Hello and welcome to the end of Burnt. I know, it's sad, but I have another Malec story in the works. This chapter is technically an epilogue, so it's shorter than the other chapters. Anyways, I want to thank anyone who took the time to read this story. It really mean a lot to me, you guys. I've never had a story this successful before. I love you guys.

Note 7/16/16: This is not a new chapter, I'm just fixing a mistake that was pointed out to me in the chapter and addressing some of the comments I got, which I will do at the end of the chapter, as to not spoil the story for any new readers.

Disclaimer: Nothing's changed.

Warnings: Strong Malec feels and religious(ish)holiday mentions.

5 Years Later

"Alexander! Adrian! Rafe! Come on, we're going to be late for the party!" Magnus calls to his family.

"Calm down," Alec walks out into the living room of their loft and kisses his husband. Magnus happily returns the kiss, but slowly pulls away, remembering that they have someplace to be.

"Remind me again why I'm dressed up as cupid," Alec says, looking down at his outfit, "I look weird."

"Because this year's family theme is Holidays and you got Valentine's Day," Magnus tells him, adjusting his Santa hat, "I think you make an adorable cupid."

"These arrows don't even have a point! They end in hearts," Ale pulls one from his quiver, "and I'm wearing a toga with a sash made of hearts. I look weird."

"Well, we found true love, it's only right that you help other people, Alec," Magnus tells him.

"Why did you have to start this tradition?" Alec asks him, "out of all the traditions, you had to pick this one."

"Because I needed a way to ask you to marry me," Magnus reminds him, "which you did, lucky for me."

"We're soulmates. Of course we were going to get married," Alec rolls his eyes.

"You took like an hour to say yes!" Magnus exclaims, "I was up on the stage, waiting for an answer. Everyone was staring!"

"Magnus, I told you, it was like two minutes. And it wasn't because I was making a decision. It was because I was shocked. I wasn't expecting it was all. I knew from the first time I met you that I wanted to marry you."

"I remember than part. I was there at our wedding. I listened to your vows."

"I'm a bunny!" Adrian smiles, hopping out into the living room with a basket of plastic eggs, "hippity hoppity! Does the Easter bunny mind that I'm dressed up as him?"

"Of course not, Adrian," Alec smiles at him, "Papa and I made sure to ask the Easter bunny if it was okay for you to dress up as him."

"Okay!" Adrian smiles and continues to hop around the general area in his white rabbit costume, his bunny ears flopping around.

"Raphael, hurry up!" Alec calls, "we have to head over to the Institute so we can portal to Idris!"

"Alright, I'm coming!" Raphael walks into the room. His outfit is mostly black, but he's got a white collar and part of his sleeves are white. He's got a black belt with a brass buckle around his waist. His shoes are black as well with brass buckles on them. His hat is white with with a white stripe and a buckle.

"You make an adorable Pilgrim," Magnus says.

"Why did I get Thanksgiving?" Raphael says.

"Because that's the one that you drew from the bucket when we planning out this party," Magnus reminds him, then turns to Alec, "I wonder what holidays Jace and Clary and the twins got. Same with Izzy and Simon."

"Well, we're missing Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, President's Day, New Year's Day, Fourth of July, and Mother's Day," Alec tells him, "Jace and I picked the holidays, remember?"

"I know. Why Mother's Day?" Magnus asks.

"Honestly, the chance to see Jace dressed up as a woman tempted me to pick it," Alec laughs, "I thought it would be hilarious."

"Alright, well, we need to go," Magnus says. The four of them go to the Institute and find Clary and Jace, each holding one of their almost two year old twins. Isabelle and Simon are talking to them, holding hands. As they walk over, everyone turns to face them. As soon as Alec sees his parabatai, they both start laughing at the other. Jace is dressed up as Uncle Sam. His pants have vertical red and white stripes. He's got on a red bow tie on top of a blue vest with white stars.. Underneath his vest is a white dress shirt. He's also wearing a blue jacket that goes to almost his knees in the back, but it short in the front. His tall hat has vertical red and white stripes and a blue band around it with white stars. The hat also has fake white hair covering up Jace's blond hair and he has on a fake beard, but it's not as long as Magnus's Santa beard.

"Nice wings," Jace laughs, "and I love the hearts."

"You look like an American flag threw up on you," Alec retorts and soon the best friends are laughing like old times. His and Clary's son, Patrick, is in Jace's arms, dressed up as a mini Abe Lincoln, right down to the beard and top hat.

"Nice costumes," Magnus tells Clary, taking Lily, Patrick's twin sister, from Clary. The little girl is dressed as a pumpkin, which works with her bright red hair. Jace had been a little disappointed when both twins turned out to be redheads. Clary herself is dressed in all green with a bit of gold. She's got a green hat on as well. In her arm that wasn't holding Lily is a pot of gold.

"It suits you," Magnus says, "are you sure you're not actually part Leprechaun?"

"Well, you are old enough to be Santa, now aren't you?" Clary shoots back at him and they both smile. Clary hugs him, "how have you been? I love the costumes."

