A Different Life

Written by: Gyran

Author's Note - August 2002:

Hi everyone. I know I haven't been writing in a really long time. I just want to say I'm really sorry about that. Real Life has been beating the crap outta me. Plus I wasn't quite sure where I was going to take the story. Serious writer's block has been kicking me while I was down from the beating Real Life gave me. I've recently come across some free time, so I decided to look back at my work.

Looking at this first chapter, I was disappointed about how it flowed, so I began making adjustments. Soon I was going through the whole of this chapter and making changes to dialogue and descriptions. It pretty much turned out to be a major editing. Hopefully, it is improved from the original.

I'm planning on going through the other chapters to see if they could also use some work, which I'm sure that they do. I'm still working on ideas for the next chapter, and for the rest of the fic for that matter. Hopefully, as I go through what I have already written, I'll come up with something. Keep checking back, you never know when I might actually have something new up.

Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions or anything, feel free to email me at Author's Note:

All right everyone. This is my first attempt to write a Ranma 1/2 fanfic. I don't know how well it's going to turn out so please bear with me.

This is an alternate universe fic; I believe that is the correct term. I am not certain whether to tell you what changes I made or to just start writing and let you see what I'm coming up with. Any advice about this would be greatly appreciated. For now though I'm just going to let you, the readers see what changes I have made for yourselves.

Please send comments and advice to I'll read any responses that come in, but I'm going to ignore any flames I receive since this is my first attempt.

Now we come to the usual disclaimer: Ranma 1/2 and its characters are property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am not making any profit off of this story so please don't sue me. I'm but a poor student. Any characters that I make up belong to me, if you wish to use any of them, which I highly doubt anyone would, but if you do, please ask permission first and give credit their creator, namely me. Okay, here goes nothing!


Part One: The Saotomes Move In

Japan. Tokyo. It was evening and the sky was lit with flashes of lightning, the resounding thunder echoing throughout the area. Somewhere below the storm was a simple two-story house with white painted walls and a black slate roof where a family of three resided. Were it not for the fierce storm that was raging at the time, a heated discussion could have been heard going on.

Genma Saotome and his wife Nodoka were having the discussion, although argument would be more appropriate considering the topic. The topic, incidentally, was eavesdropping on the 'discussion' from the door to his bedroom.

Little four-year-old Ranma was old enough to understand that his parents were talking about him. What he didn't understand was the reason. He knelt down on the floor and left his room, crawling over to the balcony that overlooked the first floor of the Saotome home. As he peered over the edge he saw light streaming out from the doorway leading to the kitchen. He listened as his mother's voice became angrier.

"I said no, Genma! Ranma is much to young for you to be taking him on some ridiculous training trip!" Nodoka yelled at her husband, who shrank back from her anger.

"Now, now, Nodoka," Genma said in a calming tone, hoping his irritated wife wouldn't kill him for bringing up his idea. "Ranma is old enough to begin training. After all, he is the heir to the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts. He must be properly trained if he is going to carry on the School."

"I have no problem with his being trained, Genma," Nodoka replied with a hint of steel in her voice. "However, I believe that he can be trained just as well at home as he can away from it."

"But Nodoka, dear," he went on, trying to sound reasonable. "I've been planning on taking the boy on this trip ever since he was born. It will help Ranma expand his horizons and allow him to grow as a martial artist. He will learn from me as well as others that we encounter on this journey. In doing this, I'll help Ranma grow into the best martial artist he can be."

"I see reasoning in your arguments, Genma," she said grudgingly after taking in his words. "But I still say Ranma is too young."

Genma's face fell with disappointment.

His wife looked at his expression and gave an exasperated sigh. "All right, perhaps next year, or the year after," she allowed.

"Very well, Nodoka," Genma said, his face brightening noticeably. "Until then I'll begin training Ranma here."

Ranma heard chairs scraping as his parent stood up. The light in the kitchen disappeared and footsteps could be heard. He scrambled to his feet and returned to his bedroom, shutting the door quietly. Ranma now knew why his parents were talking about him, but he still didn't understand completely. All he knew was that he was supposed to start training...whatever that was.

