I don't own any of the character's except red snow

Now please enjoy

Chapter 1

The snow crunched under the heavy footsteps as one of the best Russian assassin is setting up for his mark. He lay down on the ledge and set up his Barrett M82 so it is overlooking a motel in Moscow and prepared himself for what he was doing. The assassin was 6'1 and had heavily armoured chest and leg plates he had a red mask what covered his whole face. He was sent on this mission a year ago before hydra was destroyed by captain America but even when hydra was gone he still had a mission and he never failed a mission. The assassin waited for his mark to show up for 5 hours now but he always was a patient man, the night had rolled in and the street was all lit up. Suddenly 2 SUV's came down the street and parked by the motel, the assassin got ready and used his helmet to zoom on the SUV's and turned on the super hearing. Two figures stepped out of the first SUV one was male he looked tall and had a lot of muscle, dirty blond hair while the other one was exactly who he was looking for. She was 5'2 with red flowing hair her name is Natalia Alianova Romanoff and she was his target and nothing is going to stop him from making his mark. He was about to pull the trigger when something picked up in his ear.

"Nat why are we here again." The man said to Natalia

"Well Steve this is a stealth mission and the team is tired"

"So this must be captain America the one who put me out of business I will kill this prick" the assassin said to himself in his thick Russian accent.

"You get a couple of rooms for us" Steve says to Nat while he was going to talk with his team. A bunch of people got out the car then the assassin realized it was the avengers; he was going to take down the avengers. The assassin always comes with plan b what are usually c4 being planted everywhere and blowing the place to smithereens, but he had to try and kill most of them first and he started with his target.

"What the hell is this place Steve" Sam said to their captain

"It's a place to lay low for a while"

"Do we get our own rooms? "Rhodey hoped

"no you and Sam while shear and so will vison and Wanda" Sam wined that it wasn't fair while Wanda jumped for joy. Suddenly Wanda fell to the ground holding her head with her hands every one bent down and tried to help her "what's wrong."

"I see pain surfing and a gun looking at us then at Natasha then joy. I think Natasha is going to get shot."

"WHAT!" Steve grabbed his shield and ran as fast as he can to Natasha to protect her from the bullet.

Meanwhile on the roof the assassin lined up the shot then took a deep breath and pulled the trigger a loud boom echoed from the roof. The bullet whizzed though the air it looked like the perfect head shot he had his hopes up but then the sound of a rickashay was heard then he looked up. A shield was in front of her it was the captain "GOD DAMIT!" he jumped off the roof and landed with style and stated to walk to the avengers.

"Are you okay?" Steve said

"Yea thanks to you. Who shoot at us?"

"No idea" they brook apart then looked across the street to find the assassin walking towards them "well I think he was the owner of the bullet."

"It can't be" Natasha looked shocked and backed away a bit.

"Are you okay" the others joined them in their gear ready to fight

"What's his deal" Sam said

"My deal you are the ones who made me miss my shot I never miss my shot" the assassin walked right in front of them. Steve walked up to him face to mask and steered each other down.

"You shot at my teammate"

"And you mad me miss my first shot in MY FUCKING LIFE! So you better move out of the way" he pulled out a pistol and shoved it in his face. Steve grabbed the gun and kicked the assassin what made him go flying "so that is how it's going to be." The assassin back plates moved and out came a AK 47 with a drum mag "Say hello to my little friend." Wanda put up her shield to protect everyone while he was sprang them with his gun.

"Find cover now!" Steve shouted to the team everyone got to cover while Steve protected Wanda while they escaped to cover. "Does anyone have a shot?" The bullets slowed down then Steve looked over to find a mini turret.

"I have a shot." The assassin was lying next to him then shot Steve in the body a couple of times.

"STEVE!" Natasha opened fire with her pistols but the bullets only knocked him back.

"I got him" rhodey used his war machine suit to fly up and shot his repulsors at the assassin witch sent him flying back.

"That's not fair you have a metal suit oh wait so do I" the assassin's wrist popped up with little missiles that spun around in the air hiting war machine hard making him go down for the count "bull's eye."

Vison charged at the assassin the he used his head laser and fired it at the assassin. He flipped back and did a summersault and landed on a car, he got a grenade out and pulled the pin "hey fly boy taste metal." he throw a decoy what was blown to bits by vison then he throw the real one witch blow up in his face makeing him fall to the ground knocked out . He hoped down from the car and stepped over the fallen avengers, Steve was being treated by Natasha. "Now can I just kill you guys with no more fighting."

"Who the hell are you man?" Sam said

"Maybe you should ask that whore" the assassin pointed to Natasha.