"Surprise," Kirk said as a greeting.

Ignoring him, Spock eyed Kirk's companion, coming to the conclusion that perhaps the man will be easier to break then the stubborn cadet.

"He's with me," Kirk's smile widened; not letting his new friend talk for himself.

"How did you beam yourself aboard this ship while it is traveling at warp speed?" Spock asked, once again ignoring the cadet.

Once more, it was Kirk who answered; ignoring the exhaustion from a very… very long day. He grinned, "You're the genius: you figure it out."

"As the captain of this vessel, I order you to answer the question." Spock in his own way practically shouted. It wasn't said in his normal tone. "You are a prisoner. There is nowhere for you to go. This question impinges on the very security of Starfleet itself. I assure you that I will utilize whatever authorized methods are at my disposal to convince you to respond to my inquiry."

"Well, I'm not telling." Kirk responded unafraid. Obi-wan taking a small step forward. He was not planning to let the commander torture the young cadet for information that was not at the moment relevant. Surprisingly, Spock didn't have a respond to this reckless statement.

Taking advantage of the commander's confusion, with new energy Kirk decided to push his point forward. Praying that Obi-wan wasn't about to interrupt him. He didn't know what powers the man has, but he got the feeling that in a fight Kirk would without a doubt instantly lose.

"Does that frustrate you? My lack of cooperation? Does it make you angry?" in a way proving his point, Spock turned around and addressed the stranger.

"You are not a member of this ship's crew. Under penalty of court-martial, I order you to explain how you beamed aboa…"

"Don't answer him Scotty," Kirk ordered interrupting the half-Vulcan.

Spock was not to be denied, "you will answer me!" he demanded of the stranger.

Scotty looked from the Vulcan to Kirk and demurred. "I'd rather not take sides, if you don't mind."

Spock was getting more frustrated by the second and soon he was going to hit his limit. He nodded towards the security, "escort them to the brig."

However, Kirk wasn't ready to leave the bridge yet. In fact, he was just getting warmed up. Obi-wan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. This wasn't going to be pretty and he was glad that he told Anakin to stay in the Med-ward.

"What is it about you, Spock?" Kirk continued, not letting security get a hold of him. "Your planet was just destroyed. Your whole civilization was wiped out. Your mother is in a coma and the person that saved her isn't better off… and you're not even upset?!"

Spock stared back at him, hard and unblinking. "Your presumption that these experiences interfere with my abilities to command this ship is inaccurate."

Kirk snorted, "I mean did you see that bastard's ship? Did you see what he did?"

"Yes, of course I…"

"So, are you angry, or aren't you?" Kirk demanded. Obi-wan could feel the walls around the commander falling. Part of this conversation reminding him of all the discussion he's had with Anakin regarding emotions. It was just happening in a very messed up sort of way. It gave him a new perspective.

"I will not allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion." Spock grounded out.

Kirk moved closer to the commander, before the guards could even think of intervening. "Then why don't you stop me?"

Spock's eyes did not waver from the human that was confronting him. Off to the side, McCoy was watching the growing confrontation nervously. Sarek merely watched and Obi-wan stayed in a position for him to easily intervene if necessary.

"Step away from me, Mister Kirk." Spock warned evenly.

"Tell me Spock," Kirk ignore his warning, "what's it like not to feel? Anger… or heartbreak… or the need to stop at nothing to avenge the people who hurt the woman who gave birth to you?!"

A vein started to pulse in the Vulcan's neck. His eyes had widened slightly. "Back away…"

"You must not feel anything," Kirk persisted. "I guess it must not compute for you. When it comes down to it, I guess you must not love her at all…"

"Stop it, you son of a bitch!" the dark-skinned woman stood up and started forward towards the pair. A hand caught her before she got too close. In the back of his mind, he remembered that her name was Uhura and he could feel the bond that exists between the commander and her.

She looked around her in surprise, shock that she was being restrained, by all people, the ship's doctor. McCoy wore an indecipherable, almost speculative expression. "Let them fight." He said in a low tone, but stressed it enough forcing her not to fight him.

The combination of it all, at last, Spock snapped. Kirk did his best to fight back, but no human could move as fast as the acting captain. Spock became a blur, a whirlwind of striking hands and darting fingers. Every blow Kirk struck was blocked, every attempt at defense failed as Spock tore into him. None of the crew dared to get between the infuriated Vulcan and the man that purposely provoked him.

Obi-wan only let it go on for a few seconds and long enough for the cadet's point to be made, but the moment he felt that Jim's life was in danger he called up the Force and send the two males flying in separate directions. Kirk slammed into the far wall and Spock hit the bridge's screen, hard, but it still wasn't enough to knock him out nor the fight out of him.

Obi-wan realized that the greater threat was the commander and with both hands held him back. The Vulcan was viciously trying to break free from his hold. Kirk slowly and in awe of the Jedi's power tried to stand up; leaning heavily against the wall for support. Uhura was yelling at Spock to stop… to stop fighting and to calm down. But all the acting captain could hear was the uncontrollable rage in his own mind. Nothing could penetrate the white heat that was driving him and the need to break free. Fortunately for all on the bridge, the Jedi Knight was keeping him in place, however he was impressed with his determination.

