readjusting the now-sleeping child on his hip and shimmying his way downstairs in a love-sick daze.

With that person being the only one in his mind.

A/N- In which Antonio doesn't realize he's super gay today.