Disclaimer: All publicly recognisable characters are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and the plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter 1

Chocolate brown eyes blinked against the morning sun that streamed in from the window. A yawn tore through petal pink lips before the covers slid off as she sat up stretching ever so slightly.

"Scarlett. Honey are you awake?" Her mother's voice said through the door as a knock sounded across the room. The door opened and her mother walked with a smile on her face.

"Morning Mom," Scarlett Rayer said as she smiled brightly at her mother.

"It's your first day at work, think you'll be okay?" Her mother asked. Scarlett scoffed as she stood up and made her way to the full-length mirror. She looked at herself and smiled again.

"Scarlett is an enigma, Mom. Right now I'm at the bottom of the ladder, but in no time I will be up top where I belong," Scarlett said quietly as she looked at herself. Kathryn Rayer sighed as she watched her daughter. If there was anything Scarlett loved more than anything was herself.

"So why are you here so early anyway?" Scarlett said as she made her way to her closet to pull out an outfit for the day.

"I had to see if you would be alright, first day and all," Kathryn replied. Scarlett poked her head out of the closet door and stared at her mother before she walked out with a dress thrown over her arm.

"You're kidding me right? What am I? 10? Seriously Mom. It's just work," Scarlett said as she rolled her eyes at her mother and made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Kathryn shook her head and made her way out of the room, wondering why she even thought coming to check up on her daughter was a good thing.

A little while later found Scarlett trudging down the stairs of her home, a fitting red dress hugging her body, a stark contrast against her dark hair that was let loose.

"Leaving?" Her mother asked.

"Of course," she replied as she picked up the car keys.

"What about breakfast?"

"Jesus Christ Mom, I'm going for work. I don't have time for breakfast," Scarlett said frowning before she slammed the door shut. The drive to her new office was surprisingly smooth what with the heavy traffic of Chicago while the radio blasted some pop music.

With her head held high and a smirk on her lips, Scarlett made her way into her new work place. This was her goal. A few years down the lane and she would be the one that could introduce herself as Scarlett Rayer, Editor in Chief for Pearl magazine. Oh yes she would. Her looks and her intelligence would lead her there. All she would have to do is just pluck out the thorns in her way.

"Ms. Rayer?" The receptionist, a woman who was short with a pale complexion but sporting beautiful long blonde hair, called to her. Scarlett frowned but made her way over.

"Ms. Roy informed me you will be joining from today. I was told to show you to your new cabin," she said smiling kindly at her. Scarlett looked at her icily.

"I can find my way around thank you," she said haughtily before she turned.


"Did you not hear what I just said?" Scarlett asked turning around to face her. The woman nodded before she fell silent and resumed her working. Smirking, Scarlett made her way up to the top floor where she knew Samantha Roy's room was.

"Ah, Scarlett. You made it," Samantha Roy, a woman in her mid-fifties and the current editor in chief of Pearl stated.

"Has Claire shown you your cabin? I asked her to yesterday before I left," Samantha told her. Realising that the receptionist's name was Claire, Scarlett shook her head in denial.

"No she didn't. She told me you would be the one escorting me to my cabin as you explained what exactly I'm required to do," Scarlett lied smoothly. A frown marred Samantha's aged face before she sighed and ushered her out the door. Samantha lead her to a cabin not far from hers and told her what she would be required to do as a receptionist in this business.

"I hope I'm clear," Samantha said.

"Clear as mud, Ms. Roy," Scarlett said. Samantha smiled at her before she patted her shoulder.

"If you were slightly more experienced I would've put a word in for you for being my replacement. You're dressing style and you're impressive speaking abilities would've made you the perfect candidate for becoming the Editor in Chief of Pearl," Samantha said.

"But I guess I will have to find someone else," Samantha continued, missing the dark look that crossed over Scarlett's face.

"Carry on," she said as she turned and made her way back to her office. Scarlett watched her go before a scowl settled over her face. No. Pearl Magazine was the top Fashion magazine in the world and she would do anything to get that position of Editor in Chief. Scarlett sat down in her chair and rung up her friend from her phone.

"Hey bitch," her friend, Melanie, answered. Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"Hey yourself. Where are you?"

"I'm at the store, where else?" Melanie replied.

"Let's grab lunch together today," Scarlett suggested.

"And listen to you talk on about getting the positing of Editor for Pearl? Hell no. Girl you gotta get over yourself. We aren't in High School anymore where we can act like crazy ass bitches and get what we want," Melanie replied. Scarlett scoffed before she flicked her hair over her shoulder.

"I always get what I want, Mel. You know that," Scarlett replied.

"Of course I do. But those days are over. You can't go around insulting people and playing these mind games like you did back in school and college to get your way," Melanie started.

"Look, I offered you a chance to have lunch with me but if all you're going to do is bitch and moan about the way I am then consider yourself uninvited," Scarlett retorted. She could practically hear Melanie rolling her eyes.

