Just your typical day at the dumping ground

" MIKE" shouted Carmen.

" yes Carmen what seems to be the matter" replied Mike.

" Tyler is annoying me again " said Carmen.

"MAY-LI" screamed Tee.

" MIKE" Tee screamed once again.

" yes Tee" said Mike.

" aww come on Tee not gonna grass me up are you" teased Ryan.

" Ryan stole my phone" replied Tee.

" Right, House Meeting now" shouted Mike.

- 10 Minutes later -

" Right, you need to learn to get on with each other so here is a packet of eggs " Mike then went on and gave an egg to Tee, Carmen, Jody, Billie, Floss and Toni and a pen to Tyler, Ryan, Bailey, Harry, Finn and Mo.

" Okay so Toni go sit next to Mo please, Billie next to Harry and Floss next to Finn, yeah" said May-li.

and they all moved and sat next to each other,

" Now that was easy now the next three probably won't go down as well Jody go and sit on Baileys lap" " What on his lap cant i just next to him" asked Jody.

" nope, now go" replies May-li.

So Jody went and sat on Baileys lap and he hugged her from behind with a smirk on his face.

" Carmen go and sit on Tyler's lap and Tee on Ryan's lap" finishes Mike.

so the result in the end was Kazima happy she wasn't sitting on anyone's lap, the little ones quite excited, Jody and Bailey and Cramen and Tyler fighting over what colour the eggs eyes would be and Tee sitting on Ryan's lap trying to make herself comfortable without leaning back into him but failing and ending up leaning into him anyway while Ryan reaches round Tee and draws a face on the egg.

_ 20 minutes later _

( New Names and Births)

( Husband's Name) : Mo Michaels ( Husband's Name ) : Harry Jones ( Husband's Name ): Finn McLaine

Original Name: Toni Trent Original Name: Billie Trent Original Name: Floss Guppy

New Name: Toni Michaels New Name: Billie Jones New Name: Floss McLaine

Couple: Mr & Mrs Michaels Couple: Mr & Mrs Jones Couple: Mr & Mrs McLaine

Gender: Male Gender: Female Gender: Female

Baby's Name: Liam Michaels Baby's Name: Clara Jones Baby's Name: Pink Sophia McLaine

( Husband's Name ) : Bailey Wharton ( Husband's Name ): Ryan Reeves ( Husband's Name ) : Tyler Lewis

Original Name: Jody Jackson Original Name: Tee Taylor Original Name: Carmen Howle

New Name: Jody Wharton New Name: Tee Reeves New Name: Carmen Lewis

Couple: Mr & Mrs Wharton Couple: Mr & Mrs Reeves Couple: Mr & Mrs lewis

Gender: Female Gender: Male Gender: Female

Baby's Name: Mia Laurie Wharton Baby's Name: Miles Cillian Reeves Baby's Name: Sienna Marie Lewis

I wrote this because i was bored so i wont update unless people like it! xxx love, 3 Hunger Games