Enjoy reading! I enjoyed writing it :)

Amor fati is a Latin phrase that may be loosely translated as "love of fate" or "love of one's fate". It is used to describe an attitude in which one sees everything that happens in one's life, including suffering and loss, but also love and happiness. I liked it because it fits with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous Ladybug.

Somewhere in the French town Paris, was a little business called 'Agreste Design'. The little company was three years old, but in the little time of existence, it had become very popular.

The ground floor was a clothes shop, with every kind of clothes available. Wedding-, prom- or dance clothes. At least fancy clothes.

The first floor was the designing section. They took care of the designing orders if a customer had a specific wish. Only three people worked there, and one just arrived...

"Good morning, Sabrina!" A black haired woman said cheerful as she walked inside.

"Good morning, Marinette." Sabrina said cheerful back with a smile as she stood up from her desk chair. Sabrina did change quite a bit. Her hair got longer and she got rid of her glasses. Her facial features were very feminine, but her body didn't have much shape.

Sabrina got hired to take care of appointments and financial business. It was ideal to hire her, because she was very loyal, smart and she still had connections with Chloé. Chloé now too had a small designing business, funded by her father. They often worked together and it went great.

Marinette walked to her office and saw the paperwork on her desk. She sighed and scratched her head, as she saw it had been piling up. She just got through all the paperwork and now she had even more...

She had a little office, but it was at least a room, so she could close her door if she wanted some privacy. Her desk filled most of the room, but she didn't care, because it made it cozy. Marinette sat down and looked at all the paperwork, seeing what kind of assignments arrived. She opened her upper drawer and she opened her purse with a smile. Some things never changed.

"Hello, Tikki." Marinette whispered with a smile. "The upper drawer is open."

A red little creature floated out of her purse and went towards the upper drawer. Inside the drawer was a self-made bed and some packages with biscuits and cookies. "Aw, you cleaned it in here." The little kwami said with appreciation. Marinette smiled and closed the drawer a bit.

"Good morning." Marinette looked up in surprise, looking at her boss as she heard his voice. He stood at the door opening and smiled apologetic "We got a lot of assignments, but we are going to do them together. So don't be scared, seeing all the paperwork on your desk." he explained.

Marinette smiled and nodded, feeling relieved all the paperwork wasn't only for her. "I'm glad." she answered. He walked away and the woman sighed. Everything went great. She had a good paying job with nice colleagues, her own office and her own little design corner. One problem though... Her boss was Adrien...

Not that much of a problem, really, but she confessed to him a few years ago... And he rejected. That was a problem... She wasn't sure if things were awkward or if it was just her womanly mind turning herself crazy. She grabbed the paperwork and read the assignments. She was trying to concentrate but her mind slipped away. Everything went so fast in 5 years. One moment, she was 15 and confessed to Adrien. The other moment she was 20 and working with Adrien...

And if Adrien had gotten ugly in those 5 years, she wouldn't mind. But no, of course. He suddenly got turned into some sort of godlike man. She wasn't even talking about his smooth voice, his broad shoulders, the slight muscles he had, his emerald green eyes or his silky golden hair.


His sweet, kind personality was the worst godlike feature he had.

She sighed again and wanted to throw all the assignments away and cry. You'd think she would get used to it after working there for 6 months, but she couldn't. "Tikki, I think I'm gonna cry..."

Tikki looked at her from the drawer with a soft pout. "I'm sorry I can't help you with humanly love... Maybe Alya can..." Marinette gasped and suddenly stood up, running to Adrien's office. She stood at his door opening and looked at him. He looked surprised back at her and she bit her lip, holding some scowling back. He looked so freaking beautiful.

"I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm having lunch with Alya this afternoon. Is that a problem with the assignments?" She asked nervous. Even though it was Adrien, her friend and crush, it was still her boss. Even though he doesn't like to be called like that.

"No, we don't have any deadlines." he said with a sweet smile. Marinette gave a sweet smile back, but her mind said: 'Please, don't smile like that or I'm really going to cry!'

"Thank you." She said as she went back to her office.

"Marinette?" Sabrina suddenly said. The black haired girl stopped in her tracks and turned to look at the one who called her "I'm getting some coffee. Do you want some too?"

"Sure, a cinnamon roll and a vanilla latte, please." Marinette said with a sweet smile as she went back. She sat down on her chair and sighed. She looked at her belly and pouted. Maybe she shouldn't have chosen a cinnamon roll, but a carrot instead... She was getting too curvy nowadays... She rubbed her face to wake up a bit. She sat up straight and groaned. Time for some paperwork.

