*Bribery didn't work, I still don't own Brothers Conflict. Maybe next time I should offer the entire batch of cookies instead of just a dozen.

Ema was starting to feel the pressure. They had finished the last convention and were on a train home. To their credit, Azusa and Tsubaki had remained professional the entire time in front of the crowd, and were affectionate and attentive to her when they were alone. It was nice, but she knew that she would have to make a choice soon.

When they arrived home, Ema was surprised that all of the brothers were present. All of them practically swept her away from the twins, despite their protests, and into the house. Everyone had been worried about her since the incident with the crazed fan and were relieved to see with their own eyes that she was okay. Ukyo had already drawn up the necessary papers to file a restraining order against the man, all he needed was her signature.

During dinner, Ema didn't miss the glances that the twins were giving her. She knew that they were anxious for an answer, but it was so hard. When she was finished, she hurried to her room with Julie before they could stop her. She needed to talk with Julie.

"Chii, what's wrong? Did those wolves do something while you were alone with them?" Julie asked her.

"It's not what they did or didn't do, Julie. It's what I have to do." Ema told him as she hugged her pillow to her stomach.

"What is it?"

"Over the past few months, I started having feelings for them as more than brothers-"


"It's not like I was intending to have feelings for them, it just happened." She said, sheepishly.

Julie huffed as he paced back and forth on her desk. "They haven't forced themselves on you, have they?" Ema shook her head. "And they did protect you from that stray dog."

"They did," she confirmed.

Letting out another grumble, he sat down and crossed his arms across his chest. "I don't like the idea of you being them, but if you have real feelings for one of them, then I guess it could be okay."

"But I don't know which one of them I have feelings for."

"Huh?" Julie tilted his head at her, which prompted Ema to tell him everything that happened while they were on their trip. Julie listened to her story, abet hissing a few times when she mentioned the stalker and how she had woken up between Azusa and Tsubaki, but didn't interrupt her. When she was finished, he seemed almost as stumped as she was.

"This is a tough one. Personally, I don't want to see you with either one of those wolves. But, from the way you told me what happened, I think you already know who you want to be with, you just don't want to hurt the other person."

Ema couldn't help but bury her face into her pillow. Julie was right. She knew who she wanted to be with, she just didn't want to hurt anyone else and that included the rest of her brothers whom had confessed their love for her.

"What should I do?"

"You could deny them both, I would prefer that; but then no one will be happy, including you. Or you can tell them the truth and let one of them down as easy as you can so you can remain siblings. And I wouldn't worry too much about their relationship with each other, they're twins so I'm sure that they will be able to work things out eventually."

Sitting up, she picked up Julie and gently hugged him to her chest. "Thank you, Julie. I don't know what I would do without you."

"It's okay, Chii. But just remember, if he doesn't treat you right I will scratch that wolf's face off."

"I know you would," Ema giggled before she set him down and got up to leave her room. She had to talk to Azusa and Tsubaki.


Her gentle knocks were easily heard by Tsubaki since he seemed to rush to answer the door. His smile was sweet as he stepped aside to let her come into his room. He knew what she was going to say before she said a single word, her body language said it all. When Ema turned to speak to him, he enveloped her in his arms to hold her close, silencing her.

"It's okay," he whispered into her hair. "I had a feeling that you wouldn't choose me."

She couldn't say anything at first, just stood there in his arms before pressing her face against his shoulder to hide her tears. "I'm sorry, Tsubaki."

"Don't be. If I have to play understudy to one of my brothers, at least it's to Azusa. And you gave me a real chance, that was more than I thought I would have for the longest time. Just promise me a couple of things."

"What's that?" She asked him, her voice muffled by his shoulder.

"Promise to take good care of him. Promise to tell me if he isn't taking care of you. And if things don't work out between you two, promise that you'll give me another shot at making you mine." He told her, his hug growing a bit tighter as he spoke.

"I promise," she said as she gave him a final squeeze before they released each other.

Tsubaki opened the door for her but caught her hand at the last moment to pull her back to him for another hug. "Is it too much to ask for one more kiss before I give you up to him?" Before she could answer, he dipped his head and give her a sweet, lingering kiss. A kiss that Azusa saw from down the hallway.

When Tsubaki release her, Ema just barely saw Azusa retreating into the elevator and gasped in horror. Before she could say anything, Tsubaki gave her shoulder a slight push and a sad smile. "You better hurry before he looses it. Make sure to tell him how you feel about him."

With unshed tears in her eyes, she smiled at him before rushing down the hallway to catch up with Azusa. Tsubaki closed the door to his room before going inside to collapse on his bed, covering his face with his hand.

He'd lost her forever, he was sure of it. There was no way his brother would ever screw up enough to have her running into his arms. He knew that because it would have been the same for him if the roles had been reversed. But then, you can never really know what will happen in the future. We never thought we would have this chance, but it happened. Maybe I'll have my chance someday. I just have to be patient… Damn it! I hate waiting!


Azusa had to get out of the house. He had to clear his head so he could deal with what he had seen and what that meant. She didn't choose me. I should have known that I would end up loosing to Tsubaki, but I really hoped that I would have a chance this time.

