Lily sat upon the couch, it was only a couple days until Christmas. She decided that she would start wrapping the presents that she had chosen for her friend Draco and for the staff at Hogwarts.

Yoru was chasing the loose papers around the floor causing Lily to laugh loudly. "Yoru, you silly little ferret." She called lovingly towards the creature as she sat on the floor.

Severus peeked through the doorway of the kitchen; as he watched her playing with Yoru. He was surprised at how well Lilith was getting along with everything.

Severus cleared his throat. "Lily lunch is ready." He called to her calmly and Lily looked up from her wrapping and she smiled up at him. "Yes Papa-Snape." She called back to him.

Lily got up from the couch; and she quickly made her way into the kitchen. She hopped up onto the stool as she looked at her Fish & Chips that he made for Lunch.

"Are you excited about going to the Malfoy mansion tomorrow for Christmas eve?" Severus questioned has she nodded her head. "Yes I'm like super excited." She responded happily.

Lily started talking about how excited she was that this was her first official Christmas since she went into the orphanage.

"Slow down Lilith." He tells her, as she blushes lightly and nods her head. "Sorry Papa-Snape but I'm just so excited." She answered truthfully.

"Well you will have a lot more exciting Christmas's to come my dear." He says to her softly; as Lily looks up at him with a soft smile upon her lips and she nods her head. "I certainly hope so Papa Snape." She responds happily feeling chipper.

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Lily woke up from her bed Christmas eve as she looks around and she smiles softly. She quietly gets up from her bed and makes her way towards her Papa-Snape's room with quiet little footsteps, as she quietly opens the door.

She peeks into the room; as she looks up and sees him sleeping soundly, she tip toes into the room and silently climbs into the bed and under the covers. She curls up underneath and she quickly passes out on his bed.

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Severus woke up, as he peeks down on his bed and sees a lump under the covers. He smirks and slightly shook his head as he peeks under the covers. "Lily dear time to get up, feed and ready to go to the Malfoy's before two." He called to her.

:Lily perks up slightly as she yawns and opens her eyes curiously. She rubs the sleep from her eyes as she groans lightly. "Oh okay Papa-Snape." She responds as she stretches herself out on his bed then she slides out from under the covers and places her feet onto the floor.

Severus watches her from his spot and he smiles a fond smile at her, as she makes her way into the bathroom. He gets up and makes his way into the kitchen as he makes his coffee slowly.

He was grateful for the wonderful thing known as coffee, as Lily walks into the kitchen still in her kitten pajamas then she hops onto the stool. "Papa-Snape can I have some Apple juice please?" She asks softly.

Severus smirked at her as he lightly ruffles her hair; as he goes and pours her some apple juice. "So we have until two to make sure that we are over at The Malfoy's for Christmas eve and their dinner." He tells her softly.

Lily grins up at him happily, she loved spending time with the Malfoy's. Especially Mrs. Malfoy, since she always snuck her, a cookie when Papa-Snape wasn't looking or maybe he pretended that he didn't look but did actually look.

"Oh okay Papa-Snape." She said to him, as she quietly sipped on her apple juice and watched him cook whatever he was planning on cooking for breakfast.

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Lily and Severus stood upon the Malfoy Manor steps; Lily wore her hair in twin braided pigtails over her white winter coat. She looked up at the massive door in front of her. "Wow." She said in awe as she tilts her head to the side.

"Let's go in." Severus said to her, as he grabbed the knocker and knocked. The door creaked open and stood there was a cute elf like creature. "Dobby is here to receive Master Snape, and Lady Lilith for Master and Mistress Malfoy." Said Dobby as he bowed.

Lily giggled. "Lady Lily would be fine Mister Dobby." She told him softly. Dobby made a weird noise as he started hitting himself with the door. "Dobby that's enough stop you're scaring our guests." Said Narcissa as she looked down and smiled at her.

"Lily you look adorable." Narcissa told her softly, as Lily beamed up at her. "Thank you Mrs. Malfoy." She responded to her happily.

"Please come in my husband is in the living room." Narcissa told them, as Lily nods her head and enters the house, as her black flats hit the marble flooring.

"Lily take off your coat; you're going to get hot." Severus told her, as Lily turns and nods her head. Lily takes off her coat revealing a silver flared out dress as she smiles at them.

Dobby took the coats and placed them on the coat rack, as Lily enters into the room with Severus and Narcissa behind her.

Lily stood in awe as she looked at the candles and the Christmas decorations. "Wow." She whispered, as she looked and saw Draco standing there wearing a tuxedo and seeing Mr. Malfoy standing next to the fire place.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy and Draco." She said as she curtsied towards them. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home." She added shyly.

"We are glad that you are here." Lucius responded, as he makes his way towards her as he bent down to her level taking her hand into his and kissing it.

Lily giggled, as Draco bustled over to them and stomped his foot. "Lily is my girlfriend!" He exclaimed, as Lucius and Narcissa looked at over at Severus as Severus looked over towards his godson.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy we do not claim people like that." Narcissa scolded her son, as Lily blushed lightly. "Well she is a girl and my friend." Draco responded sheepishly.

