Me and Golden came running out of the room, and notice that something was off right away. Relf, Valery, Ben and Ann were gone, nowhere in sight. And just then, as if a spell had been broken, the animatronics sprung to life. Bonnie, Chica and Freddy jumped off the stage and frantically started to search the room. Foxy then comes running out of Pirate's Cove and joins in the search. After a bit of watching them, I found my voice under all my worry and surprised, and called out to them, "What happened? Where Ann, Relf, Ben and Valery?"

The four animatronics turned around in the direction thet herd me and stared in surprise and shocked. I was not sure but by the way that they were standing there, it looked surprise, shocked, or both. Was it because I was standing there supposedly safe? Or could it because Golden was standing behind me and was moving? Or was it from both of us combined?

Animatronics' POV (Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy)

The four if them stood there, even though they were immobilized, they listen in to what was going on around them. From what the found out so far is that the boy with the semi deep voice was called Ben. The other boy had a bit of an irish accent to his voice was called Relf. The girl that seemed over excited about them was called Ann. And the other girl who had a sweet voive was called Valery.

In the short time that they met them, each one of the animatronics took a liking to someone. Freddy had taken a liking to the boy called Ben, and claimed him as his. Chica was the one who took a liking to the girl called Valery, and claimed her as hers. Bonnie was the one who took a liking to Ann, and claimed her as his. Foxy was the one who took a liking to Relf and claimed him as his. The only kid left there was Y/N and they guessed that he may have taken a liking to her/him and claimed her/him as his.

Right now they were busy listening to the teens arguing about something, and surprisingly it was about Freddy's top hat. "Why would anyone want my top hat? Freddy wondered in confusion.

"Who knows?" Chica giggled, "If they want it, they would be needing to fight you for it."

"Ture that!" Bonnie commented, if he could, he would be smirking right now.

"Why not?" Ben complained, "Why can't I take Freddy's hat? I been to get one just like it for a while now!"

"Well that doesn't mean that you can take his!" Valery commented as she argued back, "And I don't think Freddy will be a happy camper when he finds out that his top hat is missing! Plus, I don't think you want an angry killer animatronic after you just because you took his hat. So if I were you I would leave it be."

"You got that right," Freddy commented with a laugh.

"I wonder how Gold be fairin' with the lass/lad," Foxy spoke in thought.

"I'm sure he's fine," Freddy answered, "If there was any problems, he would of letting us know by now."

"I just hope that he doesn't do anythin' bad t' the lass/lad. She/he doesn't seem bad," Foxy told them.

"I'm sure that they are both fine," Bonnie insured him, "Remember that he told us that he can't move or teleport? So they can't get into too much trouble."

"Aye, but I'm still worried," Foxy told them, "Somethin' tellin' me that somethin' happened t' them."

"I'm sure that they are fine," Chica insured him, "If anything was wrong, Gold-" but she then was cut off by a scream that came from Relf.

After the scream, they waited to see if it was a joke or not. When there was no reply or anything coming from the teens, they began to worry. "What could of happened to them? Please, don't let it be a prank. Please, someone, say something to let us know that they are ok," the four of them thought. Each one of them were become completely worried about the kids safety.

As they became more worried about Ann, Valery, Ben and Relf, without realizing it, they slowly began to be able to move. The next thing they knew, their eyes busted open, and they began to look around for the teens. Bonnie, Chica and Freddy jumped off thire stage, Foxy came running out of his Pirate's Cove, and they began their search. Nether one of the four notice that Y/N and Gold came running out of backstage. The only time that they notice them was when they herd someone call out, "What happened? Where Ann, Relf, Ben and Valery?"

When they herd that, they turned around to she who called out to them. By the backstage door stood a girl/boy with H/L H/T H/C hair, and E/C eyes, and behind her/him stood Gold? Didn't he say that he couln't move? But then again they were moving right now, how did happen? Ether way they were relied that Y/N was safe and that their friend was able to move. But the feeling of relief soon left with thoughts of Ben, Ann, Valery and Relf came flooding back to them.

"We're not sure where they disappeared to," Foxy told the girl/boy as they made their way over to them,
They watched as she/he stood there and thought about what they could do to find them, or where they could be. Then suddenly Y/N took off down to hallway off to their side towards the security office. With a shrug, they took off after her/him.

