The whole situation is really awesome, Lucy thinks.

She and her mom and dad are finally in Storybrooke with the rest of her family. She got to meet her great-grandparents, Snow White and Prince Charming, and watch her grandmother, the formerly-Evil Queen, get crowned queen of the huge new combined realm. She wore this gorgeous fancy dress and nothing could really be better.

Her parents, thankfully in love and all happily-ever-after again, enrolled her in Storybrooke Elementary. Her mom bought her loads of school supplies and her dad talked for way too long about how it was where Snow White taught him to believe in magic and gave him the storybook.

They went to Granny's twice in one day, her dad proclaiming that Granny's breakfast was the best—he was right—and dinner was just as good—he was still right. She asked for hot chocolate with cinnamon, and Granny just smiled when she placed the whipped cream masterpiece before her. "Truly a Charming, aren't you?"

Lucy went to bed grinning that night.

Even with all of that, her grandparents were the coolest part of Storybrooke. Of course, Killian Jones wasn't technically her grandfather—step-grandfather was awfully close to real grandfather when she'd never known another, so it didn't matter. After Emma's initial expression of "oh dear god I have a ten-year-old granddaughter" and Killian's straight-up "what the hell?" right before the coronation, she and her mom had been accepted as family without a blink.

She and her dad had visited the Swan-Jones house for an hour not too long after their arrival, and Lucy had gotten to hold Hope finally, and her dad had showed her his unchanged bedroom. They'd left quickly, since Hope had started wailing when her brother didn't return her to her father quickly enough and Emma looked about ready to shoot someone.

"We'll call before dropping in next time," her dad had said as they left her grandparents' house. Lucy had nodded emphatically, since the sheriff shooting a family member would not have been good.

Snow issued an invitation to the whole family—Charmings, Joneses, and Mills—that politely and sweetly demanded their presence for a gathering that promised to be both lovely and stressful. Since it involved a lot of royalty, two versions of Captain Hook, and people who had lived in completely different timelines for either about two years or ten years, it couldn't be anything less.

Henry, Jacinda, and Lucy arrived at the Charming farm strictly on time. It was a few miles out of town, just far enough that Lucy could just barely see the heart of Storybrooke. As Killian said, "It's in the middle of nowhere, Dave!" and David pseudo-wistfully replied, "It's as far out as I could manage."

The day passed in a blur of wonder and family. Snow hugged her more times than she could count, Robin promised to teach her archery, and Rogers let her try on his brace and fake hand. She tried Regina's apple turnover (there were some things that took a while to get over, even with full trust and love), Emma laughed at her trepidation, and her dad's resigned eyes agreed to tell the full story when they got home.

As she and the rest of the kids tired and the adults settled down into conversation with tiny glasses of champagne, Lucy found herself staring at her grandparents. Emma had spent most of the day chatting with Lucy's parents, mostly gazing at her now-grown son, and tending to baby Hope whenever Snow wasn't monopolizing her. Killian had alternated the day between baiting David and entertaining the kids.

But now they were sitting next to each other, Killian's arm resting on the back of the couch behind Emma's head. Hope was sprawled out in Emma's lap, cooing up at her parents. Killian pressed his forehead to Emma's temple. "How is she still awake?" Lucy heard him ask.

"I have no idea," Emma murmured back. "Mom was showing her off to everyone for the millionth time, you'd think she'd have been tired out. Hearing ooh, so cute so many times, you know."

Killian laughed. "Everyone here has seen her within the past two weeks. She's growing quickly, too quickly, but not that fast. Although she is the most beautiful baby in the realm, so I can't blame your mother for wanting our family to see her again."

"She should probably go ahead and stop growing, though," Emma said. "You'll be miserable when she gets older." Hope squeaked in agreement or perhaps anticipation for the days of driving her dad absolutely crazy. Lucy grinned. She was going to help with that.

Killian screwed his eyes together tightly and groaned as Emma giggled. Lucy settled further into her seat and watched them. They continued talking, more quietly to encourage Hope to sleep.

Lucy glanced away from them, focusing on Rogers and Alice a few seats away from them. Rogers had relaxed considerably from earlier in the day, when he was still obviously uncomfortable that there was another one of him. He and Killian had talked before the coronation, of course, but this was the first Charming event that he and Alice had really attended. He looked loads better.

She looked back at her grandparents. Emma had moved Hope into Killian's arms, and Killian was staring down at the baby. His expression was the living embodiment of the heart eyes emoji. Lucy started figuring out how to draw a version of his face where he actually had the hearts pouring out of his eyes but was thoroughly distracted when she saw Emma's face.

Emma wasn't looking at Hope for once (Lucy couldn't blame her for normally staring at the baby. Her tiny aunt was adorable). She was staring at Killian. Lucy's stomach flipped upside-down. This was the true love her book was always talking about, the kind that her parents and great-grandparents also had. Emma's eyes danced, looking at her husband with the softest gaze Lucy had ever seen.

It was the kind of look you give someone when you've been through everything with them, from death to life, and it's done nothing but give you every reason to love them more.

Killian glanced at Emma, his smile growing when he saw that she was smiling at him too. Emma rested her head on Killian's shoulder, the movement causing her to see Lucy.

Lucy looked away as quickly as she could—it was their moment—but when she peeked back, Emma was motioning to her. Lucy jumped up and stepped over to her grandmother's side. Hope made a soft squeak when Emma pulled Lucy into her arms.

Lucy smiled as she settled her head on Emma's shoulder. This was the best sort of love, she thought. Emma's arms holding her tightly. Killian's kiss on Emma's forehead. Hope's tiny smile in her sleep. Lucy sighed happily and closed her eyes, wondering how they'd all gotten so lucky to find each other.