I do not own any Disney characters named herein, and am only borrowing them to tell a tale meant for entertainment purposes only.
Kim Possible: Flirting With the Enemy
By LJ58
"You want to explain this one, Princess? Because we both know it's you under that hood," Shego finally demanded after dropping Drakken off at his most secret hiding place ever, AKA his mother, before they took off in the green-skinned woman's jet.
The woman behind her in the jet only chortled, but pulled off her mask as Shego glanced back at her laugh. "What gave me away?"
"Okay, what the hell did you do to yourself, because the last time I checked, you did not have super-strength? Even your suit didn't pack that kind of punch."
"Funny you should mention that," the redhead grinned.
"I finally pulled my own caper," she told her. "The beauty of it is, so far no one even realizes what I've done, so no one is even looking for me. Aren't you proud," she asked Shego a little smugly.
"Okay, you'd better explain that one right now before I pull this jet over, and…."
Shego squeaked as she realized Kim was now six inches tall, and had just crawled up to sit in her lap. The jet rolled slightly, almost throwing the redhead to the floor, but Shego recovered, activated the autopilot, and gaped at her as she lifted the six inch Kim up in one hand.
"I solved our problem," she smiled, apparently content to sit there in her Shego's hand.
"Why…are you using….my brothers' powers? In fact, how are you using their powers?"
"You meet the funniest people at college," Kim told her. "I've been visiting with a guest lecturer lately," she told her.
"Dr. Hall. Amy Hall."
"Oh…no," the comet-powered woman groaned.
"Oh, yes. She's quite brilliant. And, she had the most ferociously clever idea when I explained our problem."
"Our….problem? You told her about….?"
"Us? Well, not everything, but she is pretty smart. Then she told me about this mystic jewel she had seen at a Beijing museum that was supposed to be able to drain mystic, or cosmic energies, and put them into new hosts."
"And that led to this….how," Shego groaned, thinking that one sounded horrifically familiar.
"Well," Kim grinned on, "Amy admitted she had been studying you for some time for a cousin who likes to call himself Avi…..
"…Arius," Shego groaned.
"Yeah. I guess you do know him. He is the unforgettable sort," Kim grinned, recalling a certain incident in which she had helped save Team Go from the loon. "Turns out, the power-draining jewel he used then wasn't the only one of its kind made by a certain group of monks."
"Just get to the part where you have my brothers' powers," she groaned as she eyed the diminutive redhead grinning up at her.
"She told me about that new jewel recently found by some expedition, and how I might be able to use it to….borrow their powers to help you. And to….be with you," Kim smiled up at her. "So, I snatched the jewel, hunted down your brothers, and bled off a little of their comet powers without their ever even knowing I was even there since I didn't take all their power like Bird-brain tried. Then I used the jewel to give me their powers before I tracked you down, and broke you guys out," Kim explained.
"You do know Cyclops is going to be hunting you more than ever now," Shego told her. "You just managed to put a real big target on your pretty backside this time, Princess," she swore.
"So, you do think my backside is pretty," she beamed.
"Kimmie, I'm serious. After what you did…."
"Don't you mean what Shade did? And she's not going to find Shade. Or you," Kim continued to smirk smugly now. Which was actually starting to irritate the green-skinned woman.
"What are you babbling about now, you loon? She had already figured out who we were. By the time you get back to Hong Kong, she's probably going to have half GJ ready and waiting….."
"She already has agents watching me. They just never saw me leave, because 'I' didn't go anywhere," Kim replied smugly.
"Amy is quite bright, I believe I said. She turned one of her….pets into a perfect copy of me. So for the entire time Shade has been busy, Kim Possible has been sitting and sharing a very innocent, and casual visit with her newest professor in Dr. Hall's faculty guest quarters back in Hong Kong. So, no problem."
Shego gaped.
"So…..they'll think you never even left….?"
"Exactly," Kim flashed her a smirk as realization dawned.
"Okay, but how does that help me," Shego complained.
"I was actually already working on that one. Sit me down," she grinned.
She did, and Kim hopped down, and climbed into the back to regain her own size before she handed her a small MP3 player over the seat. "I made something for you. It's taken a while, but I finally ironed out the last of the bugs with the tweebs' help."
"Tweebs….? Oh, right. Your weird brothers."
"Who are actually real geniuses," she pointed out. "And love a challenge."
"So…. What? I can download any song I want without fear of being caught," she huffed, eyeing the small device she was given.
