"Look at you two," the obnoxiously cheerful, and equally obnoxiously skinny, Lamaze coach crooned as Oliver helped Felicity to her feet.

How dare she be so… so… energized when Felicity felt like she needed to take an eighteen hour nap? Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile, telling herself it wasn't this bubbly brunette's fault that she felt exhausted whale all the time. It was just the miracle of birth.

And what a miracle it was. This baby had a habit of kicking her in the bladder until she peed herself.

"A power couple even in Lamaze class," the coach finished with a brilliant smile.

She felt Oliver stiffen slightly where he was still holding her elbow for support, which caused her to open her big, stupid mouth.

"Oh, we're not a couple. Nope, just friends. Friends and co-parents. Yup."

Oliver twitched beside her, clearing his throat, and effectively ending her mini-babble.

The woman, Miss Jane as she'd asked to be called like she was teaching kindergarten instead of Lamaze, looked between them for a moment before smiling again, though it looked a little more awkward this time around. "Well, I'm sure you guys will be great at it. I hope you'll bring Baby back to visit once they're born!"

Felicity gave her a polite, tight lipped smile. She was ready to go home, have something to eat, and relax on the couch for a while. She'd been on her feet at work all day and then this class… She was beyond ready to call it a day.

Of course Oliver, being Oliver, smiled brightly at the woman. "Of course! Can't believe it's almost time."

Miss Jane smiled back at him, and the look in her eye made Felicity clench her jaw.

"From what I can tell," Miss Jane said, reaching out to touch Oliver's wrist, "you're going to be a great father. And I can't wait to meet this little guy." She gestured to Felicity's stomach without looking away from Oliver. "I bet he's going to be just as handsome as his Daddy."

"We haven't actually found out the sex yet—"

"Oliver," Felicity interrupted sharply, "I'm hungry."

"Oh." He turned to look at her and she graced him with a, hopefully, innocent smile. "Alright. Well, thank you," he said, turning back to Miss Jane. "It was a great class."

Without another word, Felicity looped her arm through Oliver's and tugged him out of the classroom.


"You're making a big deal out of nothing. She was just being nice."

Felicity gaped at him as he opened the car door for her. "A big deal—Oliver, she was batting her eyes at you."

"It was harmless flirting. Besides you're the one who told her we weren't together."

"We aren't together!"

"I know that, but we're not not together."

"That's…" Felicity flailed her hands frustratedly by her sides. "I only said that because you got weird when she called us a power couple."

"I didn't get weird," he argued.

"You froze!"

"Because I knew you were about to get weird. You always do whenever anybody brings up our relationship."

"Well, it's complicated! And no one's business."

Oliver softened, reaching out to give her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I know that. And I'm not interested in Miss Jane, just so you're aware. I'm already very much in love with the beautiful, tech goddess who's having my baby."


He could be so sweet sometimes. It always made her want to forgive all the stupid things he'd done.

They'd discussed it, the mistakes he'd made—mistakes they'd both made—and she knew he hadn't acted maliciously when he'd kept his son a secret from her. He'd explained, to the best of his ability, that he'd been scared. Scared of messing things up, scared he wouldn't be a good father, that he didn't deserve to be. Oliver believing he didn't deserve good things wasn't exactly news to Felicity, but it did go to show her that she'd been deluding herself these past months. It was just that he was so perfect most of the time and then he… wasn't. It scared her for awhile, until she'd realized she may have been projecting some of her abandonment issues into him. Oliver wasn't her father, and even though keeping secrets from her wasn't ideal he only did it because he—foolishly—thought it was the right thing to do. They'd had a long talk about that and come to an agreement about what it all meant for their relationship.

It had gone better than she'd hoped it would.

Still, she wasn't sure it was time to change their relationship status from it's complicated to... something else. Not with this baby getting ready to pop out of her and her feeling over emotional all the time and exhausted. So, so exhausted. But soon. After the baby was—

A gush of water rushed down her legs, soaking her leggings.

"—we're going to have to come to a decision about this sometime," Oliver was saying as she glanced up at him in panic.


"I know, I know. I'm not rushing you—"


Finally, he looked at her, his eyes going wide as he noticed her look of pure panic. "What's wrong?"

"I… I think my water just broke."


It took Oliver maybe five minutes to drive her from their Lamaze class to the hospital. It took almost an hour after that before she was comfortably settled in a private room.

Well, maybe not comfortably…

"Just breathe, baby," Oliver muttered from beside her bed.

As if it were that easy.

She could kill him. She really could.

"We are never having sex again!" she roared through a contraction.

The nurse, a grey haired woman, snorted from where she was writing something on Felicity's chart. "Don't worry. They all say that." She glanced up and gave Felicity a warm smile. "Dr. Cochran is just cleaning up. She'll be in in a few minutes to check on you."

Felicity took a deep breath, trying to relax as the contraction passed. The nurse left, leaving her with a guilty looking Oliver.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly, and suddenly she felt awful.

"Yeah. It just sucks, that's all. I'm sorry."

Oliver reached out, brushing her sweaty hair off her forehead. "I'm sorry it hurts. I'd do anything to take the pain away. Are you sure you don't want the drugs—"

"No." She shook her head. "I can do it without them."

He brushed a hand over her hair again, smiling sweetly. "I know you can. You're the strongest person I know."

Tears caught in her eyelashes and she sniffled. "I love you."