"Good, thank you," Magnus smiles, "and thank you. I put a lot of work into those costumes."

"You got them at the Halloween store, didn't you?" Clary asks him.

"Yep," Magnus says, "it's hard to be a fashion designer with two kids that need you."

"Tell me about it. I don't have much time for my art anymore," Clary says, "when I do draw, I only seem to draw Jace and the twins. Although, I need to talk to you an Alec later about something."

"Hey, um, can you make the portal so we can head to the party?" Simon walks over. He's wearing a long, blue dress with white polka dots. A white apron is tied around his waist. He's also wearing black high heels and has a baby doll in one arm.

"Okay, Mom. I'll do that now," Magnus says, then glances over at Izzy. She's got on a short, sequined silver dress. A black feather boa is draped around her neck. Her tiara also has come feathers at the base and has the words 'Happy New Year!' written one in all caps in enough pink glitter to make Magnus proud. She's wearing sunglasses that display the year and has noisemakers in her purse and a(n) (empty) bottle of champagne in her hand. Magnus goes to work and opens up the portal, which leads right to the place the party is at. It's still in the same building the originally was. The building had been changed to be used for parties. Magnus and Alec had had their wedding reception in there, as well.

People from Institutes all over the world are there at the party. Magnus and Alec immediately spot Aline Penhallow and Helen Blackthorn from Los Angeles and walk over to the pair after bringing Rafe and Adrian to the kids' room of the party so they could hang out with their friends.

"Hey," Magnus says, "how are you two? I love the costumes."

"Thanks," Helen says, "we drew the Inside Out card. So, if you see a bunch of kids dressed as emotions, that's why. Aline and I got the role of the parents, as you can see."

"Cool. Hey, even the band is dressed up," Alec looks up onto the stage. The lead singers are dressed as Anna and Elsa and the other band members are dressed up as Kristoff, Sven, Olaf, and Hans.

"Oh they're from the Berlin Institute," Helen says, "pretty good, right. Berlin's one of the bigger Institute so they got 'Newer Disney Movie' as their category. Plus they have that band. They play a lot of concerts here, actually. We've got them booked for our wedding in the Spring."

"I love weddings," Magnus says, "we will so be there."

"Good. Glad to hear it," Aline smiles at the pair, "we should go check on all the kids. We'll see you later."

"Clary said she had something important to talk to us about," Magnus says to alec once the two girls are gone, "maybe we should find her."

"Can't important wait? I want to enjoy this party," Alec says, pulling Magnus to the dance floor as a slow song starts playing. It is definitely a weird sight watching cupid and Santa Claus slow dance, but no weirder than a couple dressed up as Dumbledore and Gandalf dancing as well. Alec recognizes them as being from the London Institute. They must have picked out the 'Famous Wizards' category. Although, there are also some popular tv and movie characters dancing around. The Downworlders are also always invited to the party. Every year, the vampires and werewolves pull the joke as dressing up as book, tv, and movie characters of the other species. Everyone thought it was hilarious, especially the vamps and werewolves. Also, each year, the faeries, as a joke, would get mundane fairy costumes just to mock the inaccuracies. Alec and Magnus spend most of the night with each other on the dance floor.

"Attention," Luke stands up on the stage, Jocelyn at his side. Luke is dressed as Dracula and Jocelyn as a vampire bride, "I'd just like to take a moment to honor the two people who got these parties started. Magnus and Alec Bane - Lightwood. Thanks to them, relations between Shadowhunters and Downworlders are better than ever. And, demonic attacks are lower than they've been in centuries. Plus, the two of them, as you all know, have played a big part in the adoption system here in Idris. Let's give them a round of applause." The crowd starts cheering and clapping for them. Alec and Magnus look at each other and smile.

"We were just doing the right thing," Magnus says when the crowd calms down, "if we all do something to make the world a better place, no matter how small, all those little things together will make a big change in this world. But enough with the deep stuff. Let's get back to partying!" The crowd cheers again and the music starts back up. Alec and Magnus go down the steps of the stage to find Clary waiting for them.

"Can we talk outside for a few minutes?" Clary asks them.

"Sure," Alec says. The pair follow Clary outside the party and far away enough so that they can talk in a quiet environment, "what's up?"

"This," Clary pulls a piece of a paper with a rune out of her pocket, "I haven't actually came up with a new one in a while, then this one came to me in a dream."

"What's it mean?" Alec asks, looking over the symbol on the piece of paper. He could tell just by the look of it that it is powerful, but he's never seen it before.


Note: Okay, firstly, this is not meant to be a cliffhanger. I wanted to leave you guys off thinking after I ended this story. Secondly, Simon and Izzy just don't have kids yet. They will in the future. Honestly, I just ran out of holidays I could think of that you can dress up as. Thirdly, thank you to all the readers that have either been here since chapter one, discovered it in the middle, or are reading this way after I finished this story. You guys are awesome. Lastly, if anyone out there is a Marvel fan, I've got some great stories written and a few in the process of being written. Check them out.

- TheOtherAvenger