"Actually, it creates a holographic overlay that will let you appear to be anyone you want, as long as you want, and no one will ever know the difference. In fact, it's so convincing that you could walk right past my Dr. D, and she'd never even know it was you."
"You're kidding?"
"Try it. I already put one image on it that you might enjoy. You can download and program other looks as you like, want, or need."
Shego switched on the power button, thumbed the menu up, and saw S1 listed in the otherwise empty file list. Activating the program, she gasped as she saw her hands turned a very natural tan without the slightest hint of green. Looking into the dash, she saw her own face reflected back, but it now looked like a normal, noncomet-powered human being.
"Holographic emitters that create a hard-light barrier like your stealth cloak. Only instead of hiding you, it masks your appearance. You can virtually become anyone you want."
"Good Lord, Pumpkin. You've really become an evil genius. You could give Dr. D…. My Dr. D….a run for his money," she exclaimed.
Kim only giggled from the back.
"So, does this mean you're going to be…..a bad girl? Are you really joining the bad guys," Shego dared ask now.
"Good guys. Bad guys. Screw 'em both," Kim declared. "I just want my Shego," she said, and put a possessive hand on her shoulder.
Shego suddenly found her throat knotting as she realized it was a good thing the autopilot was still engaged.
"I just want us to be together, Shego. That's all. Nothing else matters. I know we can't say how this is going to work. Or if it will last. Or how it will even go for us. But….I'd like to at least try. I've found something….someone special this past year. I'd like to see if we can last. Or was I wrong in thinking you felt the same?"
Her hand squeezed Shego's shoulder again.
"I always wanted to see Hong Kong without the cops chasing me," Shego murmured after a moment as she reached up to cover that small hand with her own.
"How do you feel about college students," Kim asked impishly.
Shego couldn't help but smile. "Well…" Then she gaped, and asked, "What the hell is that," she pointed.
"I just realized that I've got a stray signal off our starboard, and…."
"Oh, that's my car. I activated the auto-pilot so it would follow us since we both took your jet after bailing on Betty."
"Follow us… You have a car that flies," she gaped.
"I said the Tweebs were geniuses. That's not all it does. Wait till you see it," Kim grinned.
Shego only shook her head, muttering about strange redheads.
"Any news?"
"Shego and Shade have both gone to ground," Will Du reported as he came into Betty's office a few days later, one arm still in a sling, with a large bandage over his left temple. "Lipski remains holed up in his mother's house, and isn't even making phone calls just now so far as we can ascertain."
"Tell me X has found something?"
"Nothing. Possible still remains in Hong Kong, but she has been recently joined by a brunette of about the same age who is now attending sociology classes. They also appear to be more than….roommates," Will said in disgust. "Before you ask, I learned that the woman is apparently a debutante of sorts with a questionable past that records indicate was apparently raised in the South Pacific by expatriates once suspected of treason back in the fifties. Both parents died some years back, leaving the woman on her own, but the daughter is apparently politically neutral by all accounts."
"I see. That does explain the comments regarding Kimberly's crush. What of the ninja band behind Shade? Do we have any new leads," Dr. Director demanded.
"No clues at all," Will admitted sourly. "Not one. We have been unable to find out where they came from, or who they might have been."
"So, in short, Shego, and this…Shade, are simply gone. We'll have to wait until they surface again to find them?"
"Yes, ma'am. Whoever they are, though, they are obviously….very powerful judging by the assault on our headquarters. Which is likely why they recruited Shego, since her powers were likely more than welcome. Only now I wonder if this Shade is not probably more powerful than Stoppable's mystical monkey kung-fu."
"If she shows up again, we may have to test that theory," Betty grimaced. "Meanwhile, get a team to Beijing. The Chinese want our help recovering a rare antique gemstone stolen a few days ago from their cultural museum."
"They only now reported it?"
"They were trying to handle it themselves. Apparently, they couldn't," she told him.
"Naturally," Will grumbled. "Which means most of the leads are probably cold. I'll send Agent Luk over. He knows the regions, and the language," Will said after briefly considering the matter.
"Good choice. Tell him to give it his best effort. We need to keep the Chinese friendly after that Churin affair. X stirred a few feathers over that one," she had to admit.
"Obviously, Will, she is now an active part of this Shade's ninja band. As I said, we will have to wait to see if they surface again. Which, knowing Shego, is likely inevitable. So keep an eye on Lipski. If he moves, it means Shego will likely be back again."