Marinette wrote everything important down in her notebook. Adrien already came by to split the paperwork so they both could do some work. She looked at her watch and smiled. She stretched her arms. It was lunchtime! She stood up and grabbed her purse. She looked into her upper drawer and Tikki was sleeping.

"I missed you!" Marinette looked up and she saw Alya coming into her office. She smiled and they hugged each other.

"I missed you too!" she said with a grin. "Let's go." Marinette grabbed her purse and wanted to leave fast, but she was too late. Adrien walked towards them.

"Alya! Long time no see. How are you?" he asked with a smile. Marinette got nervous and wanted to go. Alya always made it really awkward whenever she got in the office.

"It's going great! It really has been a long time." She looked at Marinette and smiled. Here it comes... "I believe Marinette has gotten even more beautiful since I have seen her!" she looked at Adrien with still the same face painted on her face. "Don't you think so too, boss?"

"We're leaving!" Marinette suddenly said, grabbing Alya by her arm and dragging her away. They closed the door behind them and Adrien and Sabrina got left behind. Adrien's lips turned into a thin line and he walked back to the office, closing the door behind him. Sabrina looked with surprise as he closed his door. Was he mad? Did Alya say something wrong?

The blonde sat down on his chair and he looked outside his window, seeing Marinette and Alya walking over the street. His hand and elbow supported the weight of his head and he pouted slightly. He turned and looked at his desk, seeing Marinette's notebook. He grabbed it and looked at her summaries of the assignments.

Adrien rubbed his forehead as he thought. He once again looked outside the window, but they weren't in sight anymore. He turned to look at his desk and he put his head on his desk, closing his eyes.

How the hell did this all happen? Well, it all started because of his father…

His father thought it would be a good idea to open a new company, but he needed employees. So he thought of another idea, which was a design contest. The price was a job at 'Agreste Design'.

"And the winner is Marinette." Adrien whispered. His father still traveled a lot, so someone had to become the boss and his father had chosen him… He didn't want to, but it still happened.

Adrien opened his eyes, his gaze landing on Marinette's notebook. It laid open and her handwriting was visible. He grabbed it and looked better. Even her handwriting looked beautiful.

Even? Yes, even.

Adrien frowned and pouted. He really couldn't deny it. Marinette really did get more beautiful every time he saw her. Not only just beautiful. It even was equivalent to a goddess.

She looked really good everyday. Her hairstyle was still the same, but now she had a ponytail. She always carried a pencil in her ponytail for when she had to write down something fast. Her body became more feminine through the years. She had beautiful curves, right on the places where it had to be. Her waist line was small, but her hips were beautiful. Other parts on her body also did get curvy, but he was a gentleman, so he tried not to look.

Her face… Not even the greatest artist could make something that beautiful with an oil painting. Her face also got very feminine and the blush on her face represented the cuteness still visible on her more adult face.

Her eyes sparkled even more than 5 years ago. They were big and beautifully blue like the sea. He could drown in them if he looked too long. Her nose was still adorable, cute and small. Her lips... She wore lip gloss now to accentuate the fullness... As if she needed that.

He frowned and pouted. He still kept thinking about 5 years ago, when he rejected her. Does she hate him? He hoped not... And he felt really bad constantly thinking about it. Not because he might have hurt her, which he did and he knew, but also because he was thinking if she still liked him...

Because he started to like her...

To be honest, he already liked her... But he rejected because he liked someone else more... But he hadn't seen his crush for three years.

"What should I do…" Adrien whispered.

"Relax! That's what you should do!" Adrien gasped and turned around, looking at his little black kwami who came back from his daily outside adventure "A lot of things happen for a reason!" He explained, floating around as Adrien looked with a cocked eyebrow at him. He floated in the air as if he was lying, with his fist under his head.

"The girl you like now, works for you. How big is the chance of that happening?" He said with a grin "Instead of avoiding her, something you are kind of doing now, you should talk to her."

Adrien pouted and looked with half lidded eyes. Is he going to take advice from a humanoid, weird creature?

What if she hates me?" he muttered.

"Yes!" Plagg yelled ecstatic, making Adrien shocked. He looked at his door, wondering if Sabrina heard anything. "Let's make a deal! I know exactly where Marinette and Alya just went. I will eavesdrop and hear what they are talking about and find out what she thinks of you!"

