AN: This story just came to me while I was planning out Zuma's Fear. Before you worry about anything, this is a romance with a bunch of cuteness in it. I can do stuff other then comedy and tragedy XP. The story is actually already completed, I'm just going to update it every week or so on Friday while doing my regular updates of my other three fics. It's not even that Super Long. This isn't try to be a big surprise twist or anything, just a romance story. The pups are a little bit older in this story. Not yet "Adult Dogs" but like teenagers in a way. They still call each other pups though.

Disclaimer: I don't known Paw Patrol

Even before he became the official Water Rescue Pup of Paw Patrol, Zuma loved nothing more than playing by the beaches of Adventure Bay. An orphan for as long as he could remember, Zuma had grown up around the streets and beaches of Adventure Bay and its other nearby ocean towns like Sandy Town, Costal City, and Waterville Ways. For Zuma, the ocean was the first thing he could remember when he was a baby and it marveled him. He taught himself to swim, read the oceans, and even surf when some friendly surfers on vacation that he hung out with. It was how he developed his "surfer accent" as some called it.

It was only four years ago that he was founded, and adopted, by Ryder after he saw Zuma swim into deep water to get a child's lost toy. Seeing such kindness and skill, Ryder offered to give him a home and train him which the Chocolate Labrador said yes to immediately. Since then, he had gotten shelter, food, toys, a chance to increase his swimming skills while using them for good, gone on amazing adventures, and, most importantly, he had a family.

He never said it out loud, but Ryder was always "Dad" in his mind. Sure, Ryder was just a teenager, but he was more mature and smarter than most adults. He cared about Zuma, just as he did with all the other pups, and was always loving towards them with food, education, and care. One time, he got really sick to the point where if he didn't have Ryder and the pups, he was sure he wouldn't have survived. Ryder spent every waking moment those days by Zuma's side, making sure he was healthy. Zuma couldn't have asked for a better owner… or a better father figure.

The "Big Brothers" of the group were the oldest: Chase and Marshall, the Police Pup and Fire Rescue Pup of the team. Chase was brave, a natural leader, and willing to defend the weak and helpless. He was always there to give Zuma good advice or help him with the studies that Ryder gave them to keep his team educated. He was also great against bullies. One time, two mean dogs called Zuma "retarded" because of his speech impairment, sending him home in tears. Chase responded by personally beating the two up and forcing them to apologize. So while Chase was the "serious and protective" big brother, that left Marshall to be the "fun and playful" one. Like other dalmatians, Marshall was full of energy. He was excited as a pup on sugar and wanted the most out of life. Whenever Zuma felt lonely or bored, Marshall was there to play with him in whatever game was optional for them. Marshall was also the kindest and most passionate pup Zuma ever met; always willing to lend a paw and do it with one hundred percent effort while making new friends along the way. His smile was always additive and could a grin on any depressed face. If there was any pup that Zuma could depend on for anything, it was Marshall.

Of course, he had "Big Sisters" as well in the form of two pups: Skye and Everest, the Air Rescue Pup and Mountain Rescue Pup. Skye had found Zuma to be adorable when he first came to the Lookout, and always did her best to make sure he felt at home. After all, it was a bit scary and weird to be living in a new place and she made sure to teach Zuma everything. Like how to use the equipment in the Lookout, how to change into his gear, and (much to his embarrassment) how to use a toilet. Apparently, being a Paw Patroler Pup meant learning not to use the outside as your bathroom unless you had no choice though Zuma still did it because he was used to it. But beyond that, Skye was like a blend of Chase and Marshall: strong and mature, but kind and playful. She was the closest thing to a "Mother" that Zuma had, but he just called her Big Sis due to their ages since they were only three years apart. The wild sister was none other than Everest. While she was the newest member of Paw Patrol, Everest fit right in with them despite living in the frozen wasteland most of her life. She was always looking for an adventure and trying new things, something Zuma could relate to since he traveled a lot when he was on his own. Everest and Zuma liked to always have contests to see who was more daring then the other from bungee jumping to checking out haunted caves. Plus, she wasn't that bad of a surfer since it was similar to snow sledding in her mind. It was nice to have a fellow fearless pup on the team.

