It probably was just wishful thinking, but Toshiro had a feeling that he would have a visitor tonight and so after his shift ended, he didn't go straight to bed. Instead, he selected one of the volumes from his large collection, which he kept at the head of his futon, and he reclined there, perusing the book, half paying attention to the well worn pages.

He always found reading it a little slow-going, for not only did the grammar deviate substantially from eighteen century English, but the book was printed during an era.

But the Captain took a macabre delight in the antiquated texts. He hadn't always been into such…things though. If it hadn't been for a down to earth Lieutenant, he probably would never have felt the joy and satisfaction of finishing a great novel.

During one of their many sessions that they spent together discussing their latest readings, he had raised the question: Surely the misguided instructions and philosophies had harmed many more people than they'd helped. Seeing as the information in the old texts were so….wrong. Outdated.

The raven haired male merely cracked a smile that spoke volumes as he softly explained that the theories and beliefs behind some of the old texts gave him a certain satisfaction, that there were always glimmers of hope and progress buried in dark and ignorant times.

It confused the Captain to no end. How could a book that teaches you incorrect facts give someone hope?

"…You'll understand one day sir…"

Halfway into the chapter on "the devil's chord," a faint knock was heard, and Toshiro was suddenly startled, because he'd begun to nod off. "Come on in," he murmured quickly before huffing softly in annoyance.

Perhaps his response to the knocking had been a bit too eager. But he knew it was Kaien. He could sense Kaien at the door. Or maybe that was just his imagination.

When the ex-Lieutenant did enter, the Captain was surprised to see how the taller male looked upon him fondly, even if Toshiro was acting as his usual, impassive self. "I remember when you used to smile," he said, breaking the silence in the bedroom.

And how strange it was to hear those words roll of his tongue and to see those soft, kissable lips curled upwards in his signature smile that could easily get him first prize in any contest. And also a stuttering, blushing crowd of phone numbers.

They hadn't seen each other in years.

It had been too long.