JK Rowling owns all the rights to the books and the amazing characters she created. I write only to satisfy my imagination and use my creativity and make no money from my writings.

Chapter 1 – The Hearing

He just couldn't take it anymore. Tomorrow was the "hearing" when he would find out if he was going to be expelled or allowed to live his life as a wizard.

He had merely defended himself and his cousin Dudley from two Dementors and no sooner had he and Mrs. Figg (who he also found out was a Squib placed by Dumbledore to "watch over him") and managed to drag Dudley home to Privet Drive. Naturally the Dursleys blamed him and his freakiness for Dudley's condition without even giving him a chance to explain. Then the letters started arriving.

The first letter was from the Ministry saying he had been found out doing underage magic and Aurors would be coming to snap his wand because he was now officially expelled from Hogwarts. Then the letters came from Dumbledore and his lackeys telling him not to give them his wand as Dumbledore was fixing the misunderstanding.

Eventually he was "rescued" from his relatives and taken to an old spooky, filthy, broken-down house which was the family home of his Godfather. At least his Godfather was there along with Moony, the real Mad Eye Moody, Hermione and all the Weasleys except for Percy and Charlie. Also there were a lot of people he had never met who apparently were members of something called the Order of the Phoenix, an unofficial, slightly illegal, all-volunteer organization which Dumbledore had founded and ran during the last war to defeat Voldemort.

He had been furious to find out that his friends had been there for most of the summer. "Why didn't you write to me," Harry had asked. "Professor Dumbledore told us not to," Hermione had replied thinking that explained everything.

For someone who was supposed to be so smart and so well read in both the Muggle and Magical Worlds, he had expected Hermione of all people to know what Harry needed was human contact, the need to know or at least feel he wasn't alone, and he needed comfort considering all that he had been through last year. The very last thing he needed was isolation.

It was bad enough that he had been illegally entered and forced to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, been called a liar and a cheat by the entire school, especially by his supposedly best friend Ron, had had no real help except from Hermione, some from Neville and most of his real help was from the Death Eater impersonating Moody who had been the person to place his name in the Goblet of Fire.

But he had survived the first task despite all of the heavy betting against him and Ron finally "forgave him" or whatever stupid thing the human garbage disposal had said or done before inching his way back into Harry's life. Harry hadn't meant to take him back at all but somehow he just felt that hehad to take Ron back so he had.

The disastrous year ended with Cedric Diggory being callously murdered before his eyes and Harry's own blood being used to resurrect Voldemort. Then came the accusations, the denials and the slanders mostly of Harry but some against Dumbledore also. Fudge refused to accept or even try to believe that Voldemort was indeed back and had the one verifiable witness, the Moody impersonator, kissed by a Dementor before any investigation could be conducted by Amelia Bones.

Harry had been traumatized almost beyond his strength. He had also not received any treatment for the horrors he had witnessed, other than the requisite treatment of his cuts, bruises and assorted other minor physical injuries sustained in the maze and from Voldie's resurrection. He had been interrogated by Dumbledore and then despite all of his pleadings and all human decency he had been sent back to the abuse of his vicious relatives.

Hermione had asked before leaving school and when he had come to Grimmauld Place, "How do you feel Harry? You can tell us." Oh he had wanted to tell her some things, but they were things which she definitely would not want to hear. How the hell did she think he felt? But he didn't bother as she wouldn't really listen. In the past when he had attempted to confide in Hermione or Ron, the only "advice" he received was to tell a teacher – either Professor McGonagall or the Headmaster.

He had tried that, neither of them listened and he was always told he was exaggerating or making things up. Going to his relatives was the best place for him and he must be doing something to make them mad at him. Naturally Hermione always agreed with the Professors and then proceeded to chastise him and strongly suggested he learn to control his temper, be nicer to his relatives and stop making mountains out of mole hills.

She had been insulted when he had dared to yell at her and Ron for not writing. He just should have accepted the fact that Dumbledore had his reasons for them not writing to him and they were good reasons. He should be happy and grateful he was here now several weeks before the Headmaster had planned for him to leave the Dursleys, but of course, that was due to the Dementors and Harry's upcoming hearing.

He had then been forced to share a room with Ron and told to help clean up the pig sty which was Sirius' house despite the fact that Sirius owned a house elf. Mrs. Weasleys had decided the cleaning was to be done by the children without the use of magic because it was forbidden during the holidays and she would be carefully supervising their cleaning.

