Addicted- Chapter 1
Hey guys, this is my first Harry Potter Fanfiction. I have written others about NCIS, NCIS-LA, Covert Affairs, Hawaii 5-0, Sea Patrol and others.
Definitely a werewolf fic where Hermione gets bitten
I quite like the pairing of Hermione and Lupin. I personally think it's a much better pairing between these two then Hermione and Ron and Lupin and Tonks. Hermione and Lupin just seem to fit better.
Hermione sat on her bed running her fingers gently over bite as her mind flashed back to whence she was bitten.
She had been walking through the winding streets back in Muggle London as the full moon shone high in the sky. The wolf was watching her through the bushes, unable to take his eyes off her, mirroring each step as she took it.
Hermione turned onto her street, unaware of the presence of the wolf who had come out of the darkness of the bushes and into the light of the moon as it shone down on its coat. The wolf had Hermione in his sights. He let out a low growl before running at her full speed.
Hermione turned to see the wolf running at her, she opened her mouth to scream, but before she knew it the wolf was on top of her. She tried to pull out her wand, but it was no use the wolf was over powering her. Then she felt it. The moment everything changed as she felt the wolf's teeth sink deep into her neck. She screamed as blood stared to pour from the wound. The wolf tried to sink deeper into the wound when his peaked up to the noise starting to erupt from behind them. The wolf turned its neck to see lights coming on and people coming out of their homes in response to Hermione's scream. He growled lowly as he withdrew from the bite and slunk back into the shadows as he watched the muggles surround his newest cub.
"Hermione? Hermione?" Echoed her mother voice up the stairs shaking her out of her flashback. "Come on love. Your friends are waiting for you."
"Coming mum." She said as she checked around her room, making sure she had packed everything she needed for the Leaky Cauldron and Hogwarts.
Hogwarts she thought to herself. She remembered in the weeks after she was bitten she had sent an owl to Professor Dumbledore.
Professor Dumbledore. I am in no doubt that you are aware of what has happened to me whilst I have been home from Hogwarts. If not I thought it best to make you aware of the situation. Over the summer break I was attacked and bitten by a werewolf while he was in wolf form. I have had one transformation since my attack sealing my confirmation as a werewolf. I know that you made exceptions for Professor Lupin and his lycanthropy and if it was possible I was hoping that these exceptions could also apply to me.
Ms Hermione Granger
She re-read the note before sending it off to Dumbledore. 2 Days later she received an owl back.
Dear Ms Granger
I was deeply saddened to hear about your lycanthropy over the summer break. I will be more than happy to grant your request for exceptions as requested in your letter. Also Professor Lupin will be returning to Hogwarts at the start of the New Year and I would suggest that you utilize his knowledge and experience in this area.
Albus Dumbledore
Hermione walked down the stairs to find her parents waiting with smiles on their faces. She still hadn't told them about her Lycanthropy, scared how they would react. Instead she smiled, hugged them as they wished her a great school year. She took hold off her trunk and bag and headed outside. She looked up as the sun set came down and the darkness of the night began to appear with the half moon rising high in the night sky. She smiled. Thanking herself it wasn't a full moon.
She pulled out her wand, extending it fully and within a matter of seconds The Knight Bus came into view. Hermione smiled as they loaded her trunk on board and she settled in for her ride to the Leaky Cauldron.
Since she had been bitten she had thought hard about how she was going to tell Ron and Harry, she was a werewolf. "How does one fit that into a conversation?" she thought to herself. Do you just come right out and say it. "I'm a werewolf?" Or something more subtle. "Harry, Ron, something happened over the summer." "God, that last one it sounds like I've murdered someone doesn't it." She thought to herself as she chuckled to herself. Or the last option do I tell them anything at all. "I mean they're going to notice things around, on and after the full moon aren't they. Well I mean Harry will atleast." She thought to herself as she thought of Ron.
Before she knew it she had arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. The assistant helping her unload her trunk. She thanked him as she took her trunk by the handle and wheeled it in through the entrance to the pub when she heard her name being shouted.
"Hermione!" Said Harry, followed by Ron.
Hermione smiled softly and ran over to them. "So good to see you" She said as she pulled them into a hug. Harry first. As she came into close contact to them, she could distinguish their individual smells. She inhaled Harry's scent deeply causing him to pull back slightly.
"Uh Hermione, are you okay?"
Realising what she had done. She quickly removed herself from him. "Sorry. I uh, just missed you." She said with a smile.
Hermione had been busy catching up with Ron and Harry when Professor Lupin entered the Leaky Cauldron. There was something about him that her wolf side re-acted to, like they were connected. Her eyes connected with his as she watched him as he moved through the crowd towards the three of them.
"Harry, good to see you." He said as he smiled softly.
Remus started to greet Ron and Hermione; he inhaled to take a breath. He caught the scent, a scent he didn't recognize. The closer het got Hermione the stronger the scent became. "She's intoxicating" he thought to himself as he closed his eyes to let her scent envelope him, which didn't go unnoticed by Harry or Hermione.
"Professor, are you alright?" He asked.
Remus opened his eyes. "Yes, yes I'm alright. Would you two mind if I borrowed Ms Granger for a moment?" He asked.
Hermione started to panic. "Oh no, he knows. Damn those wolves are there heightened senses."
Remus led Hermione away from the others. "When did you get bitten Ms Granger and why haven't you come to me?" He asked as Hermione looked at him.
"It happened over the summer." She replied as she begins to tell Remus what happened.
Hey guys. Hope you enjoy the story. Please review. Would love to get your feedback!
More chapters to come soon!