the morning sun's light shined upon pride rock as a new prince,the son of King Simba and Queen Nala,was born today.
Simba and Nala's daughter,Kiara,looked at her newborn brother with a smile on her face.
''Dada,he's adowable.'' Kiara said and Simba smiled.
''Indeed he is...what should we name him?'' Simba asked Nala,who chuckled.
''Simba,maybe we should let Kiara decide..I mean,she is the big sister now.'' Nala suggested and Simba nodded.
''Kiara,what do you want to name him?'' Simba asked his daughter.
'' abowt Kion?'' Kiara replied
''That's a good name,wouldn't you say?'' Simba asked Nala,who nodded.
''Sure is…'' Nala agreed,then looked at her newborn son,'' are destined for great things…''
5 months later…
''Catch me if you can!'' a cheerful voice said.
''Oh I can,Bunga!Just watch!'' a slightly older,but still child voice said.
Bunga the honey badger and Prince Kion were best friends since they were a month the honey badger had crazier ideas and was more of a daredevil than anything,Kion was also pretty daring,but always followed his parents' rules to avoid trouble with them.
Bunga jumped over a log while throwing up a baobab fruit,which Kion caught with his mouth,then ran ahead of Honey Badger jumped on branches in trees,then snatches the baobab fruit out of Kion's mouth and kicked it over his head,causing a giraffe to duck from the baobab fruit coming at it.
''WHOA!'' Kion yelled,then both he and bunga ran after the baobab fruit that was flying towards pride rock.
as Kion and Bunga ran after the baobab fruit,Kion spotted Kiara's friends,Tiifu and Zuri.
''Hi Tiifu,hi Zuri!'' Kion shouted as he passed the 2 lioness cubs.
''...He's so weird.'' Zuri groaned.
''Yeah...but i like that about him.'' Tiifu said,then both of the cubs walked off.
later at pride rock.
Simba and Kiara were standing at the edge of pride rock while looking at the sunrise.
''Everything the light touches is a part of our kingdom..the pridelands..ruling it is a big responsibility,Kiara..and some day,when you're queen-'' Simba started,but both him and Kiara heard Kion's voice.
''HEADS UP!INCOMING!'' Kion screamed as the baobab fruit hit Simba in the head.
''Kion!'' Kiara said as the young prince ran in front of her and Simba.
''Oh!S-Sorry and Bunga were playing baobab ball-'' Kion started,but was interrupted by Bunga.
''And Kion couldn't handle the pass!'' Bunga finished and Kion growled.
''What!?A giraffe couldn't handle it!You kicked it over my head!'' Kion snarled and pushed Bunga with his paw.
''Kion!'' Simba scolded as Bunga throw the baobab fruit over Kion's head and caught it.
''And you couldn't handle it.'' Bunga said with a smile.
''Oh yeah?Try to handle THIS!'' Kion said,then pounced at Bunga,causing them to do tug of war with the baobab ball.
''BOYS!'' Simba shouted,causing Kion to let go of the fruit,''Kion..I need to talk to your 'll be tracking gazelles with her friends today.''
''Tiifu and Z-'' Kion started,but was interrupted by Kiara.
''Because I'm training to be-'' Kiara started.
''Queen of the pridelands,yeah yeah,I know all about it Kiara!'' Kion finished.
''At least I have MY life figured out'' Kiara scoffed,''what are you gonna grow up to be,little brother?''
''Happy?'' Kion replied.
''Alright you two,that's enough.'' Simba started,''Kion,how about you and Bunga go play somewhere else?''
''Good idea!Let's go,Bunga!'' Kion said,then ran off with Bunga following him.
Note:The last scene is based off of Return of the Roar.
Shout out to Asante,Incarnate Firefly,OnoKeenestOfSight17 and Carmen738