Lily stood there and giggled as she reached over and hugs him. "Hello Draco." She told him, as he froze but he quickly responded and hugged her back. "Hello Lily." He responded as he blushed as well.

Severus shook his head; as Lucius chuckled at his son. "Lucius." Narcissa scolded her husband. Lucius made his way towards his wife. "We have taught out son how to be assertive Cissa." He told his wife.

"Lunch is ready Mistress." Said another elf, and the group made their way to the dining room as Draco pulled out Lily's chair for her while Lucius pulled out his wife's chair.

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After lunch they moved back towards the tree where presents sat underneath; while Draco and Lily sat next to them and Lucius grabbed one. "For Lily from Narcissa." He said as he handed it to her, then he grabbed another one and smirked. "To Lily from Lucius Malfoy." He said handing her another present.

"To Lily from Draco Malfoy." Lucius said as he smirked over at his son and handed it to her. Lily blushed as she took another present. "Oh!" Lily said as she quickly got up then she went up to Severus and whispered into his ear.

Severus chuckled as he pulled out his wand and called fourth the Malfoy's present. "These are from me and Papa-Snape." She said excitedly as she handed Lucius and Narcissa their gifts then she went and smiled at Draco. "This one is from me." She said softly smiling.

Lucius stood up and lightly tossed a present towards Severus as he caught it. "Lily would you do us the honors and open the first present?" Lucius asked her.

Lily nods her head as she grabbed the one from Narcissa as she slowly starts opening and she smiles. Inside was some cute hair things and a teddy bear. "In case you get lonely." Narcissa told her softly.

Lily smiled up at her as she got up, moving over towards her and hugged her happily. "Thank you." She whispered.

"Draco why don't you go ahead and open your present?" Lucius asked as Draco grabbed the one from Lily as he looked up at her while she made her way back to the tree.

Draco opens the present quickly revealing flags of the Quidditch team Montrose Magpies. "Thank you Lily." He said to her and smiled at her.

"Your very welcome but there is something else in there." She told him as she smiled at him back, as Draco looked back down into the box."It's a necklace." He said.

"It's a friendship necklace and I have the other half." She said to him. "Thank you Lily I will always wear this." He said to her as he put it on.

Severus smirked at the two of them on the floor. "Severus open yours." Narcissa said to him as she looked over at him, then he opened it slowly. "It's a ring with Lily's birthday stone." She told him, "We had to do a lot of digging for her birthday which is May 4th" She added in case he didn't know.

"Thank you Narcissa." He said to her, as Narcissa smiled at him and bowed her head. "You're welcome." She responded to him.

"Your turn Narcissa my dear." Lucius said to his wife as he sat next to her. Narcissa nods her head as she slowly her opens the gift that Lily and Severus got for her.

Narcissa gasps, as she looks inside of her box. Inside lay hair ornaments, and on the ends of them dangled pearls."Thank you."She said as Lily smiled at her softly as she ducks her head.

Lucius chuckled, then he goes and opens his gift wondering what it was. "Oh it's wonderful." He said as he pulled out a pen that had his name on it. "Thank you." He said to her.

Lily bites her lower lip as she nods her head, and blushes darkly across her cheeks. "Open the rest of your gifts Lily." Lucius told her.

Lily nodded her head as she grabs the open from Lucius as she tilts her head to the side. Then she opens it and she gapes at the present. "It's a training broom." Lucius told her as Severus looked over at the man.

"She isn't to young to get started." He said to the man, as Lily grins up at Severus then she quickly gets up after she moves the box as she moves over to Lucius and she wraps her arms around his neck. "Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!" She squealed excitedly as she kissed his cheek.

Then quickly moved back towards the floor where her last present laid. Draco blushed as he turned away from her feeling nervous about his gift.

Lily opens her last gift then she gasps seeing the bracelet that held a cute little charm of a book then she saw the book. "Advanced Potions." She says to herself. She looks over at Draco with a huge smile on her face as she glomps him. "Thank you so much Draco!" She says happily as she kisses his cheek.

The adults chuckled, as Severus got up from his spot and Lily sat up as she giggled happily then she moves and grabs the bracelet. "Papa-Snape can you put this on for me?" She asked him.

Severus grabs the bracelet and places it upon her wrist as she smiles softly. "Thank you everyone the gifts were wonderful." She says softly.

"You're very welcome Lily." Lucius said to her, as Narcissa smiled at her. "You're welcome my dear." She responds the gesture.

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Severus returned to his home, carrying Lily in one of his arms and the gifts that she had received from the Malfoy's in the other arm.

After they opened the gifts and the children played happily in his room. They talked about well Severus had asked if Lucius and Narcissa would be his sponsor for adopting Lily and they had agreed happily.

Severus placed the gifts down, as he went down the hallway and to her room. He placed her into her bed as he took off her shoes then he took off her dress and quickly placed her into her night gown.

"Good night Lily." He whispered into the room after he tucked her into her bed, as he turned out the light and left open the door just a smidge making his way to his room.

He quickly changed for bed then he went and quickly fell asleep, as he knew what tomorrow was going to be and how happy she was going to be.