Bonnie's POV

My mother's dead. Damon killed her. I know he wasn't in the right state of mind, but it doesn't change the fact it was him, however I don't blame him. Technically it's my mom's fault. She offered her self as a sacrifice. Caroline and I found her minutes before she passed, and we had long enough to say a short goodbye. I asked her about the spell Ester used, but she refused to tell me anything. She doesn't want me to stop Damon. His poisonous bite will kill all the originals and with them, every vampire in the world.

What I don't understand is what she will do with Damon after all this is over. He will be the only vampire left, and if he wanted to, he could create a new race of vampires like him. Ester's plan seems redundant, unless she has some type of magical kill switch to end Damon's life once he finishes killing all vampires. She had to have tied his life to something that wouldn't last forever, something that would die. Ester used her blood during the spell, but I don't see her linking Damon's life to her own. . . wait.

Earlier Damon and Elena fed on each other, which would mean, her blood would be in his system. . . Ester linked his life to Elena's. That is the only possible explanation.

Caroline's POV

"Damon's life is linked to Elena's."

I look down at Bonnie, who is kneeling beside her mother's body. "What?"

"Think Caroline. Ester want's to kill all vampires, not let Damon live an immortal life to create thousands more like him. Damon drank Elena's blood earlier, which Ester could use since it's running through Damon's veins. It makes sense. When Elena dies, so will Damon."

"Damon is chasing after the entire original family," I look at Bonnie who stands up to face me. "Imagine what Klaus, Elijah, or Rebekah will do when the find out the only want to stop Damon is to kill Elena."

Bonnie's eyes widen at my statement. "We need to find her."

We take off together not noticing the blonde figure lurking in the shadows.

Elena's POV

What am I doing? Damon could be anywhere right now chasing after Klaus, and I am wondering around the woods without a clue.

"You shouldn't be here."

The voice startles me and I turn around to face the man I have been looking for.

"Damon," I breathe. Not caring whether is humanity is off or on, I walk up to him, stopping a foot away.

"Elena," he smirks, "Go home."

"No, not without you." He throws his head back and laughs at me.

"I could kill you in a second. You should be running from me, not begging me to follow you."

"Fine," I throw my hands up, "Kill me."

His grin falls, and he is right in front of me before I can blink. Our chests are almost pressed together. His nose grazes mine.

Damon tilts his head, looking me up and down before replacing his frown with a crude smile. "I'm tempted, but I think I will pass."

He turns and starts walking away from me. I have to do something to stop him.

"Damon I love you." This makes him stop. He glances back at me and I swear I see something in his eyes, something human, but he shakes his head before darting off, leaving me alone among the surrounding trees.

I hear a crunch behind me. I spin around, but nothing is there. I look down and notice a cute white rabbit. It's little nose twitching.

Laughing at my paranoia, turn back around, and I'm met with the face of Rebekah Mikaelson.

Damon's POV

I don't care.

At Elena's words of love, I felt the switch in the back of my head tug.

I can't let my humanity back on. I have a mission to do.

I spot Klaus at Mystic Falls High School listening to a frantic Caroline and Bonnie. This should be easy, I thought. While Klaus is distracted by vampire barbie, I can swoop in and bite him. He'll get sick and die as I hunt down his siblings.

Just as I am about to rush towards him, I hear a scream come from the woods.

I feel the pull of the switch like a mantra in my head. Elena. Elena. Elena.

Making my decision, I head back in the direction where I left Elena alone, but I double over in pain after I take my first step. Blood is seeping out of my abdomen. She's hurt.

I have to get to her.