Why couldn't Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, Moony, the house elf and the Order members who were running in and out do the cleaning? They could use magic and the cleaning could have been done quickly and safely by the adults instead of slowly and cautiously by the children who were exposed to doxies, boggarts and other dark and dangerous creatures. But no, Molly Weasley was in charge of Sirius' house and she decided the kids would do it. Sirius said nothing, did nothing and wouldn't do a thing.

Well that wasn't completely true. When he wasn't being bossed around by Molly Weasley or groveling before Dumbledore, he was trying to help Harry - but not by doing any of the cleaning - by telling him all about James and their antics during their Hogwarts days. Ordinarily Harry would have been delighted to hear about his father but not now and not under the circumstances. Harry was worried. He might be facing expulsion and he was scared to death. "Don't worry, Dumbledore will fix everything," he had been told by everybody.

Sirius had agreed with that but then he freaked Harry out by mentioning that if for some unexplained, unforeseeable reason Harry was expelled from Hogwarts, then he could come and live with Sirius. As if that would stop Harry's worrying or "make things better" if the worse did happen.

Harry was still pissed at his friends but he was stuck with them, stuck with cleaning, listening to everybody going on about the Order, listening to Molly Weasley ordering everybody around, especially Sirius, watching Dumbledore make "guest appearances" as Harry thought to himself and watching everybody kowtowing and practically worshipping the man.

Then there were the Order meetings which the children were not allowed to attend. Harry had also been greatly annoyed with Ron's attitude. Harry had been suffering at the Dursleys and cut off from knowing about what was going on in the Wizarding World.

Hedwig had been basically kidnapped and kept from him and he wasn't allowed to have a subscription to the Daily Prophet, but then Hermione usually kept him informed about things. But he had received no letters and knew nothing while Ron and Hermione had been here in the thick of things knowing at least some of the things that were going on and Harry didn't. Ron said nothing but the smug expressions on his face told it all.

If nothing else, the days leading up to the hearing did nothing to help Harry's mood or ease the sense of foreboding he had. He wanted to be alone but was never allowed that luxury as somebody always came to drag him back to the cleaning, Hermione was pestering him about his summer homework, and Ron wanted to beat him at chess.

Sirius wanted to tell him about James or ask him about any girlfriends Harry might have and then he had to sleep in a room with Ron and listen to Ron snoring all night. At least at school, the room was a lot larger, the beds had curtains you could pull shut and the odd silencing charm could be administered but here, in the fairly small room Harry was trapped.

Harry was not getting any sleep between the snores and his nightmares about the happenings in the graveyard. He had told this to Sirius and asked him to let him have a room of his own. "Sorry Prongslet," Sirius had said, "Molly won't allow it. Says it's waste of room allotment and besides you should have the comfort of having someone in the room with you when you have those nightmares."

"Whose house is this Sirius?"

"Well mine but…"

"But what? It's your house, I'm your godson, I can't sleep because of Ron's snores and when I do I have the nightmares. "Why can't I at least have a room of my own or room with someone who doesn't snore and make the sound of a running motorboat engine being eaten by a dragon? Why can't I have a dreamless sleep potion?"

Sirius hesitated a bit before saying, "Dumbledore thinks you should just share a room with Ron as it is for the best." He didn't look Harry in the eye while telling him this.

Harry didn't say anything else, he simply walked out of the room mumbling just loud enough for Sirius to hear him say, "ball-less bastard." He knew Sirius heard but Sirius just stayed in the room not moving or saying anything.

Now it was the night before the hearing. He had been ranted at all day by Hermione about "At least start your summer homework because you know the Headmaster will get you off, so instead of goofing off with Ron, just get it done."

Sirius had overheard this and "came to his defense" of sorts. "Ah let the kid wait until after the hearing. What if he is convicted and gets expelled? He would have wasted his time doing homework."

"What a horrible thing to say," Hermione replied.

Before she could go into her usual tirade, Harry jumped in with his own opinion. "Yes Sirius that is a horrible thing to say, even in jest. What would happen to me then?"

Sirius actually smiled. "Come on pup, it wouldn't be that bad. You wouldn't have to go to school or back to the Dursleys. You would live here with me and we would finally be able to spend some real time together, you know catch up on things. I could tell you more about James, our pranks, how to get girls, how to…"

"What about magic Sirius, what about an education? I'd have no wand and no way to defend myself with Voldie back."