Your POV

I ran down the hallway towards the security office, and herd that the others were right behind me. I made no move to speed up my paste because I knew that they were on my side and won't going to hurt me. Hopefully that is. I rushed into the office and picked up the tablet that was sitting on the desk by the cupcake that was always watching you in the game. I gave it a quick smile as I grabbed the tablet, but then back to work and turned the camera tablet on. The tablet was taking its jolly ol time powering up, it was as if it knew I was in a hurry and was just trying to ignore me. And it was working...

"Come on turn on! Turn on already!" I called out in frustration not one bit impressed at how long it was taking, shouldn't it be quicker at turning on if it's a security tablet? But once it was on, I yelled out in triumph and started to figure out how to rewind the darn thing.

At the moment the others came flooding into the office and crowding the small room. "What are you trying to do with that thing?" Bonnie asked me over my shoulder, but I could tell that he was in no mood for games.

As I continued working, I answered as calmly as I could, "I'm trying to figure out how to rewind this darn thing. That way we can see what happened to them and see where they disappeared to."

Bonnie's POV

With that, I mentally slapped myself for not thinking about that. But then again, how could I have known that that device could do that? I only came in here to get the night guard. But then I hoped that no body had check the nighttime footages because some very embarrassing things may or may not have happened durning the nights that we don't want others knowing About.

Your POV

After a bit of playing around with the dam thing, I finally figured out how to rewind the ignoring camera footage. From using my memory of were each camera angles are were, I switched it to the dining room. Hopefully that was the right one that showed the events that took place. And just my luck it was and began to watch what happened happened to my friends.

The gang and me watched as a purple blur came and went. Each time that it left the camera view, one of my friends disappeared. I rewind it once again, but this time slowed it down as much as I could to see who or what the purple blur was. As the purple blur entered the camera view, I paused it and growled. The thing was a purple guy, and I may only saw him as pixels, but I knew it was him. And from the sound of the growls behind me, I could only guess that others recognized him as well.

With that, I started flipping through the other camera footages to see were he could of gone. I then stopped by a camera that showed him disappearing and coming out of a room that wasn't on the map. "Bingo!" I muttered under my breath, "This time, you're going to be stopped, before you can strike again."

I then sat the tablet back down by the cupcake and was about to rush out of the room when something grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see who had stopped me, and saw it was Golden who looked downrightworried, "You shouldn't go,its too dangerous for you. Leave him to us to deal with."

I then gave him a small smile, "I know just how dangerous he can be. But he has my friends, and I have to save them," Golden was about to say something else, but I then cut him off by adding in, "I know what he had done in the past, and that's why I have to save my friends. I'm not going to stand by while there's a chance that he will do it again."

Golden stared at me with his black eyes,and then let my wrist go, "Fine, but we're coming as well. But be sure to run if things get messy, and stick close to us."

I nodded in agreement to Golden's demands. And with that I took off with them behind me. The seven of us ran as fast as our legs could towards the room that my friends had disappeared into. I was not going to let my friends' fate lead to that of Freddy's, Chica's, Bonnie's Foxy's and Golden's. I was going to stop him no what! I just hope that it isn't too late.

Sorry it took so long to get this up, blame my laziness for finding editing a bit borning. I hope that you guys are enjoying this so far, but I heed your guy's help for something. You see, I have to change all the Y/Ns things to a name or something among that line, (mutters: Stupid farfiction rules your somewhat ruining my fun and story...) so I need some help coming up with a name to take it's place. And since you guys are a part of this story I thought that you guys get chose what it should be. And what ever names are mentioned the most, I would put them up on the next chapter to chose from. All you have to do is message me it or put it down in the comments, easy right? I also put a pull up on my profile for what story you want me to work on the most, so check it out! (wow, I think this is the longest Author's Note for this chapter so far...)

Foxy: Wait, I need to get something! -runs into Pirate's Cove-

Me: Foxy, hurry up! We don't have time to play games! Ben, Ann, Relf,and Valery are in danger!

Foxy: -Comes flying out of Pirate's Cove on a full size pirate ship-

Me: -Mouth wide and a gasp-

Foxy: -lands on the ground and takes off in it- I'm coming to get you mateies!.

Me: Where did he get that?

Freddy: Who knows. He always have the most randomness things back there.

Me: Mmmmmm, maybe I should ask him how he keeps so many things back there... Oh, stay tune and find out what happens next!