All of Rikkai Regular members were very much enjoyed the party at Yukimura's house. The party was given to the third year who just graduated from Rikkaidai Junior High School today.

Everything was going well at first. Until the redhead said something unexpected that made everyone puzzled.

"I'm quitting tennis", He said casually while eating his cake.

Everyone moved their eyes to the shortest guy. And Sanada was the first one who responded to his words. "…What?"

"Hahaha!That's very funny! Marui-senpai" The second year ace laughed as he thought his senpai just told him the best joke ever. Jackal who sat next to Kirihara tried to laugh as well.

"Probability of Marui is telling a joke right now…89%" Yanagi proclaimed his prediction and made Yukimura chuckled.

"I'm not joking."

Yanagi raised his eyebrows a bit. Yagyuu closed his book. Niou stopped playing with his dart. And Yukimura stopped chuckled as well.

The half-Brazilian stood up from his seat and walked closer to Marui. "Bunta, What are you saying?" He knew Marui very well. He knew Marui really liked tennis besides his addiction to sweets. He was so sure that his best friend just misspoke about something. Maybe what Marui meant was not about tennis, but something else. That was what he thought.

"You heard me"

This was really strange! It didn't make any sense to him. Jackal looked at the other members as he tried to find the answer. But everyone looked as confused as him. "B-But, why?" Jackal asked him again. Marui didn't say anything; he still focused on eating his cake.

"There must be a reason, may you tell us, Marui-kun?" Yagyuu adjusted his glasses.

This time Marui looked at Yagyuu, He seemed to think at first, but then he replied with his usual grin. "I've started to get bored to play that lame sport. It's not fun anymore. The longer I play tennis the more I know that sport is really suck! Don't you guys feel the same way? Ah~ anyway Can I have another cake?" He walked to the kitchen.

All of them startled. "Tarundoru Marui!" Sanada crossed his arm, and his face looked unhappy. Yukimura stayed silent. While the others started to felt uneasy.

"What did you say…?" Kirihara said quietly with irritated looked on his face. Marui ignored them and walked back to his seat with another cake on his hand.

"WHAT DID YOU MEAN BY THAT SENPAI?" The second year lost his calm; He slammed the table in front of him. He walked towards Marui and grabbed the older by the collar that make the cake on Marui's hand fell on the floor.

Marui frowned a bit. "What are you doing?"

The second year ace was ready to hit him on the face, when someone suddenly stopped him. "Akaya!" Jackal pulled Kirihara away from Marui as he grabbed the younger's hands.

"LET ME GO, JACKAL-SENPAI." Kirihara tried to push Jackal, but his senpai just much stronger than he is."DIDN'T WE MAKE A PROMISE?" His voice was very loud. "You said the eight of us will be together. You said we would play tennis together even in high school. Didn't you say that to us when Mura-Buchou was in hospital? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MADE THAT PROMISE! AND NOW YOU BREAK IT!"

"Akaya!" Jackal shouted at his kohai one more time, still held him tightly so the second year didn't do anything stupid.

Marui stunned. The words from Kirihara hit him hard. It was so true that made him couldn't say anything back. He had his head turned aside avoid the younger's gazed.

"Say something Marui-senpai! Now Mura-Buchou is already recovered, why− "

"Cut it out, Brat" Niou, who stayed silent from the start finally open his mouth.

"But− "

"I said cut it out" Niou looked more serious this time.

Kirihara gritted his teeth and pulled hard his hand away from Jackal. He sat back to his seat. 'Why is everyone protecting Marui-senpai? He is the one who's wrong here! Even Mura-Buchou didn't say anything to him.' Kirihara clenched his hands. 'Liar!' . He really wanted to scream that word out loud to his senpai. But he just couldn't.


Marui started to clean the cake that fell on the floor and Jackal helped him out. There was a heavy pressure in that living room. They were supposed to having fun right now. But everyone kept silent. This was so awkward and Marui knew all of this happened because of him.

After he finished clean everything, Marui looked at his buchou "I'm going home. " He said it plainly, picked his stuffs and walked to the front door. Everyone didn't move from their seats except Yukimura and Jackal who followed him from behind.

When Marui reached the front door, he turned around and faced them. "Um… tell the others, I'm sorry I can't make it again today." He scratched his head "My parents are not at home so I need to take care of my brothers."

"I'm going with you." Jackal said quickly.

"No. You stay here." Marui smiled at the taller guy then he turned to his buchou. "I'm sorry Yukimura…" He said it very quietly, It almost like he whispered to himself.

But Yukimura could hear it clearly. He smiled to the redhead "It's too bad you can't stay over tonight. But it's not your fault, Bunta"

Marui averted his gaze away. "I mean…for ruined this party."

"You don't need to apologize." Yukimura chuckled a little.

"I'm sorry…" Marui said it one more time. Now he looked down at the floor blankly. He felt numb. Kirihara's words kept buzzing in his ears. "I'm sorry… for not keeping my promise"

Yukimura's smile disappeared. His expression turned serious. 'Bunta wasn't like his usual self. He was always cheerful. If something bothered him, as his buchou and his friend, I would do anything to help him.'

"Did you serious want to quit tennis?" Yukimura asked him softly.

"Yeah…" Marui's voice was shaky. Then he cleared his throat to cover it up."I'm sorry."

"Bunta… Did something happen?" He asked the redhead again but now looked a bit concern.

"You can tell us everything…We are friend right?" Jackal added.

Marui looked at them and laughed. "What are you guys talking about? It's nothing! Nothing happened. Anyway I need to go now…see you!" He quickly walked away and disappeared from their eyes.


"Jackal, He didn't say anything to you?"

"Not even a word" Jackal replied with a weak voice.

"He's indeed hiding something from us" Yukimura sighed.

"Seiichi" Yanagi walked to the front door. "Niou wants to tell us something" Yukimura and Jackal looked each other for a moment then they followed Yanagi to the living room. Everyone was waiting.

I'm very sorry for some Grammar errors. T^T

This is my first time make a fanfic.

Hope you guys Enjoy it.

Please review, critique me and give me some advice :D Thank you very much!