Ch. 1: Thrift Polomare

It was a rainy day in the city of Manehattan, with ponies everywhere remaining indoors or walking out with their jackets on.

We cut to the Manehattan Prison where the criminal ponies that are in their are reeling in their sorrow and they were wearing orange jackets with numbers on them.

One of which happens to be Suri Polomare, a fashionista with a heart of stone and her number is 10114. You see, she had another designer named Rarity give her fabric under false pretenses and had her poorly protege Coco Pommel sew the fabric into dresses, but she claimed credit for them to win a fashion show. However, she was eventually found out due to Coco quitting and telling the authorities about the event. Suri got the blame and was arrested on the spot.

For 9 months Suri has been an inmate at Manehattan Prison with the crimes of false advertising and, because she claimed credit for the dresses, plagiarism.

"Uh," Suri said in disgust while looking out of the window, "I can't believe I've spent 9 gruelling months in this Tartarus hole, while Coco is out there, livng life as a free mare when she was the one who made those dresses. If I ever get out here I'm gonna..."

Before she could finish, the door to her cell was opening and a Pegasus guard was there.

"Come on, Polomare," said the guard gruffly, "Your bail has been paid."

"Finally," said Suri with distaste as she exited her cell.

Pretty soon, Suri was at the entry gates of the jail with her uniform off her and the raining has ceased.

"I wonder who paid my bail?" she asked as she came out.

"Hello, sister!" came a surprise voice.

Suri looked at the owner of the voice and saw that it was a dark brown mare with a blue mane and tail and a sewing kit for a cutie mark.

"Thrift Polomare, my older sister," said Suri as she came up to Thrift, "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Well, it was probably because you've been in prison," said Thrift matter-of-factly.

Suri smiled sheepishly at this.

Pretty soon, the prison gates opened and Suri walked out and she and her sister went away.

Suri was laying in her sister's apartment, which was on the outskirts of Manehattan, after she was offered to reside there until she got back on her hooves.

"I gotta say, sis," said Suri while lying on a couch, "this apartment is something."

"It sure is," said Thrift, who is making dinner, "The landlord is so fair, that the monthly rent payment is a single bit."

"Wow," said Suri, "I might just consider moving into this place when I'm back on my feet."

"I don't blame you," said Thrift, "So, this Coco Pommel girl, she got you incarcerated?"

"Yes!" said Suri with rage, "That traitor's gonna pay for what she..."

"Easy there sis, easy,' said Thrfit as she came over to her, "Remember what Ma said to us when we were fillies?"

"You mean...?" Suri questioned.

"Yep, 'When somebody gets you down, slowly turn them around.'"

Suri gave a bewildered expression at this.

"It's like this, sissy," said Thrift, "if you want Pommel to pay, you gotta take it slowly."

"Take it slowly?"

"Yeah," said Thrift, "We just need a well thought out and elaborate scheme."

"Ok," said Suri, "But what can we do?"

Thrift gives a sneaky grin before something in her sister's ear as the latter listened closely.

As the information sinks in, Suri's eyes widened and gave a look of realization before she slowly gave an evil smirk.

"Ooh, sis," said Suri slyly, "I can see why we are related."

"Well, where did you get the, 'Everypony for herself in the big city,' philosophy from, Uncle Benevolence?"

"Yeah right!" said the sisters together before laughing derisively together.

"By this time in a few days," said Thrift evilly, "Coco Pommel shall pay for what she did."

"And when she finds out about the plan," said Suri while rubbing her hooves together, "it'll be too late."

The sisters laughed evilly about the evil they are about to commit.

Their laughter continues as their shadows are silhouetted through Thrift's window as the camera pans out to all of Manehattan.