"You're such a bad girl," Kim hissed, standing atop the museum in all black.
"You're the one that wanted to screw with them by giving back a fake replica to replace the real gem you broke, and then buried in a volcano so no one can use it against either of us in the future," Shego accused.
"Well, can you think of a better way to get GJ out of our backyard? You can't turn the corner without running into one of their agents lately," Kim grumbled. "If we return the sparkly rock, they won't have a reason to be here."
Shego, behind her own black mask, huffed. "Fine. But I still miss the plasma when I do these jobs. It has flair."
"And it would have tipped off everyone from Dr. D to Wade."
"Right. By the way, did I tell you I finally found out who Freakjob is under his mask?"
"Really? Who," Kim asked, genuinely curious.
"Guess? Go ahead. Guess," Shego smirked now.
"Shego…." she grumbled, shrinking small enough to slip through the skylight, but still hold onto the gemstone while Shego lowered her down atop the open display case below by means of a strong, slender cord tied to her waist.
Or at least, she lowered a copy of Kim as the real Kim stood eyeing her own shrinking twin who glared at Shego who paused, leaving her dangling over the long drop.
"Down, please," the small copy huffed at them.
"Nag, nag, nag," Shego smirked, and began to lower her.
"So, give," the adult-sized Kim next to her demanded. "Who is it?"
"You haven't figured it out?"
"Okay. Okay. It's your buffoon. I'm not kidding. I guess Ronnie seriously stepped up after you went AWOL, and started seriously wailing on bad guys in your absence. Along the way, he got drafted by your Dr. D….."
"Not mine," she spat, having lost a lot of respect for the woman of late once she heard of the woman's intentions for using both of them.
"Anyway, now he's working for the Cyclops undercover as a special covert agent."
"That is so wrong," Kim frowned, thinking of how Ron's moods had been of late in light of this new information. And he had been all over her about her own secrets this year?
"You think it's wrong?"
"Well, yeah. He does the vigilante thing, but he gets GJ to clean up, and cover for him. Man, I stepped one foot over a line when I was out there, and I had government agents crawling all over me. Sign this. Swear that. By the way, don't mention we might have exposed you to something we can't even tell you about. That just tanks, Shego."
"Ahhhh, does my Princess want payback?"
Kim eyed her twin setting the jewel in place, and narrowing her eyes, just 'popped' the duplicate out of existence, leaving a long, slender cord dangling over the case as a guard walked past even as the invisible cord was quickly pulled up.
The man paused, shone a light on the case, and gave a shout of surprise.
"I still think we should have let a note," Kim grinned.
"Yeah, right," Shego growled. "Look at it this way, they can conjure their own explanations this way, and it won't lead anyone in our direction."
"That is the idea," Kim agreed.
"You never did explain why DNAmy helped you?"
"Well, obviously, she was tweaked at GJ upsetting a lot of her legitimate plans lately because of that copycat who kept implicating her, and she did want a little payback."
"Yeah? And?"
"And, believe it, or not, Amy has a very sentimental streak. She's a real romantic at heart. She just wanted to help us…..find each other."
"I'd believe the former. Not sure about that other," Shego snorted.
Kim sighed, and shook her head.
"Is Princess bored?"
"I'm not that callow," she huffed.
"So you were paying attention in English?"
Shego laughed when Kim glared at her through her mask as if knowing she was glaring at her.
"All right. First one back to the jet gets to pick the next outing," Shego grinned.
Kim bolted.
"I didn't say go," she shouted, and raced after her as they jumped and tumbled over the rooftops of the city.
Kim only laughed.
By the time anyone looked toward the sound of Shego's shout, they were already gone.
"Hey, Moni," Kim grinned at her when the woman opened her door to her Upperton apartment that very next Christmas after ducking GJ for most of the year while attending her classes.
"Hey, GF," she beamed, and kissed the redhead's cheek.
"Hey," Sandra snapped, not happily at the greeting.
"I'll second that complaint," a voluptuous brunette a few years older than Kim declared as she walked in behind her carrying an armload of gifts. "And what happened to helping unload the car, Possible?"
"I carried the wine," she said, holding up the bottle with a grin at her companion who walked in carrying an armload of packages.
"Jeez," 'Sharon,' as Shego was currently being called huffed, her favorite MP3 player snugly attached to her waist though she wasn't using headphones just then. "Way to strain yourself, you loopy moron."
"Nag, nag, nag," she flung Shego's usual words back at her.