Later that night, when all in the Saotome home were sound asleep, an accident occurred. The thunderstorm had worsened as the night went on, the lightning becoming more violent and more frequent. It was one of these streaks of lightning that triggered the accident. A bright flash greeted the first floor of the Saotome home as the lightning bolt speared in with a thunderous boom. The house was on fire.

Ranma jolted into wakefulness upon hearing the lightning strike. He looked around in confusion as he felt the temperature of his room rise significantly. He didn't understand what was going on. All he knew was that it was getting really hot. He got out of bed and walked out his bedroom door.

Outside his bedroom, a catastrophe was raging down on the first floor. He could see furniture was ablaze and giving off tremendous amounts of heat. Ranma gave a frightened shout and ran to his parents' bedroom. He burst through the door and stumbled inside.

"Fire, Pop! House on fire!" he shouted as he entered.

"I know, boy!" Genma shouted back.

Genma and Nodoka had woken up almost immediately after the lightning had struck. It took them a moment to realize what was going on since both were heavy sleepers. For Genma it was natural, but Nodoka's heavy sleeping came from learning to block out her husband's snores. As soon as they realized what had happened, they both leaped out of bed. Then Ranma came tumbling in through the door.

Genma was moving as quickly as possible. He rushed to the bedroom door. Nodoka motioned Ranma to join her at her side as Genma decided that there was no escaping through the burning building. He closed the door to the room and grabbed a traveling pack he had prepared for his family in cases of "emergency".

"We can't get out through the house, Nodoka," he told his wife. "The fire's spread too quickly already."

Nodoka nodded and grabbed a long, silk wrapped object from beside the bed. Her other arm she put around her son.

Then the bedroom door slammed open with a burst of flame coming in afterwards. Genma quickly shouldered the pack and opened the room's only window, his wife and son right behind him. It was a good fifteen-foot drop to the ground, but he didn't hesitate as he grabbed Nodoka and Ranma before jumping out. With a light landing Genma set Nodoka down and they ran for it, Genma still holding on to his son.

Once they had reached a safe distance, the family turned around and watched. Fire trucks were now arriving on the scene, but it was too late. The house was a total loss. Genma, still carrying Ranma, put his arm around his wife as she began to weep.

"What will we do now, Genma?" she asked bitterly.

"I'm not sure," he replied, his voice heavy. "I have the 'emergency' pack here." (Emergency being anytime Genma gets into serious trouble) "There's enough money to get us a room at a hotel for a few nights, food for a few days, plus a few changes of clothes for us. After that, I don't know."

They continued to watch as the firemen put out the fire that had consumed their home. They were later questioned and then put up for the night in a nearby hotel. Ranma was silent throughout the whole ordeal.

"So what are we going to do, Genma?"

A few days later, the Saotomes still did not have any idea of where to go. Their money supply was dwindling and they had only enough for one more night at the hotel.

Genma sighed, his expression doubtful. "Well, there is only one option I can think of, but..."

"But what?" his wife demanded.

"I was thinking we could ask Soun Tendou if he could put us up."

"Soun? But his wife just..."

"I know. That is why I am reluctant to ask for his assistance. My old friend is going through a hard time right now. I do not wish to impose on him during this period. But we may have no choice, Nodoka." He looked around their hotel room. It had only one bed, a nightstand with a lamp and phone, and a bathroom. In the corner was a small table with two chairs where Nodoka and Genma sat.

"You're right Genma," Nodoka said at last. "This may be the only way."

"I don't wanna!"

Ranma sat up from the bed where he had been lying, listening to his parents' conversation.

"I don't wanna go to this Tendou! I wanna go home!"

Nodoka immediately walked over, picked up her son, and gently gave him a hug. "I'm sorry, Ranma," she said in a comforting voice, "but our home is gone now. We have to find a new one."


"Ranma my boy," Genma began, "we don't have a home right now. My friend Soun will help us to find another one."

"But I don't wanna new one pop," Ranma said miserably. "I want our old one."

"I know, son," said Genma, hugging his wife and child. "I know."

"Perhaps you'd better call Soun now, Genma."

"Perhaps you are right, Nodoka."

He walked over to the phone to place a call.

Soun Tendou was in tears. He had just received a call from his old friend, Genma Saotome. Genma had informed him of his recent misfortune that had caused Soun's bout of weeping. Ever since his wife died a few months ago, it did not take very much to send him into tears. Now, however, his grief was for his friend, and he was only too happy to take the Saotome family into his home.

