Ch 24 Epilogue: A Year Later

The sun rose over Jump City with a clear blue sky to match. It was undeniably a beautiful day, and the sun found its way through the blinds of an apartment building window and into a bedroom where the body of the green changeling rose from his bed.

The news had hit him hard a year ago when he left Titans Tower. It had been a difficult day to say goodbye to his friends, but he hadn't moved too far away. He was still in Jump City. It has proved to be another difficult choice because he sometimes had to deal with what people had to say about the lives he had taken, but he put it behind him. He never found out what Galtry had done to him, and he didn't care. His friends and family lived in the city, and he wasn't leaving them. If he could help in any way, he would. It was just the kind of guy he was.

Garfield felt movement next to him in bed, and he turned his body away from the sun's rays to see Raven smiling at him. "What are you doing awake so early?" she asked as she moved to sit up, making sure the blanket covered her naked body.

"After all this time you're still shy," he smirked.

Raven had left with Beast boy a year ago. It was her decision alone and no one was going to change her mind. She was sad to go, but she realized they were never that far away from their friends, which gave her comfort.

Getting their own apartment had been new for both of them. Living together was nothing new but sharing a bedroom was another adventure. They both had to get use to each other's sleeping habits and behaviors, which wasn't easy. In the end they made it work. Within the year they gave into their instincts and had sex.

"Shut up," she said before the changeling pounced on her, trapping her with his body. She couldn't help but laugh. She was happy, more happy then she had been in a long time. Looking up at him, she saw his smile and melted as their lips met.

"I can't live without that smile, without that laugh of yours Rae," he said as he caressed her face. "I love you."

"I love you to Garfield but our friends and my family are coming over soon, and you need to make lunch for them," she smirked. "Later I promise—He kissed her long and passionate before he picked her up, racing into the bathroom.

The End