Title : Searching for the Sky

Summary : In a maze without an end, what else can you do but continue walking? But if the journey made is with you by my side, then I wouldn't mind walking for eternity. "Don't touch my brother, asshole." [SI/OC as Luffy's younger twin sister]

Disclaimer : I do not own One Piece.

Dying was a strange thing.

There was no 'see your life flash before your eyes' moment the movies were so fond of depicting, nor was there any 'light at the end of the tunnel'. Time did seem to slow down though, as if life itself was trying to delay the inevitable.

The world didn't stop revolving. Time went on as usual, without a hitch. You didn't burst into a million fragments as your soul disintegrated and joined the celestial heavens above as stars.

There weren't any field of flowers or heavenly choirs or large, pearly white gates slowly swinging open as you neared them.

There wasn't a little red man with pointy horns and a pitchfork welcoming you into the fiery depths of the underworld either. There was no river to cross, no price to pay.

But there was time. The one single moment that stretched so long it seemed closer to eternity.

You think to yourself, 'Oh, I'm dying', and then there was pain. Not physical, the kind that was bound to the world through your body, but the insubstantial kind. The kind that seeped through your bones to grind at your very soul.

It was the absolute, crushing sadness that came when the realisation set in that you were going to lose everything. Your family, your friends, your past, present, futureā€¦ What had been and what could be. Your dreams and regrets.

You feel all those in that eternity of a second.

And then there was nothing.

And then you were gone.

"No, Luffy." I sighed, gently taking the wooden block from his hands and placing it to the side. "You can't eat those."

The toddler let out a pitiful whine at having his toy (and potential meal) taken away from him and turned to me, lips trembling and eyes shining with unshed tears.

"B-But..." He said earnestly. "Hungwy."

"Okay." I said agreeably. I could tell by the way he had been gnawing at my hair for the past few minutes that he was indeed hungry. A quick glance at the clock hanging by the wall told me it was nowhere near our mealtime yet, but something as insignificant as time never stood a chance against Luffy's stomach.

I pulled myself up from the floor slowly, carefully balancing myself on my pudgy hands. My motor coordination had much to be desired since I was essentially forced upon a baby's body, but at the very least I took pride in the fact that I seldom fall over when walking.

I held out a hand to my brother, and Luffy's eyes lit up at the gesture, immediately understanding my intentions. He grabbed my hand and tugged himself to his feet, grinning proudly when he managed to stand up without stumbling.

He curled our fingers together, and I gave my best effort to move to the kitchen with him clinging to me like a koala... Or maybe 'monkey' would be more accurate. He does have 'Monkey' in his name after all.


Dying was a strange thing indeed,

But so was reincarnation.

I don't remember what caused the death (and I don't really want to, to be honest), and neither do I remember being born.

The feeling of dying, however, the emotions in that very last moment... were something I would never forget, and something that I never wanted to experience again.

Which was a pipe dream, unfortunately. I would go through it again, at the end of this life. The feeling of losing everything, and having to repeat the process again in another life, over and over.

But that was too depressing a thought to be thinking of right now, at the tender age of 2. I still had my whole life in front of me, provided I didn't do something stupid and get myself killed (again). Right now my only priority was getting Luffy something to fill his stomach with, before he decides that my clothes suddenly look appetising...

"Walk properly, Luffy." I admonished lightly, turning to him with a frown. "I can't move like this."

Luffy grinned mischievously as he pressed his weight further against me. I flailed wildly for lost balance, realising what this brat was trying to do, but eventually fell to the ground with an 'oof'. Luffy fell on top of me, landing with his elbow in my gut, and I let out a low whine of pain.

"Oof!" He mimicked, bursting into giggles at the exasperated look I sent him.

This was Luffy, full name Monkey D. Luffy, also known as my elder twin brother. Also known as the protagonist of the (supposedly) fictional manga One Piece, who aspired to become the Pirate King and would no doubt end up with that dream fulfilled by the end of the series.

...Also soon to be known as my cause of death if he didn't get off my chest right now because I could not breathe-

I wheezed in relief when the weight on my chest was finally lifted as he did an impressive render of a barrel roll (for a 2 year old anyway) and flopped beside me.

"Oof!" He said again, and turned to me, eyes shining expectantly.

"Yes, Luffy." I smiled. "Oof is the sound you make when you're in pain." (somewhat)

Worry immediately flooded his features. "Pain? Mana, pain?"

I shook my head, still smiling. "I'm fine now. No pain."

He squinted at me. "Weally?"

"Yes, really."

That seemed to satisfy any worry he had about me, as he promptly launched himself to tackle me to the ground just as I started to pick myself up. "Oof," I said again, and Luffy burst into another fit of giggles.

He locked his arms and legs around me and nuzzled my shoulder, still giggling childishly. He was getting sleepy, I could tell, by the way his wide eyes were drooping and he was wiggling around trying to make himself more comfortable with me as his personal cuddle pillow.

Luffy had always been very touchy-feely when showing affection, and I found that out when I ended up with him literally clinging onto me for everything we did. In fact, I could tell people we were conjoined twins and they would probably believe me.

(Well, actually no. They would most likely freak out first. I don't act enough like how a 2 year old is supposed to.)

"Mana..." The little bundle of sunshine by my side mumbled drowsily.



I smiled, and ran my tiny little fingers through his hair. "Maybe later. Sleep first."

Luffy nodded his agreement, but was already sleeping contentedly in a split second. I felt my own eyelids droop at the comfortable warmth he was radiating, and snuggled closer to nestle against him. Luffy would be fully charged with energy after his little nap and no doubt be screaming for food the moment he wakes up, so I might as well take the opportunity to rest up myself.

Babies were surprisingly high maintenance. Or low maintenance, depending on how you looked at it.

...Reincarnation was strange. Being reincarnated with memories of a past life even stranger, and being reincarnated as the twin sister of a (supposedly) fictional character, well...

My name is Monkey D. Mana, younger twin sister to Monkey D. Luffy, two years old and already hopelessly attached to my brother. Dreams for the future include helping Luffy achieve his dream among other things, and living the second life I've been given to the fullest.

Which at least included not dying until my precious brother became Pirate King, or whatever he wanted to be.

This is my story, at the end of one life,

And the beginning of a brand new adventure.

AN : Hm... Well then. The idea has been buzzing around my head for awhile so... why not? A bit short, but it's just the first chapter.

Reviews and constructive criticisms are always appreciated! Do notify me if you guys spot any mistakes I might have missed.

See you in the next chapter!