Because they were set to arrive the next day, Soun had much to prepare.

"Kasumi! Nabiki! Akane!" he called out to his daughters.

Seven-year-old Kasumi, five-year-old Nabiki, and four-year-old Akane ran into the room.

"Yes father?"

"Yes daddy?"

"Yes daddy?"

"Girls," he began. "I have some important news to tell you. We are going to have some friends of mine stay here with us at the dojo."




Soun smiled at his little girls. "The Saotome Family. Genma Saotome is a very good friend of mine. He, his wife Nodoka, and their son Ranma will be staying with us."




His expression became sad and tears threatened to emerge once more. "Because, girls, the Saotomes have lost their home. It caught on fire and burned down. So my friend Genma, his wife Nodoka, and their little boy, Ranma, need somewhere to live now."




His smile returned as his daughters eyes revealed their understanding. "So we must get one of the extra rooms ready for them to stay in, alright?"

"Okay," said all three at once.

And with that ended, the four members of the Tendou household began preparations for the arrival of their guests.

The next morning, the Saotomes arrived at the Tendou Training Hall. The three were standing in front of the large wooden gate that marked the entrance to the Hall, a sign next to it reading 'Tendou Anything Goes Martial Arts Training Hall'.

Ranma stared at the entrance, his expression unsure.

"This is where we're going to live now? It doesn't look very nice."

"Just wait, Ranma," Genma told him, his voice slightly reprimanding. "We're still outside. Once we see the inside of the Training Hall, I'm sure you'll change your mind. We'll even be able to start your training in a real dojo."

"Don't worry, Ranma," Nodoka said calmly. "It will all work out." She gave him a reassuring smile. "You'll even have some other children to play with."

"I will?" he asked eagerly. "Who?"

"Mr. Tendou has three daughters, Ranma," answered his father. "Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane. Akane is your age I believe."

Ranma's face immediately scrunched up with disgust. "Ugh! Girls? You want me to play with girls?"

"And what's wrong with girls, Ranma?" his mother asked him with a stern look.

"Aw, Mom. Girls are...you know...girls. They're so...umm...well..." He faltered as his mother's eyes narrowed. "Uh, nothin' I guess."

His father chuckled. "Don't worry my boy. I'm sure you and the girls are going to get along just fine."

"If you say so, pop," He said with a sigh.

Genma turned back to the gate and pushed it open. He entered the Training hall with Nodoka and Ranma following right behind him.

Ranma gasped as he took in the site of his new home. It was beautiful. There was green grass to play on and a koi pond to splash around in. But the best part was the beyond the pond. The house was larger than his old one had been. Instead of just one building, this one had two connected to each other by a covered walkway.

Ranma stared in wonder.

"Wow!" was all he could say. He just couldn't believe his eyes. This place was a lot nicer than his old home. Maybe, he thought, maybe this place ain't gonna be so bad after all.

"Told you so, my boy," Genma said with a smirk. Then, shouting at the top of his lungs, he announced their arrival.

"Tendou! We're here!"

"Genma!" Nodoka exclaimed, shock clearly evident in her voice. "You don't just shout out that we're here!"

"Ah, don't worry, Nodoka," Genma told her, waving her protest aside. "Soun wouldn't have me greet him any other way."

"Saotome!" came a cry from the house. "My friend!"

The Saotomes turned towards the house to see a man wearing a brown gi emerging. Behind him walked three little girls.

Ranma, still not sure what to make of these people he was going to be staying with, felt quite nervous about meeting them and scrambled to hide behind his parents.

As the man and the girls approached, Ranma poked his head around his father's legs to get a better look at the people he was going to be living with. He saw a girl who was a few years older than him. She had brown hair that went a bit past her shoulders and kind brown eyes. She was wearing a simple white dress and had a kind smile.

The next girl looked to be only a little older than he was. Her brown hair came to just above her neck and her brown eyes had a mischievous look in them. Dressed in a t-shirt and overalls, she studied Ranma intently.

