
"There you are, Sans," Gaster said as I entered his dimly lit lab. "I was wondering how long it would take you to come back here."

"Heh, you know me too well, Dad."

"It's my job," he said in reply, a rare smile crossing his face. "Listen, son, Chara was looking for you a few days ago. She said-"

My head snapped up. I hadn't seen her since I took her back to the street corner, nearly a year in the past, in my mind. For Chara, it had been less than a month. "I should go talk to her," I said.

"No need for that," Gaster said. "She said that all she wanted to do was give you this," he said. He held out a wrinkled envelope in one of his many hands. I grabbed it from him, tearing it open. A letter written in scratchy handwriting was enclosed.

Dear Sans,

How long has it been? Days? Months? Years? Heh. Only you know. Listen, skeleton, you and Flowey always stressed the importance of not messing up the timeline. Yet you two agreed to come back in time to fix a mistake. Do you know what you were doing? You were playing god.

Listen, I know that you're not perfect. Hell, I play god all the time. Not everyone has the SAVE and RESET ability. If they did, the world would never progress, because everyone would constantly go to their previous SAVE to fix mistakes. The world would be stuck repeating the same couple of days over, and over, and over again. I don't know why I, of all people, got entrusted with that ability, but, for some reason, I did. So, I feel like it's my responsibility to use it properly. Gods are supposed to care for the worlds they create, right? So that's what I'm doing. Forgive me for this, Sans.

You said that the monsters are eventually freed. That you eventually escape to the surface. So go forth, my friend, and make a life for yourself up there. I know it'll be hard. I know that Frisk will experiment with playing god, too. In the end, we all would if we could. But listen to me, Sans, don't blame her for that. She may try to kill everyone, but she also tries to free everyone. If you ask me, she does a good job at being a god. Nobody's perfect, not even the omnipotent. So trust her, okay? Don't hold any grudges.

Now, I know that none of that happened yet. But it will. You know why? I'm RESETting. I'm sorry, Sans. I am going to eat those god damned buttercups. I'm going to smooth over any bumps in the timeline that you and Flowey created. Please don't make them again. Nothing will come of it.

Why? I want you guys to have your happy ending. If it means that Asriel and I have to die, then so be it. In the end, you guys come out on top. And Goat Boy and I can still observe the world, hidden inside of our vessels. (Please tell this to Flowey, too. I know that Asri would be very disappointed if Flowey just ran off and hid.) Asriel, too, has gained knowledge of your plan. He agrees with me: it's better to sacrifice two for the sake of everyone else. So, skeleton, while the Asriel of the next timeline wouldn't know that he consented to this, you must remember that he has. Everything was done willfully. Good luck to you, and take care of Frisk for me.



P.S., try to lighten up. We would all appreciate a joke out of our favorite time god every now and then.

My vision blurred. "G-gaster…" I said. "I… I am sorry." Tenderly, not wanting to damage it, I placed the letter back into the envelope. An picture that I had not previously noticed fell out as I did so. I picked it up off of the floor tenderly. It was a crudely rendered drawing of me, Chara, and Flowey. On the back, scrawled lettering read, "don't forget."

"What does it say, Sans?" Gaster said.

I looked up at him. "I… I failed. I promised you I would keep Chara safe, but… in the end… she's just resetting again. I… I am sorry." I felt Gaster wrap his hands around me and pull me into his embrace. He did not know what was going on, I knew; he was not, as Chara had described me, a "time god." He did not remember ever making me promise anything of the sort. But I did, and knowing I let him down once more hurt more than anything.

I'm never making another promise.

A/N: The End! :)

...Seriously. That's it. That's the end of this story. Was it trolly? I hope so. ("You idiot. Did you really think that that plan was going to work?") So! I hope you enjoyed! Until you found out that your hopes and dreams were all in vain! Really, the entire proceedings of this fanfiction has zero effect on the timeline (except for making Sans appreciate jokes in honor of Chara's request. I'm sure Papyrus would be very angry will Chara if he found that out) . It was still fun to write, though!

Anyways, please, please, please, post a review about what you though of it, you should know that no fanfiction author gets annoyed by reviews, and in fact most actually love getting them. Pro Tip: more reviews=more stories. So, tell me what you thought!