The blonde looked with slightly widened eyes. That was a good idea. He cocked one eyebrow all up and his mouth corner raised into a smirk. "What do you want?" he knew Plagg wasn't going to do it for free.

"Camembert. A week long. The most expensive." Adrien snorted and rolled his eyes. He pointed his index finger towards Plagg and Plagg put his hand on it.

"Deal." They shaked hands? Fingers? They sealed the deal and Plagg went outside. Adrien watched him go and he walked towards the door, yelling "Sabrina, could you buy me the most expensive, oldest camembert? Seven pieces?"

Sabrina looked up and surprise could be seen in her eyes "I didn't know you liked camembert that much?" She said, looking at him.

He grinned sweetly "It disgusts me." he closed the door and Sabrina looked dumbfounded.

"... Eh?"

Marinette was playing with her straw in her drink and Alya was talking about her job and Nino. Marinette didn't really listen. She didn't notice the little black kwami floating behind her. "Should I quit?"

Alya stopped with talking after Marinette's question. Plagg listened intently. "What?" Alya asked "Why do you want to quit? You like the work right?"

"I love it." Marinette said, now putting her fork in her salad "But I have the idea everything is awkward with Adrien..."

Plagg's expression saddened. Did she really hate him?

"Oh..." Alya said. She could understand "Did he do something wrong?"

Marinette stared at her salad, as if it looked really interesting "I feel as if he is avoiding me... He doesn't look at me..."

Plagg groaned. He knew Adrien shouldn't have ignored her. He didn't do it on purpose. If only Plagg could show himself and explain to her Adrien found her beautiful and he just couldn't stare longer than 5 seconds... But they would get startled because they had no idea what a kwami was...

"I don't know if he hates me or if it's just me..." she muttered. "It has been for six months now. Just going to work, saying 'hi', talking about work, and saying 'bye' and going home." she explained.

'He doesn't hate you!' Plagg seethed softly. He was going to head-butt that guy soon!

"Just try it for another few months... Maybe it will turn out just fine..." Alya explained, giving her her undivided support. Plagg nodded, agreeing with her. But he still had no clue if Marinette liked Adrien or not... "Do you know who he likes?"

"No, and I'm never going to ask."

"Just try and talk with each other..."

Marinette looked at her friend, who looked worried. "What if he doesn't like me?" Plagg's ear twitched. Was that a hint? "What if he rejects me again...?"

That was a hint! Plagg pumped his little fists into the air in excitement.

"I don't know... Maybe you should find out who he likes. Maybe he still likes that girl or it's over and you can give it a try and win him over?" Plagg nodded, totally agreeing with Alya.

"I don't know..."

Plagg floated away fast. He had heard enough and he wanted Camembert.

Adrien read Marinette's notebook and read the summaries of the assignments. He screeched in pain when something hard flew against the back of his head. He turned around, seeing Plagg floating in front of him. "Why did you do-"

Plagg now bumped against his forehead, and Adrien gasped. Adrien grabbed him fast in between his two hands, stopping Plagg from moving. "Why did you do that!" Adrien asked shocked.

"That girl really likes you a lot!" Plagg suddenly said, biting Adrien's thumb. But it didn't hurt. His teeth were too little. Adrien's lips parted slowly, hearing what Plagg just said. "She even wants to quit, because she thinks you hate her and you avoid her! You hurt her!" Plagg said, trying to bite harder and trying to move.

"She... Wants to quit?"

Plagg stopped with moving and looked at Adrien. "That's what she said. Alya convinced her to stay longer. She is afraid to get hurt again." Plagg explained. Adrien let go of Plagg when he heard Marinette arrive. He looked at the clock and lunch time was over.

He opened his door and looked at her office, seeing she closed her door. He frowned. Normally he would give them privacy when their doors were closed... He looked towards Sabrina's office. Her door was open. He inhaled his breath and he walked towards Marinette's office. He had to make sure she wasn't going to quit. He wouldn't forgive himself. He knocked the door.

Marinette looked up and closed her upper drawer fast. She bought a cookie for Tikki and she wanted to talk with her, but she suddenly got interrupted. "Yeah?" She asked, suspecting it to be Sabrina with an important announcement. The door opened and her heart skipped, seeing her boss. He closed the door behind her and she turned pale. W... What was going on?