It was the first time she'd said that in… awhile. She watched the words hit him like a ton of bricks before he shot her a watery smile.

"I love you, too."

He leaned in to chastely brush his lips against hers, but she pulled him in, needing more than just a fleeting kiss. She needed all of him. Needed to know he was hers and that he always would be. He responded eagerly, as if he needed her just as much.

They only pulled away when another contraction hit her. He coached her through it, just like they'd learned in Lamaze class. He held her hand and she squeezed his back so tightly that he, the Green Arrow himself, actually winced at her vice-like grip.

"Oliver?" she panted as soon as the contraction ended. "Marry me?"

His mouth fell open and he gaped at her for a long moment, before a startled laugh ripped from his throat. "Yes," he wheezed, grinning down at her. "Whenever you want."

"How 'bout right now?"

"Now… what?"

"Call me sentimental," she said with a shrug, "but I just really want to be married to you before this baby is born."


And she knew what he was thinking. That she was letting her emotions get the best of her. That the pain was making her crazy. And maybe it was. But if she knew anything at all it was that she wanted to be married to this man for the rest of her life.

"This baby… It won't fix us. I know that. So we'll just have to do it ourselves. I mean, we already have been. And I know we'll have more problems, we'll fight, but… You're the best friend I've ever had, Oliver, and the love of my life and if I'm going to spend the rest of that life with anyone it's going to be you. It's the only thing that makes sense. So will you marry me?"


No doubt. No hesitation. Just a simple yes and a blinding smile that she was sure she'd remember for the rest of her life.

He leaned down to kiss her again, but before she could get lost in the feeling of his lips against hers, a familiar voice greeted them.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I heard you two were about to have a baby."

Felicity broke away from Oliver to see her OBGYN standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. Dr. Cochran was a lovely woman, only a few years older than her, but she had an incredibly calming effect on Felicity whenever they spoke. It was one of the reasons she'd gone with the young doctor in the first place.

Dr. Cochran quickly examined Felicity, making sure everything looked good, and announcing that it wouldn't be much longer. That was both a relief—because her mother had never let an opportunity pass to remind her of how she'd been in labor for thirteen hours and in contrast an hour and a half labor seemed like a gift—and terrifying. Was she ready for this baby? Was she ready to be someone's mother? And she'd just asked Oliver to marry her. They wouldn't have enough time now…

"Does this place have, like, a rabbi or a priest or something?"

Dr. Cochran paused, clearly not expecting the question. "The hospital has a chaplain, yes."

"Good, good. Can you get them up here, please?"

The doctor glanced between her and Oliver, nodding her head. "Of course."

"Felicity?" Oliver asked as soon as they were alone again.

"Marry me," she said again, causing Oliver to laugh, though it was more amused than startled this time.

"I think I already answered that question," he teased.

"Is this crazy?" She was pretty sure it was nuts, but…

"Yes. But I'm in if you are."

And that was all the answer she needed.


The chaplain, it turned out, was with another patient, and wasn't able to get to them for another twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes of pure torture as her contractions came closer and closer together. Dr. Cochran had come back into the room wearing gloves and a face mask, like she was fully prepared to deliver the baby right then, but Felicity was holding out.

"Felicity," the doctor said, "you need to start pushing."

"No! Not yet. I'm not ready yet."

Oliver held her hand, his thumb brushing gently over her knuckles. "Honey..."

"Felicity, this baby doesn't care if you're ready. It wants out."

Just then there was a knock at the door and Felicity turned to see a young man with curly brown hair standing in the doorway. He wore a button down shirt and slacks, a white collar around his neck like you see on priests in movies.

"Someone called for a chaplain?" he asked, taking in the scene before him with wide eyes.

"Oh, thank god." She sighed in relief. "Come in."

Following her lead, Oliver turned to the priest. "Will you marry me and my... my fiancé? She's pregnant."

"I noticed that," the man said, then shook his head. "Do you have a license? It won't be legal if you don't—"

"Doesn't matter!" Felicity said through gritted teeth as she tried to breathe through another contraction.

"We'll take care of that later," Oliver assured him.

"Alright, guess we should make it quick then." He started to say a prayer Felicity had never heard before, but was quickly interrupted by Dr. Cochran.

"Sorry, Father, but you're going to have to be a little quicker than that."

The chaplain looked flustered for a moment, but quickly regained his composure, turning toward Oliver. "Do you…?"

"Oliver!" Felicity supplied.

"Do you, Oliver, take…?"

Felicity was too busy trying to control her breathing to respond, so Oliver replied with a soft, "Felicity."

"Do you take Felicity as your lawful wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

Tears streamed down Felicity's face and only some of them were from the pain of childbirth.

"Felicity?" the chaplain started, cautiously. "Do you take Oliver as your—"

Another contraction hit her so hard that she had to start pushing. And it hurt. Dear god, it hurt. But Dr. Cochran was there, along with a few nurses, quietly and calmly cheering her on.

"Felicity," Oliver breathed in amazement, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Yes! Yes!" She gritted out. "I do!"

"Come on, Felicity!" Dr. Cochran encouraged. "Another big push."

She could barely concentrate enough to hear the chaplain pronounce them husband and wife, but she felt Oliver bury his face in her hair. She heard him whispering, "I love you," over and over again.

She heard their baby cry as she finally came into the world.