Bay took her purple spiral notebook out of her locker and closed the door. "So how were things with your mom this morning?" Bay signed to Emmett as she spoke. "Bad, I guess. She just kept crying and yelling about college." Emmett shook his head. Bay sighed. "I mean…it's not a question with unjust reason. What are we going to do about college? Or…whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's backtrack a little. What are we going to do about high school?" These thoughts ran through her mind constantly these days, though Emmett rarely wanted to talk about them. He held his hand up and shook his head. "College is important but it can wait. That's not my top priority right now. You are. And my baby." Bay blushed as she saw another student walk by and glance at her, as if she were trying to read in on her conversation with Emmett.

Emmett turned around. "What are you looking at?" He asked, the hallway mostly empty behind him. Bay brushed her hair away from her face. "Nothing it…just…I don't know, do I look…you know…pregnant?" She asked, moving her arms away from her abdomen. Bay had taken to wearing much baggier clothing than usual. But at nearly 11 weeks pregnant with her first child, and with her already slim figure, her pregnancy was getting much harder to conceal. Today she was wearing a pair of black leggings and a loose fitting burgundy top, though it was still evident that her breasts had increased in size. Her face seemed rounder, her hair seemed shinier. To some it may not seem like a significant change, but to Emmett, it was.

"Not REALLY pregnant. I think I only notice because I know. Why?" He finally answered. Bay pulled at the bottom of her top as if she was trying to make it larger. "I just feel like people are staring. Do they know?" Bay wondered aloud. Emmett shook his head again. "No one knows Bay. I haven't said anything. It's just in your head. Now come on. We need to get to study hall." Emmett held out his hand. Bay slung her backpack over her shoulder, which Emmett quickly took. She sighed as she grabbed his hand and they walked to study hall together.

Emmett and Bay took their usual spots with Daphne, Natalie and Travis in study hall. Before the bell even rang to begin study hall, Daphne stood up. "Bay, Emmett, I need to speak with you both. Now." She signed as she spoke. Bay and Emmett stood up to follow her. Emmett was sweating bullets. Of course Daphne knew. How could she not? The three of them stepped into the hall just outside the classroom door.

"Okay, now tell me what's going on." Daphne demanded, crossing her arms when she finished signing. Bay furrowed her eyebrows. "Wh…what are you talking about? What do you think is going on?" Daphne rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid, Bay. I saw you and John leaving the house at some crazy late hour last night. And when you both came back, you were crying. A lot. And he was mad!" Bay gulped. She could feel her cheeks turning red. Emmett tried to avoid eye contact with Daphne as much as he possibly could while still following the conversation. "Well? Start talking!" Daphne demanded.

Emmett sighed deeply. "John and Bay came to my house last night. John wanted to confront me because…" Emmett paused. He took another deep breath before continuing. "Because I got Bay pregnant." Daphne pursed her lips and shook her head. "I knew it. I knew it. From the day you ran from the cafeteria to go puke in the bathroom, I just knew it. And not only did you not tell me, you lied to me about it, Bay! Why would you do that? I thought that we had been through enough together. I thought you knew you could trust me by now!" Daphne signed harshly. She was visibly upset. Why had Emmett and Bay not confided in her sooner?

"Daphne, it's not like that. It had nothing to do with trust. Okay, I didn't even decide not to tell you. I just didn't have the words. I found out, and then Katherine found out and told John, and then John made me go to Emmett's house and Melody found out…it's all been a huge mess." Bay sighed as she shifted her weight back and forth from one foot to the other. "But I could have helped! Done something, been there for you to talk to-"Daphne was interrupted by Emmett. "Daphne, there's nothing you can do right now. Bay is pregnant and she's having my baby. And we haven't even fully wrapped our heads around this yet. We haven't told Regina, we haven't told my Dad. We have so much on our plates right now. And I am sorry that telling you was overlooked. But now you know. But there's nothing anyone can do." Daphne clenched her teeth and flared her nostrils the way she always did when she was angry.

"I just wanted to be there for both. That's all. I don't think that's too much to ask!" Daphne was just finishing her sentence when Principal Rose came up behind her. " and Mr. Bledsoe, you both may return to class now. , a word please?" Emmett gave Bay a confused look. She shrugged her shoulders in response as she followed Principal Rose.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" Bay asked nervously as she sat down in Principal Rose's office. Principal Rose sat down and shook her head. "Not exactly, Bay. I just need to ask you a few questions. Is that alright?" Bay nodded slowly as she searched her mind for anything she could be in trouble for. Principal Rose folded her hands on the desk and leaned forward. "Ms. Kennish, it has been brought to my attention that you are…going to…have a baby." Bay's jaw dropped open with a pop. Her cheeks turned bright red. She was too stunned to speak so Principal Rose continued. "I know this is none of my business. But I want to make sure you know of all the options that are available to you. You're such a bright, talented young woman. I want to see you succeed. I want to see you graduate from Carlton." Principal Rose slid a few pamphlets across her desk to Bay.

"Who told you?" Bay whispered so low it was nearly inaudible. "Bay, I am not here to place blame-"Principal Rose retorted but was cut off by Bay. "Who told you?!" She yelled as she stood up out of her chair. Principal Rose stood up behind her desk. "Bay, this is no one's fault. I just want to help you in any way that I can." Suddenly the door opened behind Bay. She turned around quickly and came face to face with Melody. Melody looked shocked. Bay was blushed with tears running down her round face. "I'm so sorry, I-" Melody began.

"It was you. You told my principal that I'm having your son's baby." Bay confronted Melody head on with no hesitation. She was furious. "Bay, I want the best for you and Emmett. Principal Rose can help-" Melody shrank back and Bay stomped her foot and clenched her fists. "I don't NEED any help from anyone! This is no one's business. And it's definitely not your business to be telling everyone! And who else did you tell? Because there sure were a lot of other students staring at me in the hallway today!" Bay yelled. Melody looked down. "Yeah. That's what I thought." Bay said as she walked behind Melody to leave the office.

Bay went straight to her car. She threw her backpack into the passenger seat and shoved the keys in the ignition. She had no destination in mind. She only knew that she needed to get away from this place. She needed to get away from all of these people who suddenly felt like her business was there business. All of these people who suddenly felt that she could not handle things on her own. She just needed to go. And so she did.