AN: Hola mi amigos~! *coughs* Um…So basically a lot of crap happened…AND I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING ANYTHING OR UPDATING ANY OF MY STORIES HOLY SHIT IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG *hugs all of you and cries* Anyway, so I promise that I will update those soon and I will explain what happened in the next chapter of La Bella Madre Italiana. SO! I was listening to music on YouTube when I found this AMV of Spamano (of course I mean cmon) and the song…GAVE ME A GLORIOUS IDEA! Have any of you heard the song called "Fairytail" By Alexander Rybak? If you have not, GO LISTEN TO IT IT'S AMAZING! Anyway,this is going to be a multi-chapter fanfic. Let me know what you think~? So here we go! This will be like my other fanfictions, Spamano! Thank you guys so much for supporting my stories and stuff I love you all so much J


Years ago, when I was younger, I kind of liked a boy I knew.


Antonio Fernandez Carriedo was eleven years old when he met the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on.

The other boy was appeared to be a year younger than him, and he had auburn hair that shown in the sunlight, and coming from that hair was an odd but cute little curl. It semed like it would never go down and it went against gravity, which Antonio found amazing. The boy had brown-green eyes that glared at everyone and everything that came into his sight. His skin was tan but not dark tan like his own.

Antonio didn't know what to think of his feelings back then, but he knew one feeling.


Now why was he liking this boy so much even though he had never talked to him? The Spanish boy had no clue, but he went with the flow like always, and finally talked to him. The day was windy and the sun was out, like Mother Nature just wanted it to be perfect for everyone.

The boy was on the playground by himself, swinging on the swings with a sad look on his face. Antonio didn't like seeing anybody sad, but for some reason, he wanted to hit whoever was making the boy upset. But he knew he would get in trouble for that, so he decided talking was good for now.

"Hola~!" Antonio said cheerfully to the glaring boy on the swings.

He turned his glare onto Antonio and said harshly. "Who the hell are you?" Antonio didn't comment on the language, even though his mother told him all the time never to use words like that, and instead smiled widely.

"My name is Antonio Fernandez Carriedo! I'm eleven years old and I like tomatoes, turtles, making friends, churros and also-" Antonio wanted to continue but the auburn haired boy interrupted quickly before he could.

"You idiot! I only asked who you were, not for you whole fucking life story!" He said with a scowl. Antonio laughed at these words and shrugged.

"Lo Siento~ My mom always tells me I talk too much! Anyway, what's your name?" Antonio asked nicely, smiling at the scowling face. The green-brown eyes boy looked slightly shocked, as if he was never asked this before.

"W-Why do you want to know you jerk?!" The younger boy said rudely, his arms crossing over each other.

"Well because I like you of course!" Antonio responded, as if it were the most obvious thing in the entire world. The other boy jumped slightly, not expecting that answer. He stared at the Spanish boy for what seemed like a life time before answering in a soft voice. "M-My name is Lovino Vargas…But I only told you because you seemed desperate!" Lovino replied, quickly adding that last part.

Antonio's eyes widened a bit. "Lovino? That's an amazing name! Can I call you Lovi~?" Lovino wasn't sure how to respond to this at first, but finally said. "What's so amazing about my name?! It's just a name. Everybody has one…And no you can't call me Lovi! That sounds girly and shit!" Lovino responded harshly.

Antonio hopped onto the swing next to Lovino and smiled widely at him. "I don't know why, but your name just sounds…pretty! And awww it doesn't sound girly! Please~? I really wanna call you Lovi, Lovi!" Antonio said with a small pout. Lovino blushed at the first thing Antonio said. Pretty? No one had ever told him that. It was usually his little brother Feliciano getting all the compliments and such not him. He was told that he was rude, mean, and at times, selfish. But that he had a pretty name? Never.

"…FINE! You can call me Lovi. You're probably gonna call me that anyway…" Lovino said with a frown. Antonio cheered loudly and jumped down, going behind Lovino and pushing the swing gently. Lovino yelped some, not expecting Antonio to do this and grabbed the metal things on the side of the swing so he wouldn't fall off.

"Antonio be careful damn it!" Lovino said quickly, glaring at the sky as the Spanish boy laughed. "Don't worry Lovi, I'll make sure you don't fall~" Antonio said with a smile. Lovino rolled his eyes and stayed silent. This was…nice, he decided.

Lovino didn't have any friends since all the other kids got offended easily and were put off by the boy's behavior. Lovino didn't really care what they thought, but it did tend to get lonely.

All he knew was Antonio's first and last name, that he liked turtles and tomatoes, and that the Spanish boy liked him. He hardly knew ANYTHING about him. However…He wouldn't mind trying to be friends with him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad…Antonio continued t push Lovino on the swing until the sun started to set.

He didn't want to leave and say goodbye to Lovino, but he also didn't want to get a scolding from his mom and get in trouble. So he slowly stopped the swing and giggled when the other boy glared at him. "Oy! Why did you stop? I-I was kind of enjoying that you bastard!" Lovino said with a scowl.

Antonio went in front of the swing and held out his hand, offering to help Lovino down off the swing. The fowl-mouthed boy stared at the hand for a moment before blushing and taking it softly, using it to get down. Even though he was ten years old, the swing was tall and he was still pretty short.

Antonio didn't let go of the boy's smaller hand and just…held it for a moment before letting go. He smiled at Lovino, watching as the other boy huffed and looked down. "G-Grazie…" Lovino muttered, earning a grin from the Spanish boy. "No problem Lovi!" He said happily.

Antonio offered to walk Lovino home and the boy accepted the offer, giving an excuse of course. Antonio talked and talked about all the things he liked to do and what his family was like and other things like that as the two walked to the Italian's home. Lovino was perfectly okay with listening, commenting on something every now and then.

After a bit, they finally arrived at Lovino's home. Antonio looked a little sad at this and the other boy rolled his eyes. "Hey idiot, it's not like we can't play again tomorrow calm the hell down." Lovino said, blushing when Antonio decided to hug the living hell out of him. "Awesome! I can't wait to see you tomorrow Lovi~" Antonio said before letting go of Lovino and smiling at him.

The Italian crossed his arms again and nodded. "Si…You too I guess…" He said awkwardly, turning around and heading inside his house. Antonio watched this before sighing with happiness and turning around to head for his own home.

'I can't wait to see him tomorrow! And the day after that and the day after that and the day after that!' Antonio thought to himself, humming a tune when he finally got home and saw his mom.

AN: Hello…It's me…I was wondering-HAHA just kidding don't worry I know you guys have heard it WAY too many times XD Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter and please rate this and review it and stuff. Also, don't be afraid to give constructive advice okay? So! Until the next chapter in this, my other stories, or anything new, Peace!
