"Chara, Chara, Chara," I heard an admonishing voice say. "Don't you know a bad idea when you hear one?" I opened my eyes, emitting a high-pitched scream when I saw a face, ghastly and deformed, inches away from mine. A hand clapped over my mouth and I struggle under its grip.

"Quiet, child, Asriel is sleeping," the figure said, releasing its hand from my mouth and stepping backwards. I sat up in bed, glaring at the figure suspiciously.

"Who the hell are you, and what are you talking about?" The figure's eyes-no more than gaping sockets, really, darted around the room briefly before returning to me.

"I do wish you'd lower your voice, Chara. Waking Asriel would induce needless complications to a relatively simple plan."

"Which is?" I demanded, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and standing up, straight-backed and defiant. Standing at an awe-inspiring 4'11", I knew probably wouldn't have the same effect on the ghoulish being posed in front of me, but nevertheless I retained my form.

I swear the being's eyes glowed briefly, but I passed it off as a figure of my imagination, a side effect of standing up too fast. "Don't even bring it up."

I took a step towards the being. "Bring what up?" I snarled, my voice raised.

"Be. Quiet!" it hissed. "Listen to me, kid, if you don't lower your voice you're gonna have more issues than waking Asriel up." It paused, glaring at me, then continued. "Tomorrow afternoon, you will devise a plan that you think will destroy the barrier and allow the monsters to live freely and take their revenge on the humans.

"Well. It's not going to work. Asriel will die as a result. Take my advice, kiddo: don't even bring it up. Your plan will do nothing but throw monsterkind into a downwards spiral of despair. Asgore will start gathering souls to break the barrier. But the seventh human soul will be the downfall of the Underground. Understand, kid? Don't tell Asriel what you're planning."

I stared at the creature in front of me. "Who are you?" I whispered.

"Nevermind that. But remember my advice! Heed it well, or watch the Underground crumble around you." He blinked slowly. His formerly empty eyes glowed brightly, the left one blue

and the right one orange. He nodded at me once, then he dissipated into the air.

I do not understand.

A/N: Sorry for how short this one . Also for how crappy it is. I'll do better, I promise!

-ignoring the fact that that's what got Sans into this mess-