"Ah don't worry pup. Remus and I could protect you and Dumbledore would probably come around and allow you to get a wand. Knockturn Alley has a wand maker who is really good and whose only criteria for making a wand is the amount of galleons you have."

"BUT THAT WOULD BE ILLEGAL," Hermione shouted. "Professor Dumbledore would never allow…." And so on it went.

Harry discovered a lot during that conversation. Sirius would be thrilled if Harry was expelled. Then he could live here and they could "play" and Harry could be molded into the prefect clone of James Potter which Snape had always accused him of already being.

Sirius had said that he and Remus would protect Harry since Harry would not have a wand and he had also said "Dumbledore would probably….allow you to get a wand."

'Well fuck you Sirius Black' Harry thought. Sirius was Harry's godfather, not Dumbledore, so why would Dumbledore be the one to decide what Harry could or could not do especially since Harry would no longer be attending Hogwarts?

Another thought occurred to Harry so he interrupted the fight…er discussion which Sirius and Hermione were having.

"Sirius if the worst does happen and I get expelled and my wand snapped, and considering that Voldie is out for my blood, why don't you and I, and even Remus, just pack up and leave Britain. I can get a legal wand somewhere else, we can all be together, and I can finish my education and learn to protect myself?"

Both Hermione and Sirius went quiet. You could cut the air with a knife because the silence was so thick. They both knew something which Harry didn't. "Well Sirius, why not that?"

"Well pup," Sirius said hesitantly, "that really wouldn't be the best idea. Britain is the best place for you – it's your home. James wouldn't leave when Lily wanted him to after Dumbledore told them about the….well when Dumbledore said you and the Longbottoms had to go in hiding. Leaving home would be the coward's way out of things. No, you staying here with me and Remus and having Dumbledore and the Order to protect you, that is the best thing to do and the only….Gryffindor way… to handle things. Look, I'm sure that Dumbledore will allow you to get a wand and then Remus and I can…"

"Well there will be no need for any of that to happen," interrupted Hermione. "Professor Dumbledore will get Harry freed and he will go back to Hogwarts and…."

Hermione continued to rant on but Harry had stopped listening as he had heard all he really needed to know about everything.

The day of the hearing finally arrived and it went from bad to worse. It had gone from a hearing in Amelia Bones' office to a full blown trial before the entire Wizengamot. Times were changed and it was only by accident that Harry just managed to make it into the courtroom just as the trial was being commenced. He came in at the tail end of the charges being read so he didn't hear everything he was being accused of. Dumbledore had come storming in a mere seven minutes late, bringing Arabella Figg as a witness.

Dumbledore had it all planned and all figured out including the place and time change of the trial. Apparently he had known beforehand it was not going to be a hearing but an actual trial before the Wizengamot, but he hadn't told any of his followers and especially not Harry.

As usual he would be keeping all vital information to himself. He would swoop in, shocking and disrupting the plans of Cornelius Fudge, controlling the trial and winning the day. Once again he would become Harry's savior and the boy would be grateful and "owe him" yet again for getting him out of the trouble he had managed to get himself into.

What he didn't know was that Harry had figured this out in his first year and with each year circumstances had led the boy to believe, quite rightly, that this would continue to happen on a regular basis until whatever it was Dumbledore wanted to happened, happened.

But there were others involved in "planning" this time who not only knew Dumbledore's modus operandi but who had the opportunity and methods of disrupting the old wizard's flawless plans. What Dumbledore hadn't figured out was this time there would be more than one last minute time and place change. A second last minute time change had been sent and Harry had only arrived "on time" because he was extra early.

Now those seven minutes had seen to Harry's destruction as the boy had no legal representation, no witness, even if it were only a Squib, no chance to properly answer to the charges he had not really heard let alone to defend himself.

It had only taken two minutes, 15 seconds for the trial to proceed (with Harry missing the first minute), Harry to just stand there and sputter and not able to give an answer to the questions he hadn't heard being asked, and for Cornelius Fudge to demand, "All those in favor of a guilty verdict," hands to be raised and very quickly counted, then "All those in favor of an innocent verdict" with another quick count, done before Fudge banged down the gravel stating "Guilty as charged" and pronouncing the sentence.

Dumbledore had just hurried in to see a giggly, smiling Delores Umbridge holding the pieces of Harry's broken wand as Fudge finished up saying "and the contents of his trust vault confiscated. Case closed."