But it wasn't these two that he really focused on. The third girl stood out among her sisters because her hair, instead of brown like her sisters, was black. It was cropped short and made her look almost boyish. The green baseball cap she had on helped that impression along, as well as the t-shirt and jeans. Her eyes, brown like her sisters, were welcoming and friendly.

Ranma realized that he was staring at them. He quickly ducked back behind his parents.

"Ah, Tendou," Genma said, giving the other a backslapping bear-hug. "It is good to see you again, my old friend."

"It has been quite some time, Saotome," Soun replied. He turned to look at Nodoka.

"And you, Nodoka, are as lovely as ever," he told her as he gave her a welcome hug.

"Why thank you, Soun," she said. "I'm glad to see you once again as well."

"Now, where is your son?" Mr. Tendou asked, clapping his hands in anticipation. "Where's Ranma?"

"Ranma?" Genma looked behind him and found Ranma still attempting to hide. "Come now my boy. Say hello to Mr. Tendou."

Ranma slowly peeked his head around his father again. He looked up to see Mr. Tendou looking down at him. He had a kind face, brown eyes, and a smile beneath a brown mustache.

Ranma gave a hesitant smile in return. "Hello Mr. Tendou."

"It's nice to meet you at last, Ranma. I hope you like staying here."

"I hope I like it here too, Mr. Tendou. Umm...so far it looks nice." Still peeking around his father, he gave the area another look. "It's an awfully big home."

Mr. Tendou chuckled. "Yes, it is rather, isn't it? Now Ranma, these three girls are my daughters."

Ducking back behind his father again, Ranma slowly peeked his eyes around.

Mr. Tendou was smiling at him again. "Come on now, Ranma. It's all right. They won't bite."

Ranma slowly stepped out in front of Mr. Tendou as he presented his daughters to him.

"This here is Kasumi." The oldest girl stepped forward, a smile still on her face

"Hello Ranma," she greeted him kindly.

Ranma gave her a nervous smile and a little wave hello. The next daughter stepped forward as Mr. Tendou said, "and this one is Nabiki."

"Hi Ranma," said Nabiki with a smirk on her young face.

He ducked his head and replied, "H-h-hi."

"And this last one is Akane."

Akane stepped forward slowly, a bit unsure about the boy in front of her. She stood in front of Ranma, waiting for him to look at her. After a while, when he had made no move to raise his head, she began to get angry. "Hey! Are you gonna look at me or not?"

Startled Ranma raised his head to look at the girl in front of him. Her eyes were flashing with anger and she looked like she was about to hit him. He quickly looked down again.

Kasumi looked at bit shocked at Akane's words while Nabiki snickered. Mr. Tendou kneeled down behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Now, now, Akane," Mr. Tendou chided his daughter. "Ranma is just a little shy, and he needs some time to adjust. So don't get angry at him, alright?"

"Okay daddy," she said. Turning back to Ranma, she said "Hi, I'm Akane."

Ranma raised his head, confused at the change in her voice. He was slightly startled to fine her smiling at him. He returned her smile, a bit unsure.

"I'm Ranma," he said.

Her smile grew wider at his words. "You wanna be friends?"

Ranma was even more confused. A second ago this girl was yelling at him. Now she wanted to be friends. He scratched his head and mumbled, "Uh...sure?"

"Okay girls," Mr. Tendou spoke up once more. "These two here are Ranma's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saotome."

The three girls looked up at Ranma's parents. "Hello! Nice to meet you," the three of them greeted.

A thoughtful look on his face, Soun made a waving gesture with his hands and said, "Why don't you girls show Ranma around while I talk to the Saotomes?"

"Yes father."

"Yes daddy."

"Yes daddy."

"Go along with them now, Ranma," his mother told him, brushing hair out of his eyes. "Don't worry, we'll see you in a little bit."

She waved him along to follow the Tendou girls.

"Uh...okay mom."

And with that, Ranma followed the girls as they began showed him around the Tendou Training Hall. He looked back once to see his parents in deep discussion with Mr. Tendou. He sighed and continued walking around his new home.

Well that's the end of the first part. Not much really happened here I suppose. I just wanted to get everything set up. Once again let me know what you think, but no flames. If I get any, I'll ignore them 'cause I'm merely a beginner when it comes to writing Ranma fanfiction. But any advice would help. E-mail Thanks again.