He had barely gotten out the front door and halfway past the tree when he felt a small, delicate hand grab onto his sleeve and pull him to a stop. Right away, he saw the unshed tears in her eyes, knew that he was the cause of them, and it broke his heart even more. Unable to help himself, he looked away from her and up into the tree.

"Don't worry about me," he said, just barely finding his voice. "I understand that this was a hard decision for you. I'm just glad that I finally had a chance."


"I just… Promise me that you'll let me know if he does anything to hurt you."

Unable to help herself, Ema gave him a watery smile before she slid her hand down his arm to take his hand in hers. "Tsubaki said the same thing after making me promise to take care of you."

His head turned quickly to stare at her, unsure if he had heard her right. Then he looked down at their joined hands as realization started kicking in. "It's me?"

Blushing, Ema nodded as she lifted their hands to her lips so she could kiss his fingers. "I'm sorry that I made both of you wait but I just didn't want to see either one of you hurt. When I finally decided, I knew that Tsubaki should be the first to know so he wouldn't find out second hand. What you saw was him kissing me goodbye after making me promise to take care of you."

Staring at her, he still wasn't sure if he was hearing her correctly. Then it all seemed to crash down at once and he gathered her up into his arms to hug her. "Do you really want to be with me?"

"I do," she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Ema, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? I promise that I will make you happy."

"Yes, I want to be your girlfriend, Azusa."

Releasing her, Azusa cupped her face between his hands and kissed her. As he did so, he couldn't help but think of the other two kisses they had shared. The first had been half-acting and half-wishful-thinking. The second, now that he looked back on it, had been close to pleading for her to give him a chance. This kiss, it was his hope for their future together and the growing feeling he had for her. Feelings hat he knew would not be going away.

Inside the house, more than a few of the other brothers were livid from what they saw happening in front of the house. It was only because Masomi, Ukyo, and Hikaru were blocking the exits that Azusa and Ema's moment was left uninterrupted.

Three Years Later

Ema, Azusa and Tsubaki were standing back stage at one of the most popular conventions in Tokyo to promote their new anime, Getting Grand. Ema was thrilled that the three of them had been able to work together on this project since all of them had gotten so busy in the past couple years.

What Ema had thought would be a one-time-thing, being a voice actor, turned out to be a new career for her. Since Lovers Triad had finished, Ema had done countless small parts for different animes and videogames. She had also played a supporting role in a major anime and the lead for one of Natsume's videogames, which she later beta tested for him.

But this was the first time that the three of them had gotten to work together on the same time since that first anime. The 26 episode action anime, with a touch of romance between her character and Tsubaki's character while Azusa played her brother, was a huge hit and their agent was already talking about their contracts being extended for another season. The three of them had been excited by the prospect and were looking forward to the contract negotiations in a couple of weeks.

Besides work, Ema had recently finished her business degree at university and was extremely proud of what she had accomplished. The three of them still lived at the complex with their other brothers, and Azusa and Ema had recently celebrated their third anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Tsubaki constantly teased them about being so sweet on each other that it was almost sickening. The two of them were constantly holding hands in public or stealing kisses while they were alone. The two of them had talked about the future, but neither one of them wanted to take that final step until they both decided that it was time.

Ema was drawn out of her thoughts as the speaker began listing off the different animes and videogames that each of them had lent their voices to and she couldn't help but chuckle when the volume of the crowd went up a few notches.

"They're really excited this time," Tsubaki grinned.

"Yes, but I just know that someone will ask the same questions about us like they did for Lovers Triad." She told them as she peaked past the curtains a bit.

If she had been looking at the brothers, she might have seen the look that passed between them before Azusa took her left hand and slid something on her finger. What he did, didn't completely register at first. Then she looked down in shock at the glittering diamond set on a gold band on her third finger.

"I was going to give this to you tonight at dinner," Azusa told her, his voice barely audible above the noise of the crowd as he continued to hold her hand in his shaking one. "But maybe it would be better to give it to you now so everyone will know just by looking who you belong to… If you'll have me, that is."

The crowd was surprised by the sudden squeal of happiness that came from behind the curtain. They were clamoring to see, but the angle didn't allow for any witnesses to Ema throwing her arms around Azusa and kissing him.

Tsubaki chuckled to himself as he stepped out from behind the curtain to take the microphone from the announcer and begin the show. This would give the two of them an extra moment to themselves before stepping out in front of thee crowd. He really was happy for them, his brother had found the best girl in the world to share his life with. He just hoped that he could find someone almost as amazing to spend his life with in the future.

A/N: That's right folks! Despite a split in the voting, the winner is Azusa! And to all those who wanted Tsubaki to win, fear not! I will be working on a different story for the two of them so they can be together. I hope you enjoyed my story and liked seeing them fall in love as much as I liked writing it!

And if you have any ideas for the kind of story you would like Tsubaki and Ema to have, I'm open to suggestions!

A/N 2: And for those of you who wanted to see Ema paired up with Natsume, check out my other BroCon story Wanted.

Warm-Fuzzies and please review!