Adrien thought for a second. 'Look longer at her than 5 seconds... Even if you blush, look at her longer.' he chanted his mantra. He walked towards her with her notebook in his hand. He gave it to her and she looked with slight confusion. Was he going to say something? Did she do something wrong? Since when did she become this insecure?

His gaze went to her eyes. Green met blue, but he already looked away fast. "We have a lot of assignments these days, so if you'd like a day of or so, I don't mind." he said, looking at her again. He saw her worried frown. Did that come out wrong? "B-Because I want to make it as comfortable as possible for you. And you haven't taken one day off, and I don't want you to become sick." He suddenly said, turning into a defense mode.

She stared at him, but a small smile slowly forming onto her luscious lips... Those beautiful, luscious, pink li- Concentrate!

"Thank you." She said with pinkish cheeks and the sweetest smile he had ever seen. "I will think about your offer. But I will finish a dress today first." She said, putting her notebook away. Adrien smiled. This looked like a good sign. She seemed happy. He walked away again and closed the door behind him. An intense blush grew on his cheeks and he was happy she couldn't see it.

"Here is you camembert. Are you getting sick?" Adrien gasped and looked next to him, seeing Sabrina.

"No, thanks." he said, taking the Camembert. It smelled really bad...

Marinette looked at her closed door with scarlet cheeks. That was sudden. What happened? She opened her upper drawer and looked at Tikki "How sweet of him." Tikki said. Marinette looked at the door again, and Tikki floated with her big cookie.

"Yeah..." she said as she stood up. She walked to her design corner and looked at the designed dress. It was almost finished. It only needed some finishing touches. "I don't know what suddenly happened. He even looked at me. I felt like he avoided me... But maybe I'm wrong." she explained, grabbing a few needles.

Tikki hummed softly and looked outside. Maybe she could go on a small adventure outside. She looked at Marinette and saw she was into her work again. In some sort of trance. She liked the peace. Hawk Moth had been defeated for 5 years now, and it got quiet outside, but Tikki had a lot of experience. She knew it wasn't going to last for long, so she could better enjoy it.

Tikki smiled and floated towards the window, going on a trip around town.

Adrien yawned and stretched, snapping a muscle in a good way. He looked outside and it had gotten dark. He looked at the clock and the work day was over. He walked out of his office, but he noticed Sabrina had gone away, but Marinette was still in her office. He cocked an eyebrow and Plagg noticed it too. They both went towards her door. Adrien opened the door softly, but he didn't see her. He looked further and he saw her in her little design corner, working on a dress. Plagg hid under Adrien's jacket.

"Knock knock." Adrien said out loud. Marinette gasped and looked behind her, seeing Adrien. "It's late. Shouldn't you go home?"

Marinette smiled, making his heart skip. "I will finish the dress soon and then I'll go home." she explained, working further on the dress. "I will lock the place up. Rose also already went home."

"Ok..." Adrien said worried. When was she going to eat dinner? "I'll see you tomorrow then." He said.

"Good night." Marinette said, not looking at him because she was very busy with the dress. Adrien walked out of the office and frowned. He looked around. Rose really was gone. Rose took care of the business downstairs, like selling the clothes and she loved to do it because she loved to dress other people. Adrien frowned and looked up, seeing the lights on in her office. He smiled and walked away, thinking about something.

Marinette smiled and looked at the dress. It almost seemed done. She looked up when she heard a sound from downstairs and when heard someone coming upstairs. She shrugged and went further.

Someone knocked her door after 15 minutes and she looked up in surprise. The door opened and she saw Adrien again. He made a motion with his hand for her to come towards him. She frowned and put her needles down, walking towards his. She followed him, but she thought it was strange for her to follow him, especially since he hadn't said anything.

He opened the door of his office and Marinette looked with slight confusion and surprise. Adrien's desk got decorated with a candle and a table cloth. There also were two plastic plates and two pizza boxes. "Tada!" He said with a grin. Marinette walked inside and looked. She then looked at him, her beautiful eyes eliminated by the candle light. "You haven't had dinner right? I didn't want you to work with an empty stomach, so… Tada!" He said again.

Marinette's lips parted as she looked. "Sit down!" Adrien offered, preparing a chair for her. She sat down and she was speechless. Adrien also sat down and he opened a pizza box. "I have Quatro staggioni and Salami." He said, grabbing a piece for her. She looked at him, and he looked at her. He looked away fast when he felt a blush grow onto his cheeks. She looked even more beautiful with the candle light.