While they were older and younger then him respectfully, his "Best Friends" in the whole world were Rocky and Rubble: The Recycling Pup and Construction Pup. Rocky and Zuma actually didn't hit it off well due to Rocky's fear and hatred of all things water and Zuma thought Rocky was a bit of a scardy cat for such a thing. That all changed when during a rescue to fix a broken ship, Rocky fell into the sea and screamed for help. Zuma never saw such a pup panic before and so he dived in and help Rocky, holding on to him as he and Ryder calmed him down. He learned that day that Rocky lost is family in a ship accident in a storm, and Zuma resolved to help him overcome his fear. He taught Rocky to swim, granted it was a long process, and eventually Rocky learned the basics to prevent himself from drowning. He still hated water and did everything to avoid it, but he and Zuma became best pals after that incident. He even helped make surf boards for Zuma so he could keep his skills sharp. With Rubble, who was younger, it was an understanding on his origins. Both he and Rubble were the only ones who grew up without a family and lived for a long time on their own, the others coming from families (Even Everest had one until she lost them in a blizzard) or knowing Ryder their whole lives. Rubble and Zuma had an understanding of survival and bonded over that, often telling stories of their adventures as lonely pups. Both were also the youngest, and worked hard together to show they could be just as effective and strong like their older friends. This soon made a strong bond that solidified their friendship.

All in all, Zuma had a happy life. He had a happy family. He didn't know if he had a family outside of Adventure Bay or not, but he was content with the one he had.

Little did he know, a new pup was going to enter his life that would change him in ways he never knew.

Zuma had heard of the theory that all life began in the ocean. If such a thing were true, he would have not been surprised. Floating under the sea, and holding his breath, the young pup was letting the ocean waves cradle him like a child in the arms of his mother. It was night, yet the full moon allowed a luminous glow to shine through the surface of the water and provide enough light for Zuma to see.

Ryder rarely allowed Zuma to swim at night, but after that big wave rescue a few days ago he decided to give him the night as a reward. Zuma smirked as he closed his eyes, feeling the warm water against his fur. There was something about swimming at night that made him feel more relaxed than normal. He had tried to get the others to join him, but they never found it as peaceful as he did. Well, their loss, he thought as opened his eyes and kicked upward, breaking the surface for air.

He wasn't too far from the shoreline (It was a rule Ryder insisted on keeping) and he still had plenty of time before having to go home for bedtime. Staring into the moon, his eyes reflected its mysterious glow and he smiled at the sight. Night time was always such an exciting moment in the passage of time. So mysterious, so dark, so cool.

Lying on his back, Zuma closed his eyes and let the sound of the ocean fill his ears. The waves crashing against the sandy beach. The fish jumping in the water and sinking back in. The most heavenly song that Zuma ever heard.

His eyes snapped open and he looked around. Singing. Someone was singing, and the voice was beautiful. Like an angel from heaven, the sound of the song made Zuma's heart beat and his tail tingle. He had never heard something so lovely before, yet it sounded a bit familiar too.

He tried to look around, but as he gazed upon the shore, thinking that the person was there, he heard something splashing out of the water. Turning around, he gazed in awe as something that looked like a cross between a pup and a fish flipped in the air. The droplets of water that she carried with her twinkled in the sky from the reflective light of the moon like diamonds. Yet for all the light in the night sky, Zuma couldn't get a good look at the strange anomaly.

His mouth dropped as the creature fell into the water with a large splash. "W-wait!" shouted Zuma as he dived under, trying his best to find the creature.

He looked and swarm, but there was nobody around. Just the sea and corral. Zuma broke into the surface and couldn't believe what he had seen. Actually, he had seen such a thing before a few years ago while on vacation with his team and Captain Turbot. He just never expected to see another one so soon.

"A merpup…" whispered Zuma.

"You saw a merpup last night?!" asked Rocky in awe along with the others as they were preparing for breakfast. Even Ryder had stopped in his action of opening the newest dog chow bag in interest.

"Suwe did! And she sang the most beautiful of songs, Dude," said Zuma as the memory of last night played in his head like a movie clip.

"What did she look like?"

"Was it the same one we met last time?"

"Was it a pup or an adult?"

"You sure it was real?"

"Can we eat already! I'm starved!"

Ryder chuckled as he started pouring the food. Into their dog bowls which caused Rubble and Marshall to dig in right away. "Settle down, pups. One question at a time for Zuma."

"Why would a merpup be out here in Adventure Bay? Last time we saw one we were on the other side of the island," said Chase, rubbing his chin.

"Maybe it's looking for a friend?" asked Skye.

"Or it's just adventurous," suggested Rocky.

More theories were given out as the pups switched between eating and talking. Zuma, however, focused more on the blurry image of the pup he remembered from last night. He didn't get a good look at her, but he knew it was at least a she and looked to be his age. He wondered if the merpup was going to be there in the sea tonight or if she was already playing in the water in the day.

"I have to see her again," stated Zuma, thinking out loud which got their attention. "You Dudes want to watch with me tonight?"

"Yeah!" shouted the pups.

"Guess we're having an evening lookout at the beach tonight," said Ryder with a chuckle. "I'll bring us dinner, so all you pups bring whatever beach gear and toys you want for the evening. I have a feeling we'll be waiting awhile."

The pups agreed and went back to working on finishing their morning meal. All while thinking about the possibility of seeing another merpup.