"Hey Jack you sure it's that way," Garrett asked scratching his buzzed hair looking over his shoulder for anything around them. His baseball bat hung loosely in his hands occasionally bumping against his camo pants and wife beater.
"Yeah," Jack looked behind him too his two friends. They weren't originally his friends as they were complete strangers. Back in Atlanta Jack lived on the outskirts as a Sheriff Deputy for the local county but when the shit quite literally hit the fan Jack loaded up his daughter and wife into their van then made their way too an evacuation center outside of Atlanta. There he met Darius and Garrett not knowing they would become close friends they began to do most of the heavy lifting around the group. "Andre said he would meet us there remember?"
"Yeah but as I was saying before," Darius started. He scratched his typical southern mullet and and and his woods camouflaged sidearm on his thigh. Jack looked at Darius' pick axe and then down too the innocent face of Jack's daughter Sara. Her brown hair was pulled back into a beanie and a jacket had a knife on her belt and a purple back pack on. She smiled at him with her sweet ten year old face. "Getting a larger group together, that all leads too some more issues and-."
"Hold it right there," A man said walking out with his rifle up pointed at them. He looked military from what Jack could tell by his posture but his denim jacket and long pulled back hair messy unshaved face said otherwise. "Hands high or I drop y'all."
"Easy man," Garrett said walking up while Darius put his hand on his side arm. The man pointed the rifle at Darius and the man slowly backed down. "Name is Garrett, that's Darius, Jack, and his daughter Sara."
"Jesus man they got a kid," A man said with his shotgun pointed at them. He lowered the weapon and Jack watched a woman with a machete walk out and and older man holding a Remington 700.
"Is it just you four," the man asked still pointing a rifle at them.
"You see anyone else," Darius said still not taking his hand off the pistol.
After an erie silence the first man lowered his weapon with a sigh looking at the man with a shotgun, "Nathan, call back too Gavin let him know we have four survivors. Brock cover them and make sure that they don't do anything stupid. Isabelle secure the area."
"Dad," Sara pulled at Jack's sleeve and he looked down with his blue eyes into her almost sky blue eyes. They were sweet and innocent compared too his own and he wanted too keep them that way. "Are they bad guys?"
"Who them," Jack smiled as he crouched down and tucked in the tail of her shirt. "They are nice guys, I don't think they would cause an issue with us. Plus we have Garrett and Darius to back me up if we do."
As if too prove Jack's point he watched as Brock placed the but of his rifle down too keep him steady as he took off his cap and placed it in Sara's beanie. She laughed as the hat slid down too her eyes and he stood right back up, "Been a while since I have seen a kid her age around here, nice too see that she isn't like Barker."
"I try my best to keep her mind off of them," Jack patted Sara's rear as she walked over too Garrett. The young African American seemed to like keeping her around when Jack had to take care of a few things and Jack trusted the man. He stuck out his hand too Brock. "Jack Nelson."
"Brock Sanders," Brock shook his hand with a smile. "The plaid shirt shotgun wielding man is Nathan, and Isabelle is the dark haired hottie. As for keeping your daughter innocent, I commend you, even in the old world my boy Todd changed for the worse back in Savannah."
"Yeah it's been a challenge," Jack turned too Sara and waved as she and Garrett waved at Jack. "But it has it's rewards."
Nathan came walking over and he nodded at Brock, "Hey sorry about the whole gun in your face thing. Name's Nathan, Barker Gavin said let them in."
"You just bought us a free ticket back inside," Brock laughed as he patted Jack's back. "C'mon well's show you in."
Jack walked in with his Daughter now Glued too his leg and both Darius and Garrett behind them. Jack looked at Brock thinking he is an ok guy along with Nathan, Barker on the other hand he didn't like, and the Isabelle girl he didn't get a chance too talk too. He looked at Woodbury's wall constructed out of mismatched items and then concrete barriers behind them so people could keep watch. Jack smiled liking the set up compared too the chain link fences they had at their last camp.
Jack walked behind Brock and Nathan until they came up too someone Jack would consider an asshole right off the bat. He was standing in his BDUs with an ammo belt strew across his chest and back. His face was sunken as if he was crazed. Jack pushed Sara behind him looking at the man with a glare. The man stepped forwards, "Gavin, that's all you need too know. Now if you fucks think that you can just sit around and freeload, nahuh, you that your kid?"
Jack looked down at Sara and he nodded, "Yeah she is my daughter."
"Good then you pull double for her," Gavin said starting to turn when he caught Nathan's eyes. He pulled back his fist and punched him in the jaw sending. Nathan sprawling onto the ground and his shotgun clattered away from them. "The fuck were you looking at?"
"Just an asshole," Nathan said trying too sit up. Gavin kicked Nathan's gut having the young man lay flat onto the ground groaning in pain. Brock stopped Jack from stepping forwards as Gavin began to beat the living shit out of Nathan. He finally stopped when Nathan stopped moving and Gavin laughed walking away with Barker in tow. "Thank you sir…"
"Your lucky that's a warning," Gavin spit on Nathan's supine form trying not too pass out.
As Gavin walked away Jack crouched down and he placed his hand on some of the injuries that Nathan received. Nathan was lucky nothing was broken but he had a feeling that if Gavin wanted too kill him he would have done so. Jack looked up when Brock crouched down along with a Hispanic man and a balding older man dressed in a lab jacket, "Where's your doctor?"
