A/N: This time the words in italics are a flashback.
Richter opened the filing cabinet and put a file back. It had taken him almost a week to reorganize the files after Dr. Henry used them.
He sighed as caught sight of the file that read 'Capt. HM Murdock.' He wondered where Murdock was. It had been a little over two months since he had seen the A-Team.
Richter leaned against the cabinet, thinking back to what had happened a week after Murdock had left with the A-Team.
~~AT ~~AT~~AT~~AT~~
"I'm coming!"
Richter hurried to answer the door. When he opened it, he stepped back in surprise. He definitely wasn't expecting a General at his door.
"Dr. Richter?"
"May I come in?"
"Of course, come in please."
Richter lead the General to the living room. "Please, sit down, sir."
"Thank you, Doctor." The General made himself comfortable. "Now, Doctor, I am here to inform you that the charges that were brought against you have been found to be false. You are hereby reinstated at the VA and all mentions of this incident have been erased from your record."
"Thank you, sir!" Richter felt like shouting with excitement, but managed to keep a straight face. "Sir, what happened to Dr. Henry? If I'm allowed to ask."
The General adjusted his glasses. "I think you have reason to know what became of Dr. Henry, as you know him. His real name is Henry 'Hank' 'Raymond."
"Hank Raymond, as in, the man who created Vero?!"
"The very same. As I'm sure you know, Raymond created Vero as a truth drug for, government purposes. His project was shut down after it was discovered that he was abducting 'volunteers' and experimenting on them with the drug, which had proved quite dangerous. He was sent prison." He paused.
"Yes, but why was he at the VA?"
The General seemed to hesitate. "He was released unofficially. He was promised a pardon in exchange for, working for the military."
Richter raised his eyebrows as if he didn't understand. But he understood perfectly. The military wanted Henry to use Vero to find the A-Team.
"To make a long story short, Doctor, we discovered that as soon as Raymond was released from prison, he set up shop again, making Vero and selling it to whoever could pay, and unfortunately that included the Army. His operation has been shut down, thanks to some outside help."
'Yeah, I bet it was the A-Team,' Richter thought.
"Raymond has been sent back to prison, and the military officer who set up this whole mess is being dealt with."
After the General left, Richter realized that he had been so excited that he had forgotten the General's name. Stockard, Stockholm, Stockwell, something like that.
Richter closed the filing cabinet and sat back down at his desk. He wished Smith would at least send word of Murdock's condition. He was worried about him.
Richter smiled. When he thought about Murdock, he swore he could hear the captain singing.
He jumped to his feet. He did head the captain singing!
Richter ran out into the hall. Murdock was walking down the hallway, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, singing some Italian song. Orderlies and nurses ran up behind him, grabbing at him, trying to sedate him.
Richter ran to them, shouting for them to leave Murdock alone. Everyone took a step back.
Murdock grinned. "Hey, Doc!"
He walked past Richter, straight to his room, still singing. Richter followed him.
Murdock laughed as he went into his room. "Oh, it's good to be home!"
Richter scratched his head as Murdock gently laid his jacket on the bed then bounced across the room to start playing his arcade game.
Murdock looked perfectly healthy. There was no trembling, he had a tan, he had filled out, and he obviously was talking just fine.
"You seem to being doing better than the last time I saw you."
"Doin' just fine. How are you doin'?"
"Where have you been for the past two months?"
"Gee, Doc, don't know if I can tell you every single place I was."
"Why not?"
"Well, I moved around lot. I might be one place for a few minutes, then move some where else for a few minutes. I don't stay in one place long, you know. Besides that, I have intermittent memory loss. I could have been somewhere and not know it!"
"That's not what I meant." Richter couldn't help but smile. "So, how is Colonel Smith?"
Murdock looked up from the game and winked. "I don't know what you're talking about!"
_The End_
A/N: I hope that you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it! Thanks a million for reading!
Virtual hugs and chocolate chip cookies to everyone who reviewed/favorited/followed. You guys kept me going! You're the best!
Love, MC