Content: There were so many questions left at the end of The Force Awakens. This is the story of how Han, Leia, Rey and Luke became the people we met again thirty years after the Battle of Endor.

Disclaimer: I doubt Disney would approve of this interpretation of the Star Wars Universe. There are more than a couple not family-friendly elements.


20 Years ABY

Han Solo regained consciousness to find himself fighting intense vertigo and a searing headache. His knees were tucked tight against his chest. When he tried to straighten his legs, his feet connected with a furry lump that groaned at the contact.

"Chewie?" He asked.

The wookie moaned piteously, but did not open his eyes.

Han tried to stand up, but his head slammed against a plastisteel ceiling inches above his seat. Something warm and viscous pooled in his right eye, obscuring his vision. When he wiped it away, his hand came back stained red. Blood. A lot of it.

He had been shot.

No, not shot, he remembered. Hit with the business end of a heavy blaster rifle. Then thrown into an escape pod along with his co-pilot.

"Oh, gods," he groaned. The Falcon.

He leaned against the viewport and scanned the starfield in search of his ship. Finally, just to the far right, he saw her. The sublight exhaust flared and he watched as the Corellian freighter lurched and disappeared, leaving only a faint after-image of blue light as evidence she had been there at all.

"No! Nononono!"

Han pounded the transparisteel of the viewport impotently.

"Rey!" He yelled. "They've got Rey!"

How was he going to tell Leia?