Shouting and even some cursing had broken out in the courtroom as a very angry Albus Dumbledore barged his way in. Harry was being roughly escorted towards the door by an Auror who only stopped when he was called to help quell the noise in the court. "I'll see myself to the front desk," a very angry Harry had announced to the Auror who at this point wasn't paying the least attention to the convicted. It was then Harry saw Mrs. Figg, gently grabbed her arm and led her out of the courtroom.

The first thing Harry saw was the imposing figure of Lucius Malfoy blocking his way. The man was always insufferably arrogant at the best of times, but now the expression on his face and the words starting to form on his uber smug, superior-looking face could just not be allowed to be said if Harry had anything to say about it.

Since the best defense is an unexpected offense, Harry spoke first and fast. "Well Lucille, you can tell your snake-face, half-blood master that he might have won the second round – since by escaping I won the first – but it isn't really over until the fat lady either sings or skins the snake."

With that said, Harry very quickly kicked Lucius Malfoy very hard in the Malfoy family jewels. The wizard gasped in pain and started dropping slightly as Harry deftly grabbed Malfoy's walking stick which contained his wand. He then whacked him on the back with it causing Lucius more serious pain.

"You can pick this up at the front desk," Harry informed Malfoy as he graciously escorted a stunned and slightly aghast Mrs. Figg towards where he remembered he had entered with Arthur Weasley. As they walked past Malfoy, who was still slightly bent over, Harry gave him a sharp shove and the wizard fell to the floor.

For one moment Harry strongly considered placing the walking stick/wand into a part of the Malfoy anatomy where the sun don't shine but no, Mrs. Figg was present and she was an elderly lady so he should merely continue to escort her to safety and mind his manners. He did, however, render a sharp kick to the posterior of the arrogant wizard and he had the pleasure of hearing something which might have been a head banging into a wall, but he did not turn around to confirm his hypothesis.

Eventually they reached the front of the Ministry, a floo was pointed out to them and Harry, as promised, handed in Malfoy's walking stick to a puzzled employee. The employee was puzzled as the elegant stick was broken in three as was the handle of the stick which apparently fitted inside the cane. Thus the desk clerk was handed three broken pieces of the long part of the cane and two broken pieces of the handle which had been inserted into the stick.

Harry knew how the floo worked to get back to Grimmauld Place by listening in when people left, but he wasn't supposed to use it, but now he had Mrs. Figg to take care of (and wonder why she was even here), so he whispered the floo code he had heard others use and taking her hand so she could enter the floo with him and thus enter Headquarters both he and Mrs. Figg arrived earlier than expected at Grimmauld Place.

"Dumbledore fucked up, the Ministry won, I've been expelled, my wand's been snapped, my trust vault confiscated and KNOW THIS - anybody who dares to say anything to me today will be kicked in the nuts if male or punched in the face if female," Harry announced to the assembled crowd who were sitting at the kitchen table stuffing their faces with the breakfast Mrs. Weasley had made.

Of course a little thing like listening to, let alone respecting Harry's wishes, would never stop Molly Weasley. She automatically started asking questions, yelling at him for saying the "F" word let alone in the same sentence as using Dumbledore's name and who knew what else she would have shouted out if Harry, almost true to his threat, pushed the platter full of hot scrambled eggs which she had been carrying over to the table up into her face. That shut her up – for a second or two – until she began screaming (the eggs weren't that hot but it was the principal of the thing in Molly's opinion).

Just to be thorough, he picked up and dumped a basket of toast on top of Hermione's head and punched Ron in the face so hard the boy fell off his chair and nearly choked on the mouthful of sausage he had been stuffing down his bottomless gullet. He then left the room.

Sirius Black might be an intelligent man but he was also a fool and despite hearing what Harry had said and seeing what he had done, he went after his godson. He caught up with Harry just as the boy reached the top of the stairs. "Harry, what was all that about…."

True to his warning, Harry kicked his godfather in his jewels and continued on his way. He managed to make it up to the attic, shut the door and started moving assorted heavy boxes in the front of the door, while calling out the name "Dobby." The house elf appeared immediately.

For once the excitable elf didn't say a thing. He just looked at Harry's face and knew what had happened.

"Dobby, we need to initiate Plan A immediately." Harry then handed the elf his glasses. Dobby destroyed them. Dobby then banished off all of Harry's clothes. He had been wearing his best Wizarding clothes namely his school uniform. Dobby then snapped his fingers and Harry was dressed in a very presentable Muggle outfit. When this was done Harry announced "to the lair." With that both elf and wizard apparated out of the attic and away from his prison.