"I'm speechless." He looked at her and he saw the smile on her beautiful lips. She accepted her piece, but he unconsciously kept staring at her. He shouldn't have lit a candle… She looked more beautiful if that even was possible.

Marinette noticed him staring and she blushed "I... Is there something on my face?" She asked embarrassed. Adrien's eyes widened, only now noticing he had been staring.

"N-Nothing. There's nothing." Adrien said, looking at his pizza and trying not to look at her. They ate their pizza in silence again, but Adrien frowned his eyebrows. Was this really how it's going to be?

He put his pizza on his plate and he put his hands on his face. Marinette looked worried at him. Was he mad? He really had been acting weird today.

"Are you o-"

"We need to talk." Adrien suddenly said, interrupting Marinette. Adrien looked at Marinette from in between his fingers. She looked really worried and sad. And even still, she looked like a goddess.

"I'm sorry if I'm going to say something wrong or if I hurt you..." Adrien said softly, looking her in her eyes. Her eyebrows frowned even deeper. "But could you please... Not look so freaking beautiful everyday?" He muttered under his hand, looking away as the candle light illuminated his blush. It wasn't hard to miss, really.

Adrien's gaze turned to look at the woman across from him. Said woman looked with widened eyes after his sudden exclamation. "W-what?"

He knew she wouldn't get it. Of course not. He just said something stupid. Stupid, stupid... She looked frozen and her expression didn't change. "L-Let me explain..." Adrien said nervous, thinking he might have actually hurt her "I know it's wrong for me saying that. Especially after rejecting you, but I just want to get some things straight..." he said.

Mariette's expression now turned hurt. OK, he hurt her. He was sure now. "We both got mature and I think we both feel a weird atmosphere especially now I'm your... Boss..." He said the last word with disgust "I know I'm the cause of it..." he said. He looked at her again, and her expression didn't change again. He frowned, not sure if it was a lost cause, or if he should just try and explain further.

"I can't look at you longer than 5 seconds." Adrien said, looking at his plate. "That's why I don't look at you. Not because I hate you, not because I don't want you. I just can't."

That didn't explain anything at all "W... Why can't you look. Did I do something wrong?" She asked. Adrien looked at her with widened eyes. Wait, she thought she hurt him? He thought he hurt her.

"N-No! Not at all!" he explained. "It's just..." he looked away again. The five seconds were over. "Whenever I look at you, I just remember rejecting you and your pained face... You running away while crying... I didn't mean to hurt you..."

Marinette's frown turned deeper. "If you don't want to hurt me more, then just look at me. I have the feeling you don't like me at all because you're always avoiding me." she explained. She was right though. He did avoid her subconsciously.

Adrien frowned and looked at her. His green orbs met her blue ones.

Adrien stared at her, inspecting the beautiful face of hers. He felt the blush creep onto his face, but he didn't look away. He didn't want to hurt her, so he kept staring.

Marinette was staring back, happy he didn't stop. He did what she asked, and she appreciated it. Her pupils slowly dilated after she noticed he blushed. He blushed? Her lips slowly parted and Adrien noticed that too.

"I didn't joke when I asked you to look less beautiful." Adrien said with a smile.

She kept staring at him, not believing what he was saying. Did she fall asleep and was this all a dream? "I-I..." she muttered. Adrien was inspecting her whole face. Even the little freckles on her little button nose became visible.

"I don't get it." she could finally manage to mutter "How did this happen? How come you're suddenly saying things like this?"

He frowned, but he hadn't stopped staring at her. "Even though I rejected you, we were still friends... But after some time I began to have feelings for you..."

Marinette laughed softly, but her laugh wasn't a real one. It felt bad... She was hurt, and he suddenly liked her? Now what? Laugh it off and forget what happened?

"I'm not asking you to suddenly forgive me for hurting you, but I at least wanted to explain..." Marinette nodded and looked at her pizza. "I don't want you to quit when you think it's too awkward here. You are a great designer and I just want you to stay here."

Marinette looked at him again, now a smile slowly growing on her lips. Again those beautiful glossed lips... "Thank you..." she said "For explaining. I feel better now..."

Why couldn't she just tell him she still liked him?

"I'm glad." Adrien said with a grin, making Marinette's heart skip a beat. They ate their pizza's in silence, but Marinette couldn't help it. She still felt awkward, because Adrien did, kind of, confess...

