Emma wakes up with a pounding headache and a bitter taste in her mouth. In the dizzy state of half-wakefulness she tries to remember how she got this hangover in the first place. She sits up and groans, one hand going to her temple.

She doesn't recall a night of partying or drinking. It must be an after-effect of that damnable spell. She feels exceedingly grumpy. This day is off to a bad start.

She gets out of bed and stubs her toe on the bedside table, cursing loudly. Why did she agree to be exposed to mind-altering magic in the first place? God knows what could have happened. Emma tries to recall all the things she said and did during the duration of the spell. She doesn't come up with anything mortifying, but some of the interactions she remembers make her cringe.

She makes her way down the stairs, hoping that some coffee will help to improve her sour mood.

She enters the kitchen area and immediately locks eyes with Killian sitting at the table. Crap. She is most definitely not up for this. He gives her a strange look, half-hopeful, half-resigned. It's the expression of a puppy hoping for a treat but expecting to get kicked, again. She's seen it many times on the faces of foster kids. She never expected herself to be the cause of it though.

She's very tempted to just turn around and get back into bed. Running is always the first option on her mind. She sighs and runs her hand through her hair. Why did she let it get to this point? She should have known better than to get this involved with somebody. These things always ended in heartbreak. Hadn't she learned her lesson?

Just remember, always, that you have nobody but yourself to blame. Who did that woman think she was? She hadn't lived Emma's life, how dare she judge her like that? Making it sound as if everything was her fault, as if she had caused the troubles in her life. The arrogance of that woman.

She chances another glance at Killian. He is giving her a slightly worried look now, probably waiting for her to say something, anything.

What annoys her most of all is the seed of doubt that damnable woman planted in her mind. What if she really has a shot at something here and she's just too stubborn, too set in her ways to give it a chance? What if her efforts to protect her heart caused her to lock it away forever, unreachable for anybody or anything?

No, she can't give in to self-doubt like that. It's all just wishful thinking. He's a pirate, for God's sake. The spell changed nothing. It only showed her what she can never have. They will go to New York and-

A strong hand lands on her shoulder, drawing her out of her tumbling thoughts and grounding her. She looks up and locks eyes with Killian.

"Talk to me." His voice is soft, an invitation, not a command.

Emma has a epiphany. She always considered it a strength of hers, being independent, not relying on anybody else in her life. When actually it was the result of fear. Fear of rejection, fear of heartache, fear of letting go and entrusting her heart to somebody else.

It's time to be brave. She can do this. She's the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Fairy tales are real. Happy endings are real. She can do this.

She just stands there, paralysed with fear at the thought that she really is going to do this, that she is going to give this thing a chance, give this town a chance, stop running for once.

And she sees the shift in Killian's expression, watches him do that amazing thing that he does, where he just looks at her and reads her like an open book. Somehow, he knows the reason behind her sudden panic without her saying a single word. A smile appears on his face, not one of the flirtatious, cocky ones, which, to be fair, she hasn't seen in a while anyway. It's a shy, hopeful smile and it really transforms his face.

It makes her want to tell him that everything is going to be alright, that she made up her mind, that she's not going to run this time.

What she actually says is, "Um."

He looks at her and raises his eyebrows just a tiny fraction, cocking his head a little, giving her an encouraging smile saying Go on, love, it's fine.

Emma takes a deep breath. And realizes she has no idea how to do this. But that's never stopped her before and it's not going to stop her now. She feels heat crawling up her face and wonders if she's already turned a bright red colour.

"Um. I was thinking, you know, maybe we don't have to go back to New York immediately. Henry and I could stay here and spend some more time with our family." She's looking anywhere but at him at this point. "We could stay in this house." Beat. "With you." She takes another deep breath and looks up, afraid of what she's going to see. Maybe she read him wrong, maybe he doesn't want to do this after all and she put her heart on the line for nothing.

He's looking at her in wonder, mouth slightly agape, a dopey smile on his face. He doesn't say anything though and Emma gets even more nervous. "Only if you want to, of course, I understand you have other duties, a pirate ship to command, ships to plunder, villages to pillage-"

He moves his hand from her shoulder to her face and Emma stops short.

"I don't have a ship to command." Emma frowns. He's still smiling, but there's a hint of sadness in his features now. "I sold the Jolly Roger to buy a magic bean. So I could come to New York."

Emma looks at him in shock. "But- but that ship is your home."

His smile changes again into something different. Emma can't help but be fascinated by his wide array of smiles. Was all of this always there and she just didn't pay attention?

"This is my home now." He looks shy again. It's a good look on him, she decides. "If you want it to be, that is."

She wants to say yes. There's just one more thing she has to ask him first.

"What about Gold?" His face falls and she regrets the words as soon as they're out of her mouth. But they have to talk about this sooner or later, might as well get it all over with now while she's feeling brave.

"Just a short while ago, I would have considered it a betrayal to Milah's memory to let the crocodile live. But I've come to the realization that this is not the kind of life she would have wanted for me. She would want me to be happy. She was a magnificent, fierce, independent woman. You would have liked her. I don't think she would have wanted me to spend the rest of my life trying to exact revenge. That would mean that the crocodile took both our lives that day."

"You know, you're quite wise." Emma grins at him, trying to lighten the heavy mood. "For a pirate."

The sadness that overshadowed his features when he spoke about his first love vanishes and his cocky grin makes a reappearance. "I try." He sighs, continuing, "You know, love, it is considered quite rude to answer a question with another question."


"Yes?" In spite of everything she just told him, he still sounds surprised.

"Yes, I want this to be our home."

He smiles at her then and it's a beautiful, carefree smile, something she can't recall ever seeing outside of the spell. It's an even better look on him. It makes him look about a decade younger.

Emma grins. She's happy. Happy and nervous. She has no idea what to do now. "So. What now?"

Killian starts scratching that spot behind his ear, a clear sign that he's nervous as well. "To be honest, I never thought this far. It does seem like we skipped a few steps in the middle there, doesn't it?"

"How about we start over? Hi, I'm Emma. I have a son named Henry and I like cinnamon in my chocolate. Oh, and I'm the saviour."

Killian grins from ear to ear. "Hello there. I'm a devilishly handsome pirate. Name's Killian Jones. I hear my charms are irresistible." Emma punches him lightly in the arm. "Ouch. It's true. Ask anybody. It's like a-" He doesn't get any further because Emma leans up on her toes and kisses him.

When she pulls back again, he's smiling smugly at her. "You do realize you just proved my point, right?"

Emma smacks him in the arm again for good measure, then moves away in search of coffee.

"We'll have to talk about this proclivity for violence some time, love."

"That's what you get for talking to me before I've had my morning coffee."

"Noted. I shall not make that mistake again."

They sit down at the table and there's an awkward silence, neither of them knowing what to say next. They are saved by the arrival of Henry, who looks from Emma to Killian, then back again, a frown on his face. Then he smiles, sits down and starts talking about what they'll be doing at school that day and why he really needs this new game that everybody else already has. And even though there is nothing special at all about the breakfast they have together that morning, it will forever after hold a special place in Emma's heart.