AN: Final chapter.

Chapter 8: I See the Light – OST Tangled Mandy Moore and Zachary Levi

"Perfection." Crane almost shed a tear as he looked at the decorations for Tigress and Po's wedding. He volunteered for the task upon the two's announcement of their union a week ago.

"Excellent Crane. Have you considered a career in wedding planning?" Master Shifu asked as he checked on the flower arrangement that Crane made. He had seen him do this before when Po was supposed to marry Lu-Shang.

"You are too kind Master Shifu." He bowed then he became excited. "Will you let me plan your wedding Master Shifu? Please, please, please?" He then asked.

The red panda just sighed.

"Is Po ready?" Monkey asked as he approached both Master Shifu and Crane. "Do I look ok?" He then asked. He will be the best man of Po.

"Isn't it your job to check if Po is ready? You are the best man." Crane quipped.

"Oh yeah right. Well I shall check on him." Monkey then said as he left.


Po was nervously pacing inside his old room. He decided to stay in the noodle shop night before the wedding. It's custom for the groom not to see the bride night before the wedding.

"Po are you ready, son?" Mr Ping asked as he entered Po's room. "Look at you, you are so grown up now." He wiped an imaginary tear. "My baby is now starting his own family."

"Dad…" Po hugged his father. "I will still be here. I mean I will still be in the palace and we'll still see each other as usual. Nothing will changed except for the fact that I am married."

"Yes I know, son. Now go hurry up. Don't be late on your own wedding." Po didn't move though. His gaze fixed on his Tigress action figure. "Are you alright son?" He asked as he sensed hesitation on his son.

"Do you think Dad that I can make Tigress happy? I know I'm going to do my best to make her but will she be happy with me?"

Mr Ping understands that his son is just being nervous. After all, he is getting married. "Son, I know you will make her happy because you love her and she loves you back. We have all seen how much you two care about each other. You will make her happy son and for sure Master Tigress will make you happy too. Both of you don't even have to try. Just being with each other is already enough for both of you to beam with happiness."

Po smiled. What his father said is true. "Thanks, dad." The two hugged each other again.

"Po, are you ready?" Both Mr Ping and Po heard Monkey calling.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Po then said as he went down the stairs. Upon reaching the outside of the noodle shop he shouted. "I'm getting married!" And the crowd cheered sharing their Dragon Warrior's happiness.


"Tigress?" The tiger turned to Master Shifu. "Are you ready?" He asked. Viper was finishing her make-up. Just light as she wanted.

"Isn't she beautiful Master Shifu?" Viper then said as she finished.

"Indeed she is." Anyone can see the pride in Shifu's eyes.

"Well, I shall leave the two of you then." Viper slithered out of the room.

Silence ensued. Both waiting for the other to speak. Finally, Master Shifu spoke. "You look wonderful, my daughter." He smiled.

Tigress eyes showed sparkle of tears. "Thank you, Master Shifu." She then said.

"I can't believe how fast time flies." He took a seat next to Tigress both looking at the mirror. "I remember when I first met you at the orphanage. You were strong for your age."

Tigress then turned to look at Master Shifu. "You were the only one to believe that I am not a monster."

"Because you were not. You're just a little girl." He then gave Tigress a smile. "And now, you're a woman. My little girl is getting married."

"I am." Tigress smiled at her adopted father. "I hope to be a good wife to Po."

"And you will be. Po is an extremely lucky guy. And I am lucky too to be your master and father." The grandmaster smiled at her again. "Tigress…" he paused as if searching for words. "I… I am sorry."

The statement confused Tigress. "What for Master?" She asked.

The red panda sighed. "I have raised Tai Lung with pure love. I was always proud of him. And that love blinded me. I loved him too much to see what I am turning him into. That I promised him so much power that I unlocked the darkness in him."

"It was not your fault. It is never wrong to love. Po taught me that." She stated.

"I know that now because of Po too. Despite my age he taught me a lot. But… it was late. I was never able to show you the love you needed when you were a child. How a father should be giving his daughter piggy-back rides or tell her stories about princesses. I never even tucked you in at night." The master's eyes are now teary as he recalled Tigress' childhood. "I was your master but not your father. But despite my faults, you still followed my teachings. Every day you trained to be better than you were yesterday. To please me. To gain my pride. But I love you more than I loved Tai Lung that I became afraid… Afraid that if I show you an ounce of love, you will turn into him."

Tigress tear fell. "I… I do not blame you, Master."

"I know you don't and that's what makes it hard for me. Until the Dragon Warrior came. He opened my eyes to let me see that love doesn't make you weak. Love makes us strong. No longer do I feel the need to restrain myself from loving. And finally, I can tell you Tigress that I am very lucky to have a daughter like you. And that you bring me pride. I love you my daughter."

Tigress launched herself to Shifu and wrapped him on a tight embrace. Tears falling from her eyes. "Thank you. I love you too mas… Father. I love you very much. And I don't regret anything. I am glad you trained me not to be Tai Lung. You raised me up even though we are not related. And somewhere deep in my heart I know you love me."