"Thanks but I've got work to do here at the store," Melanie replied.

"Fine. Some friend you are," Scarlett snapped before she ended the call and huffed.

Scarlett knew what kind of reputation she had in the neighbourhood her mother and her lived in. She was loathed and despised because she valued her looks. Why wouldn't she? A girl who was blessed with the looks like hers was bound to feel some sort of pride. Fine she may be a bit vocal about how the other person looks like but big deal. She had the looks of a model, the looks worthy enough to become the next big thing by taking hold of the Editor in Chief position for Pearl Magazine.

The sheer desire for power never let Scarlett care about what others thought about her. The people in school may have called her Queen B, she may have been avoided at college, but in the end, she would always emerge the victor of every fight. She was a dirty player but it was what made her.


"Ms. Rayer?"

Scarlett groaned but she turned to see Claire, the receptionist watching her with something akin to confusion.

"What?" She asked.

"I was just wondering why you told Ms. Roy I didn't offer to take you up to your new cabin," she said quietly. Scarlett raised an eyebrow before she moved forward to stand in front of Claire.

"But you didn't," she said.

"I did. You were the one that refused the offer," Claire defended. Scarlett tsked and folded her arms in front of her chest.

"Claire, no wonder you're still stuck as the receptionist here. Lying isn't something Pearl Magazine appreciates," Scarlett said. Claire opened her mouth to say something but Scarlett cut across her.

"Don't even try. You can't prove that you did offer to show me around," Scarlett said as a smirk slithered onto her lips. She bid her goodnight before walking away, leaving the receptionist to stare after her with resentment.

Her mother met her at the foot of the stairs as soon as Scarlett entered their house. She rolled her eyes before dropping the keys into the bowl and making her way up the stairs.

"Well?" Her mother called.

"Well what?" Scarlett asked. Kathryn stared at her expecting more.

"How was it?"

Scarlett stepped back down the stairs so she was standing in front of her mother. She smiled and held her mother by the shoulders.

"You're looking at the next Editor in Chief of Pearl Magazine," Scarlett said, a smirk on her face. Her mother's eyes went wide with surprise and she opened her mouth to reply but Scarlett let go of her and twirled.

"Samantha Roy let it slip that she will be retiring this year. Now you only know what that means, don't you?" Scarlett said as she made her way to the kitchen, her mother following her in silent shock. She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, opening it and taking a long drink.

"Scarlett. This isn't high school. This scheming and planning isn't going to work. You'll build a bad reputation for yourself," Kathryn explained. Scarlett scoffed and turned her back to her mother.

"All you people are good for is giving me lectures," she muttered before brushing past her mother and heading up to her room. This was her chance. She would take it. Scarlett Rayer's name would go down in history.


"I can't believe it!" Scarlett screamed as she burst through the door of her home. Her mother appeared from the kitchen sporting a concerned look.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"NO! Nothing is okay! How can you even ask me that? That bitch nominated Marina Lanter as the next year's Editor in Chief!" Scarlett fumed. The anger had consumed her completely and the only thing that seemed to play in her mind was Samantha Roy's face as she said the name of the potential and most likely Editor in Chief next year.

"I have been working with that company for six months now! I've taken out everyone who could've possibly been a thorn in my path to success. Then why? Why did she not take my name?" Scarlett hissed.

"Scarlett. Relax, you can try next year," Kathryn offered placing a comforting hand on her daughter's shoulder. Scarlett jerked away from the touch and turned her glare to her mother.

"Scarlett Rayer doesn't try. You of all people should know that every person who lays their eyes on me wants me. Man or woman," Scarlett stated. The aura of pride crackled around her and Kathryn heaved a sigh.

"This over confidence is what will lead you to your death, Scarlett," she said quietly.

"It's not over confidence. I have faith in myself," Scarlett countered.

"Of course. And that is why you have managed to get three people fired on the basis of some horrendous lies," Kathryn retorted, her anger peaking slightly.

"I don't have time for your moral lectures. Dad was right about you all the time, you are useless," Scarlett hissed before she whipped around and stormed up the stairs to her room. If only she had known that those words would be the last she ever spoke to her mother.

Hello everyone! Hope you all are doing well. It's been a while since I've posted anything on here. The works I had were removed because I wanted to review them before posting them up. However, I feel like it's time for me to start afresh once more with this new idea that plagued my head long ago and kept me up at night.

This is the first chapter for this fic so you can expect the boys to enter soon. The story doesn't follow the storylines depicted in WWE currently although The Shield has broken up as you will find out later in the chapters. This is not, I repeat, not a slashfic. I wanted to be clear with that before we began. Also, I will be posting this story on AO3 concurrently.

Reviews are always welcome and greatly appreciated.


- K.