"Right here," The Doctor said motioning for his younger assistant to help him. She was in her twenties with her hair braided back, other than that she is beautiful for a younger woman she almost looked like she was in her mid thirties. "Doctor Stevens, that's Alice and Martinez is the town's Sergeant if you would."
"Just a school teacher," Martinez said helping Alice get Nathan up. "Brock they have been checked out?"
"No we wanted them too meet Gavin first," Brock said looking at Nathan. "Guess we don't have too say watch him."
"Guess not," Jack looked over his shoulder too Garrett covering Sara's ears he moved his hands off and Sara walked over too Nathan with a face of confusion. Garrett managed too cover her ears so she didn't hear the scuffle. Jack grabbed her hand lightly and the group began to march over too the doctor's office. Doc Stevens seemed like a very ok guy along with Martinez and Alice so Jack made a mental note too stay around this group. Darius was right about the groups, they will force some things out of you. Jack and company entered Stevens' clinic and got too the infirmary. A dark brown haired woman stood in her wife beater and black slacks.
"Doc what happened too Nathan," the woman asked looking at the beaten young man.
"Who do you think," Stevens said with a dark tone. It was obvious to Jack that Gavin wasn't well liked by the community and that can eventually lead too a riot if Gavin isn't careful. Jack helped lay Nathan down and he straightened up his exhaustion kicking in more than he knew. "Alright Jack, tonight I am going to have to say you sleep in here until we can find you a building, apartment, or something for you too hunker down in."
"Hey I am going to do my Patrols," Martinez said looking at Jack and his three other companions. "Brock you want to come along?"
"Sure," Brock said beginning too walk away. The two left the room and Alice started to examine Sara.
"Sandy did you need something," Stevens asked and Sandy nodded.
"Yeah the Wilkerson's need too see you when you get a chance," Sandy watched him take care of Nathan. "If you want I can clean up his wounds while you do that?"
"Sure thanks," Stevens said walking out of the room picking up a messenger bag on his way out.
Sandy started too dab the wet cloth on Nathan's face having the man wince more than when the doctor was doing it. He wanted to guess bed side manner wasn't her strong suit as he watched her work. Her face seemed indifferent about the man but he guessed she must have seen some things as the scar on her eyebrow proved it. After watching her for a little Sandy turned too face him with her face not changing an inch, "Well do you want too take a picture, it lasts a whole lot longer."
"I am sorry it's just," Jack approached her with his palms facing her. He grabbed onto her hand and rag lightly and tapped Nathan's wounds lightly and Sandy started to catch on quickly. "Just the way you were doing it just ticked in my head."
Sandy looked at Jack with curiosity and down too her hand which Jack still held in his own. He quickly let go, "Uh sorry, I have a daughter so bedside manner 101 is embedded into my mind."
"Uh huh," Sandy nodded and turned in her chair to get back too work.
Jack stuffed his hands into his pants and walked over too Darius, Garrett, and Sara. He trusted the two men around his daughter as he had a tendency to have Garrett take care of while Darius and him took care of the riff raff, walkers, and on the one time, another human. Jack looked at himself in the mirror and he saw his strong jawed, handsome face covered in an unshaven bearer from the couple of months that wrecked the four of their hearts with grief, sorrow, misery, anger, fear, and a longing for the old times. Jack turned his head too Darius as the man was trying toget Jack's attention, "Hmm?"
"I asked what do you think of this place," Darius said slightly annoyed due too the fact that Jack zoned out. Too Jack Darius was his enforcer, yeah they all mainly used melee weapons of late but Darius tend too crack skulls a lot faster, and was a quick thinker.
"Well there is a definite split between Gavin and a lot of people," Jack said crossing his arms. He thought of seeing Gavin beat Nathan up again and he shook the thought off as his eyes trailed too Nathan and Sandy. "Stevens, Brock, Martinez, Nathan and Alice all seem too be good people and we still haven't asked around for Andre so if we all agree we can stay."
Garrett leaned back in his chair with a sigh. The man was about two years younger than Jack and he had already seen his fair share of death so Jack guessed his answer was stay. Garrett seems too be with most of Jack's decisions as they still want too try and hold on too a part of who they were and Jack is ok with that, having Darius evens it out with decision making because neither of the two are afraid too speak their minds, "Well I say stay until we find something better."
Jack turned too Darius and the redneck's tired face smiled, "Well I know both of your answers and frankly I am just too tired too give an argue. I'm with you guys."
"Yeah we stay," Sara cried out with glee having Sandy look over too the group mostly at the little girl.
- Disclaimer -
I don't own any characters in the story except for Jack and Sara (More will be created as the story progresses.) Story and characters are loosely based on the Walking Dead comics and the Mobile Video game The Walking Dead Road too Survival.
So I rather enjoy the walking dead mobile game and since it is right in the comic universe and there is plenty of space for an AU I will work on this. TTG characters WILL appear as I have already mentioned Andre from the first episode and there will be some light bending too introduce some characters that are unknown or just absolutely want them in the story. Please comment if you feel like it and thank you for reading the first chapter with more fast approaching.