Marinette's gaze went towards Adrien. She looked away fast because Adrien was still staring at her. He was eating his pizza as he was staring at her. Creepy? Sure. But the butterflies in his belly made it feel intoxicating, so he didn't think about it.

She ate her piece and stood up. "Thanks for dinner. I think I have to head home." She suddenly said. Adrien looked at her plate, noticing she had only one piece.

"You had enough? You only had one piece." Adrien said confused and surprised. Marinette looked at him with a smile as she stood up from her chair.

"Yeah, I'm afraid I might get too curvy nowadays. So I think I'm going to eat less." she explained, walking towards the door.

"Whaaat? Why?" He whined. "I love your curves."


He what now?

Marinette stopped in her tracks, and slowly turned her head, looking at Adrien. She misheard right? Probably not, seeing his face. His whole face turned completely scarlet. Even more scarlet than the tomato sauce on the pizza's. Marinette blushed too, after seeing him blush. "What did you-"

"Nothing." he said, cutting her off.

"Yes. You said you love my curves?" She said, repeating every word.

"Well, yeah, but I didn't mean it." he said, with an awkward laughter. "Well, I did, but I don't..." he couldn't explain it. Marinette turned around and walked towards her office. Adrien gasped and ran behind her, trying to stop her. She was going to quit. She was definitely going to quit.

Plagg looked over Adrien's desk from outside the drawer. He looked with half lidded eyes. He still sometimes looked like the 15 year old helpless teen...

"Wait, let me explain."

Marinette turned around, looking at him. Her expression was unreadable, but she still blushed. "L-Listen. I told you two times, and this is third, but you really are beautiful. And I'm not even talking about your curves."

"Is it weird I don't believe you? First you reject me, and now I hear three times you find me beautiful! I can't find it myself, so why are you even trying to convince me!" she asked, grabbing her purse.

"You can't find it?! Are you on catnip!?"

"Catni-? What? No!" Marinette said, utterly confused. "I'm going home. I have to empty my head." she said, walking past him. He grabbed her wrist and she gasped in shock.

"Your hair!"

"My what?"

"I love your hair. Even when it looks a bit messy and you always have a pencil stuck in it. I love how it looks and it looks beautiful to me." he explained, making her eyes widen as she looked into his "Your big beautiful eyes. I drown every time I look at them. They always shine and sparkle when you smile. Talking about smiling, I love your lips the most. They always draw me in and it drives me crazy. You drive me crazy!"

Marinette looked with parted lips. She couldn't breath. "Please, I beg you, don't stay mad at me for feelings I couldn't help back then and right now." he said.

She looked at him and her eyes couldn't avert. He looked pained. He looked really pained. He laid his heart open like she did. He was also staring back, not saying anything. He didn't suspect her to say anything back.

"I.. I..." She stuttered. They kept staring, not even realizing how close they were. Sometimes it was just better to keep quiet instead of coming onto words. What should she even say.

Her lip gloss smelled like cherry. Adrien's eyes widened and a blush invaded his body. He could smell her lip gloss, which meant he was very close to her. He let go of her wrist, but she didn't move. "Who did you like? Or do you like?" Marinette asked.

Adrien looked dumbfounded at her. She was really interested? "Well... It's... I haven't seen her for three years or so." Adrien explained.

"Who?" She asked again, not leaving her gaze fixated on his green eyes. His beautiful, emerald, green eyes...

"And I don't like her as much as I did." he said, still explaining himself even when he didn't need to. He looked at her lips and the cherry scent reached his nose again. He wanted to kiss and lick it off. It smelled freakingly sweet.

"Who." she didn't ask anymore.

Adrien looked at her, and realized he couldn't avoid it. She worked with him, so she probably was going to ask all day. Or she would quit and she won't ask anything, which was an option he didn't like at all. He frowned worried as he looked at her determined stare. What was she thinking right now?

'Am I out of her league?' she thought. If it was some sort of rich superstar, she couldn't beat her. But if it was just a regular girl, it would be easy. But who the hell was she? She really needed to go home and rethink this a-


Marinette's eyes instantly widened and her lips parted. "Who- What did you say?"

His frown turned deeper, seeing her shocked expression. He wasn't even sure if he had to say it again... But she wanted to know... So he said it again.

"I liked Ladybug."

Can she beat Ladybug? Can she win Adrien's heart? Let's find out on the new episode of 'Amor Fati'!

Kidding, Thank you for reading. Please review and tell me your thoughts.