War... war never changes...
In the awake of human exploration of space, we ventured to new words. We hoped to solve every single problem in the world by simple moving to new ones. But human greedy knows no bond, and soon we started fight just to have more of what we already have. And now, in the year of…
"What the hell are you babbling about you dolt?"
"Ugh… I'm narrating!" Ruby answered as she put her sniper rifle down and turned to watch her second in command, Weiss.
"Narrating to who? Besides, I probably know my History better than you!"
"Hey! I swear Command made a mistake by putting you as team leader! I'm way better qualified than you!"
"Have you ever thought you might be too qualified?"
"There's no such a thing as being too qualified!"
"Actually there is. They think that putting people too qualified to do a job with less qualifying requirements can make them irritable and annoying."
"Irritable and annoying."
"Ugh! You're impossible! At least tell me what the guys in the other side are doing!"
"I don't know." Ruby looked through the scope again. "The pink one has a hammer and is hitting something, while the green one is staring. Can't see the light blue one. I bet they are scheming something against us. Better call Blake and Yang."
"And I'm done! My new super weapon to defeat our enemies!"
"Nora, you just smashed some rocks with the gravity hammer."
"Exactly! Now all you need to do is to cut some of the trees and build us a catapult!"
"Nora, we have guns, rocket launchers, I think Jaune was trying to get us a damn tank. Stones can't even pass through our personal armor."
"How do you know? Did they test our armors against rocks?"
"I don't think it was needed."
"See, Renny! You don't know if it'll work or not! Now stop talking and chop-chop! Literally!" Ren's answer was a long deep sigh. Soon Jaune came from the base and joined them.
"Do I want to know why we have a pile of remotely spherical rocks?"
"To throw at our enemies, silly!" Nora answered and Jaune stare at Ren, which just shrugged.
"We'll keep it as a last resource. OK, bad news, Command gave our tank to some guys in a boxed canyon…"
"Aren't that us?" Ren asked as they all took a moment to notice that yes, they were also in a boxed canyon. "Why are we even here?"
"Well, our enemies are here, so they might know something we don't. Besides, I like here, nice weather, never too hot, never too cold, and we're close to the waterfall!" Jaune and Ren turned to the waterfall. "NORA PUT YOUR ARMOR BACK ON!"
"But I need to clean myself! Making deadly weapons made me sweat a lot!"
"I TOLD YOU BEFORE TO NEVER EVER TAKE YOUR ARMOR OUT OUTSIDE THE BASE! OR WHEN I'M CLOSE BY!" Jaune yelled before turning back to Ren. "Your girlfriend has no sense of shame!"
"Not my girlfriend and she probably don't even know what shame is. So, the bad news is that Command denied our tank, but the good news…"
"Oh yeah. They're sending reinforcements. Apparently some special soldier or something."
"Special as it can do good things or special as in 'it can't clean its own ass by himself'?"
"I think they sent that one with the tank."
"Sup, sis. What the losers are doing?"
"Well, they were breaking rocks, and then talking, then the pink one, that now I can say for sure is a girl…"
"Ruby, I think we all decided that men have a too fragile ego to wear pink. And how exactly you discovered she's a girl?"
"She got naked and took a bath on the waterfall."
"Damn it! Why they got the waterfall! I'm itching to take a bath there since we arrived! Do you think if I ask gently they will allow me?"
"You're a pervert, Xiao Long. Ruby, why you didn't shot her? It would get us the advantage in this war!" Weiss questioned.
"I was going to, but do you know she have a cute heart tattooed in her right buttocks? It distracted me."
"Oh for… She's the enemy! Just shoot her next time!"
"Is she naked right now? Lend me the rifle!"
"No! Bad Yang! You know you aren't allowed to use the sniper rifle after what you did during training!"
"What, the bullet ricocheted!"
"Besides, only I can fire my beloved Crescent Rose!" Ruby said as she hugged the sniper rifle.
"Did you name your rifle?" Weiss asked incredulously.
"She names everything she owns. Her bed is called Fluffy." Yang answered.
"OK, enough! You know what we should do? We should plan our next move against our enemies!"
"Wait… have we did a first move? Like, at all?"
"I wonder why they never made a move against us." Jaune wondered as his team met at the inside of the base.
"Maybe they are waiting reinforcements too?" Ren suggested.
"Or maybe they are so deviously smart that they are playing a mind game with us! Or you know, the thought never actually occurred to them. Why we never did a move against them?" Nora asked as she played with her grenade launcher.
"Because I don't want to take unnecessary risks. We wait for the newbie then we plan an attack… and Nora, stop playing with the grenade launcher!"
"Pfft, calm down oh fearless leader, the safety lock is on!" Nora statement was followed by a grenade firing between Jaune and Ren and exploding a role in the side of the base. "Wait… is red on or off… Anyway, I always wanted a window there, to get the morning sun!"
"Put the damn weapon down!"
"Can you all stop screaming! And exploding! I was sleeping!"
"Hey Blake! By sleeping you mean reading those smut books?"
"They are not smut, Yang. They are sophisticated literature for adults." Blake defended her smut books.
"As long as you keep them from Ruby."
"I'm not a child! I'm your commanding officer! I can deal with adult stuff!"
"So we can take the night lamp from the corridor to the bathroom?"
"That's not a night lamp, it's a tactical light in case we are attacked at night and need to see our enemies!"
"You know, I don't remember ever seeing this place at night…" Blake wondered.
"It's because we rise at sunrise and sleep at sundown." Ruby stated proudly.
"Wait… has any of you ever being assigned to night guard? You know, in case our enemies decide to attack us at night?" Weiss questioned and a long moment of silence followed.
"Ah, there's the drop ship." Jaune said as they watched a Pelican maneuvering on top of their base. "Hope the new recruit is nice."
"I hope it's a bear! A bear soldier! With laser chainsaws for arms! Or pancakes!" Nora said and Jaune and Ren ignored her.
"As long as the new guy isn't a sociopathic AI in a robotic body." Ren added, and Jaune stared at him.
"That's a very specific example."
"Oh, here comes new meat!" Nora yelled as the Pelican's doors opened and someone simple dropped from it from the several meters above them… at least a hundred meters. The new soldier just landed in front of them leaving a crack on the ceiling of the base.
"I'm Lt. Pyrrha Nikos, assigned to the Juniper team in the Beacon Canyon." The soldier said as she removed her helmet, revealing the beautiful redhead underneath.
"I… uh… hello?" Jaune barely was able to say.
"Damn, I hope this crack don't become an infiltration." Ren added as he stared at the ceiling.
"What was that?!" Yang asked.
"Oh, it's a soldier. They now have four." Ruby explained simply.
"Did she just jumped from a Pelican from a hundred meters and landed uninjured?" Yang asked.
"Nope. I'm going back to sleep." Yang answered Ruby and returned to base.
A.N.: Yep, I felt like doing this. Might as well do it an ongoing thing every time I feel witty. Besides, both RvB and RWBY are great. XD