Monique laughed as Sharon dropped her armload on the couch, and declared, "I am not a packhorse, Kimmie."
"Hmmmm," Kim smiled mischievously, her eyes darting to the holographic emitter.
"Don't make me hurt you," she growled, still remembering the week she spent as a dog when Kim decided to play a joke on her. She hadn't been able to shut the thing off either, and so every time anyone spotted her, she had to go on all fours, and be a convincing pet as Kim tried not to laugh her head off.
"As if."
"Behave, KP," Monique laughed. "Remember, we invited you here to celebrate."
"Sorry," Kim giggled, and dropped down to hug Sharon who sat on the couch looking a bit mulish just then. "We kind of have….a special sitch."
"I'm glad you worked it out," Sandra told her, still surprised at how things had turned out with Kim, and even more grateful Betty had not tipped the woman off to her being a plant. "Meanwhile, we have special news, too," she said as a very docile Bonnie Rockwaller in full maid costume entered bringing drinks to them. She was now going part-time to the local community college to earn her credits, and meanwhile gone to work as a full time domestic for her 'mistresses' after the pair opened a place in Upperton to help her meet expenses as Sandra continued to expand her offices. Oddly enough, though, Bonnie seemed to actually enjoy her job.
No one paid her any attention as she took the tray away as Sandra lifted her glass.
"First of all," Sandra nodded at Kim, "Rose Waters is now officially free and now clear of all charges, past or present. Thanks to my very clever legal maneuvering, we also got a seriously crooked judge disbarred, too, and Rose is now living very happily with her settlement in a home worthy of her, and her kids back in her hometown."
"I hope her mother realizes she threw away a lot of good years with her daughter," Kim said flatly.
"I'm told there may be a reconciliation there soon," Sandra nodded.
"Now tell her our news," Monique told her new partner gruffly.
"Well, since you're our best, and dearest friends, we wanted you to know first. Moni and I have decided that we are getting married this summer, and we would love you to come," Sandra smiled. "Since the state finally legalized gay marriages, we are going to be first in line to make it official once they open the courthouse."
"That's great," Kim smiled as she stood up, and reached to hug her friend.
"Hey," Sharon growled. "Watch that hand, Moni," she was told as Monique squeezed Kim's bottom.
"What she said," Sandra agreed with an ominous scowl.
"Just checking. You're still pretty fit, girl. You have to tell me what kind of workout you're doing, because I'm in serious danger of getting soft here," Monique complained.
"That's because you sit all day sketching at your designing table while sucking triple lattes," Sandra laughed.
"So, going to bury the hatchet with Ron, or Wade," Monique asked later as Kim and Sharon prepared to leave for Middleton.
"I don't know," she admitted. "I had to find out the hard way the jerks were doing secret missions all along, even while they complained I wasn't being honest enough for their liking. That still..."
"I get it. Still, you know Ron," Monique grinned. "He still doesn't know just what he did to make you mad."
"Hmmmm. He's still breathing," Sharon asked blandly.
Kim giggled as Monique just shook her head as she wisely chose to change the subject on that note.
They all laughed as they filled each other in on the latest events while they celebrated the season.
"Do we approach her," Will asked, watching Kim with Dr. Director through the street camera's monitor as the redhead and her friend now left Upperton for her parent's home before she would likely head back to school again.
"Not yet. We need to let her cool off. We didn't do ourselves any favors pushing her as we did when we thought she was Shade. Knowing Kimberly, I doubt she's cooled off just yet. She always did show a propensity toward stubbornness," Dr. Director sighed.
"Then there is the whole alternative lifestyle she apparently favors," Will growled in disgust.
"I think we'd better be seriously considering getting rid of that particular regulation if we want GJ to stay viable," Betty told him. "Or do you want to keep Possible on the outside, and risk her actually turning rogue in the future?"
"Well, it doesn't look like she's even considering going back to missions."
"Then you aren't paying attention, Du. Covert surveillance suggests she and her roommate are vanishing for hours at odd times, and no one can track them when they do. She's still out there doing something, Will. We cannot risk the fact she might be doing it with the wrong people. We almost blundered last time, but we cannot risk it again. We'll wait. And watch. Hopefully, by the time we approach her, she will be ready to listen again."
"Until then….?"
"Until then, we do what we've always done. Get me Wade, and Stoppable. We have a new rumored sighting on that villain who is calling himself Heatwave."
"Yes, ma'am."