"Spock!" a clam voice managed to break through the torrent of emotions. It came from where he had remained standing, near the far wall, Sarek had finally stepped forward.

Spock fought for a second longer, his eyes promising Kirk a slow and painful death, but as his father's voice echoed throughout his entire being. Spock abruptly stopped struggling against Obi-wan's grip. The Jedi slowly and cautiously, set Spock down. He was not the wild beast from seconds before, his face easily showed his shock for what had just transpired. He could not believe what he had been doing. He stared up at the man that only a brief moment ago, he had wanted to kill and while his face might be bloody and bruised, he could not find an ounce of hatred… only compassion.

'Master…?' Anakin suddenly asked, having felt the shift in the Force.

Obi-wan exhaled and relaxed, 'everything is fine Anakin… Kirk at last managed to push the right button on the commander.'

His Padawan was silent, but he could feel that he was slowly nodding accepting his answer. 'Alright Master. Also, I've nearly located the Ambassador's wife, I can guaranty that she didn't feel any of the psychic backlash.'

'That is relieving to hear, Padawan.' He replied.

No one gave much notice to the sight that was the battered lieutenant, though their attention was focused solely on their commanding officer and the human who dared confront the Vulcan. After a moment, Spock gathered himself, straightening, and wiped at his eyes as he struggled to regain some semblance of his natural dignity. Thoughts elsewhere, his attitude uncharacteristically hesitant, he walked to where McCoy was standing and staring back at him wide eyed.

"Doctor, by order of Starfleet Regulation Six-Nineteen, I hereby relinquish my command on the grounds that I have been emotionally compromised. Please note the time and date in the ship's log." He pushed past the staring physician and exited the bridge. Notably ignoring the Jedi, he knows, from the little that they've been told that the man knows more of what is happening then anyone on the bridge.

"I like this ship," Scotty declared into the ensuing silence. "It's exciting!"

Obi-wan chuckled, the man's sudden declaration breaking the tension which filled the bridge.

McCoy turned to Kirk, "congratulations Jim. Now we've got no captain and no goddamn fist officer to replace him."

Kirk didn't hesitate, "yeah we do."

The same couldn't be said for his shipmates, even Obi-wan who had been there when Pike promoted the cadet lost his smile. It was left to Sulu to point in Kirk's direction. That was when it hit them and they all remembered. Kirk had recently been made first officer before Pike had left the ship.

"What?!" McCoy blurted in disbelief as the realization struck him.

Kirk offered him a lopsided smile. "Thanks for the support, Doc." He moved purposefully towards the command chair.

"There's a lot I'd like to say… Captain." She said as he passed her chair. All but hissing the title, "but I'll save it for another time. Meanwhile, I sure as hell hope you know what you're doing."

Under the circumstances, he knows, that her comment practically amounted to a vote of confidence. He nodded slowly, his head still not completely right. "So do I."

Obi-wan and McCoy stepped forward at the same time, the doctor going to check on his friend's injuries. Though he was immediately waved off. He didn't give Obi-wan a chance to speak and turned to the communication link on the chair. Obi-wan could wait.

"Attention crew of the Enterprise. This is James Kirk. Captain Spock has resigned his commission and advanced me to acting captain. I know you were all expecting to regroup with the rest of the fleet, but I'm ordering a pursuit course of the enemy ship that we believe to be headed for Earth. I want all departments at battle stations and ready for combat in ten minutes. Either we're going down or they are." He ended the transmission and looked around to regard the crew. Some of them were still in shock, others didn't take their eyes off the Jedi. It all happened so fast.

Kirk spoke directed towards the man, who more than likely save his life. He could have never imagined that Spock could be so deadly. "You have to realize it was the only way." He said unsure why he felt the need to explain himself to this man.

Obi-wan inclined his head. "Perhaps, he has been struggling since the loss of his planet. It is to be expected, nonetheless, you were lucky that my Padawan wasn't here. You wouldn't have been only dealing with the commander."

Kirk froze, "and why would that be?"

Obi-wan shrugged, "your comments would have hit too close to home."

Jim flinched and slowly nodded, thanking and hoping that his luck holds out.

"I want some answers!" Uhura broke the following silence and changing the topic. "Where the hell did you get trans-warp technology?" she jerked her head towards Kirk's forgotten companion. "Surely not from that vagrant you brought on board with you?"

That drew a response from the subject, who looked slightly wounded. "There now, lassie, I think that's uncalled for."

Kirk smiled, wincing at the pain that it induced and tried to answer without giving anything away. Obi-wan only following the conversation because of his light reading from earlier; beaming technology had played a large part in their space expansion, but what little he had been able to read of the technology it would not be useful in the Republic. Planetary shields would stop the transport from working and in the upcoming war, it would give either side an unpredictable advantage in the domination of underdeveloped worlds.

"Lieutenant Uhura, that vagrant is Montgomery Scott, an experienced Starfleet engineer of unexpected mental and technical gifts, if possibly dubious character. As to the definitive source of the actual physics that were employed to get us on board, trust me… it's complicated."

I can't believe that I have at last updated, honestly i wish to say thank you to all of throgh the years have supported me and reminded that this story exists and hsa a very dedicated fanbase. Thank you all and Happy belated May the 4th.

Much tanks and love MusingAIR