Hello. My name is Aaron Cooper, and I am running for my life.

"We have to shadow travel!" Nico shouted angrily. He gripped my hand as we sped towards the large hill.

"No! Will said that if you shadow travel one more time, you'll become a shadow!" Piper retorted, gripping my right hand. A hiss was heard followed by a loud BANG! I tried to twist my head to see Emi, but Nico pulled me forward, stumbling.

"It's been three weeks!" He yelled.

"So!? He said at least two months before it would heal."

"AGH!" A flash of blonde hit the toad beside us, and Piper yelped.

"C'mon," Nico said, "he'll be fine."

Piper took a deep breath, and a tear fell down her cheek. I grasped her hand tightly and she smiled under all the soot and dirt covering her face. We rushed down the hill and I gasped. People drove on that road every day, yet they missed this beautiful place? A blue barn loomed over the camp while two men sat on the porch, playing something with cards. Behind the barn was twelve cabins, lined up in what seemed to be a specific order. There was a camp fire, strawberry field, volleyball court, basketball court, and... an arena?

Out of breathe, we reached the large barn. One man looked up, scoreless, then looked back at his cards as if the pale faced kids weren't even there. The other man in a motorized wheel chair looked up with a worried expression. His eyes darted from me, to Piper, to Nico.

"Chimera... attack... Apollos car... ran down... we flew... on pegasi... the rest... in trouble," Piper blurted out.

"This... is why... we should have shadow... travelled," Nico huffed.

The man started to stand from his wheel chair, and, with my mouth wide open, he transformed into a centaur.

"Y-you're a horse," I said.

"A centaur," he said, as it were so obvious. "Now come on, Mr. D..."

"I'll watch the kid," he grumbled, sipping his diet coke. I stared in fasionation as the centaur ran towards the fighting, Piper and Nico trailing close behind. They disappeared into the trees, and I didn't close my mouth until the guy, Mr. D, I guess, spoke.

"So, you're not confused about where you are?" He asked.

"Uh, no?" I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Hmm, in that case, welcome to Camp Half Blood," he sounded as board as a piece of broccoli. "I'm Mr. D, or Dionysus, camp director. That was Chiron. He teaches stuff. Okay, was that a good intro? Oh wait, I don't care."

"What?" I asked, and then a shout arose from the top of the hill. I turned and saw saw Piper, a dagger stuck in her leg.

She wasn't breathing.

(A/N) So! Hello! If you haven't read my first story, go the my channel and iits called Child of Poseidon. This chapter was kind of short, but the next one is PROMISED to be longer.

K, luv ya.