Shifu pulled from her embrace and kissed the top of her head. "Thank you my daughter." He smiled. "Now I believe I have to walk you down the aisle."

Tigress smiled as she wiped her tears and proceeded outside.


The crowd remained silent as Tigress walked down the aisle accompanied by Shifu. They are at the palace grounds where the Dragon Warrior was first selected. The entire valley is in attendance for the wedding of their Dragon Warrior and Master Tigress.

"She's so beautiful." Po whispered to Monkey as he looks at his lovely bride. "I cannot believe how lucky I am."

"You may not believe it, buddy, but she is lucky too." Monkey whispered back.

Master Shifu and Tigress reached the side of Po and Master Chao, who's officiating the wedding asked, "Who gives this lovely bride?"

With happiness and pride in his eyes, Master Shifu responded, "I, Shifu, Grandmaster of Jade Palace and father of the bride." The master then allowed Po to take his daughter's hand. "Make sure you take care of her Panda or I will take care of you." He said.

Po gulped as he adjusted his neckline. "I… I will Master Shifu." He said nervously while Tigress just smiled.

Master Chao proceeded with the ceremony. Then they went to the part of exchanging vows but Tigress stopped her. "Master Chao, I am sorry to interrupt but may I say my own vows?"

Po looked at her with love. Master Chao then nodded in approval. "Go ahead Master Tigress."


All those days watching from the windows

All those years outside looking in

All that time never even knowing

Just how blind I've been


"I used to be confined in my own prison with walls I built myself. I trained and thought that I should be the Dragon Warrior. To honor my father and my people. I was blinded by my ambitions." Tigress started. The entire valley were all in attention to her vows. Po remained silent but his eyes held love for the master.


Now I'm here blinking in the starlight

Now I'm here suddenly I see

Standing here it's all so clear

I'm where I'm meant to be


"But as I stand here, in front of you, to finally be with you, I finally understand that being the Dragon Warrior is not for me because now I finally see that my destiny is to love the dragon warrior. And that is the grandest thing."

Po just stood there as if he is about to cry.


And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted

And at last I see the light

And it's like the sky is new


"You came and made me see the light. Past my ambitions. Past my pride. Past the walls I built. And it is a wonderful light."


And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything looks different

Now that I see you


"Everything is just wonderful with you beside me. And I just want to thank you for showing me how wonderful love is. I love you my Dragon Warrior and I promise to be you wife through every single bandit we have to face or every single dumpling you have to eat. Nothing will separate us. Not even death." Tigress said as he noticed Po wipe a tear on his eye.

"I love you Tigress." He then turned to Master Chao. "Master Chao, may I also say my own vows?"

"Of course Dragon Warrior."


All those days chasing down a daydream

All those years living in a blur

All that time never truly seeing

Things, the way they were


"I remember when I was young, I didn't know what I wanted to be… then out of sheer luck, I saw you and the five fighting that Boar threat. Then when I saw you finish him off, I decided I wanted to do Kung Fu. And you became my hero. Somehow, somewhat, fate showed me what I wanted to be. All I wanted then was to be with you. Fight with you. And it seemed impossible. I thought it was impossible."


Now she's here shining in the starlight

Now she's here suddenly I know

If she's here it's crystal clear

I'm where I'm meant to go


"But fate is funny that way. Good funny. Master Oogway was right. There are no accidents. I was meant to see what I saw. I was meant to be the Dragon Warrior. And we are meant to be together. I finally see it. You complete me. And when I realized I want to spend my forever with you, I want forever to start right away. As long as you're here, I know where I'm meant to be. Just beside you, my love."


And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted

All at once everything is different

Now that I see you


Po held both Tigress' hands. "With you… everything is good different. I am who I am meant to be. I love you, Tigress and our forever begins now. I promise nothing can break us apart. Even if my bones crack when we train or you roll your eyes when I do something stupid. No evil warlord can separate us. I will fight to protect you and with you to protect the others. I am just so happy that our forever begins now."

Po wiped the tears on Tigress' eyes as Master Chao spoke. "As the Hierarch of the Sacred Onyx Council, I now pronounce Dragon Warrior Po Ping and Master Tigress, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Everyone cheered as Po and Tigress shared their first kiss as husband and wife. Mr Ping wiped a tear as the five started to throw rice on the newlyweds. As they were about to head to the reception though, the gong was rang.

"Bandits, bandits!" Shouted Zeng.

"But there are so many food." Po complained as he remove his formal attire.

"No time to complain, Panda. You can eat a lot later. Then we both eat something sweeter." Tigress said seductively as she remove her wedding dress to reveal her usual training attire.

Everyone looked at the tiger. "W-what?" She asked. "We always have to be ready."

The five and Po just sighed as they trudge to the village and end the villainous villainy.

After all, the food and honeymoon can wait.

The End. Or The Beginning for Tigress and Po.

AN: Thanks again for those who read through this story. Hope that you somewhat enjoyed it. I sure did enjoy writing the story. Have a great day!