Mabel looked up.

"HAHAHAHA!" Bill laughed maniacally.

"What are you going to do to me?" Mabel said tears welling up in her eyes. Dipper laid either dead or unconscious a few feet away.

"I'm not going to do anything to you shooting star," Bill answered calmly. "I'm going to become you," Bill said, a blue flame instantly appearing in his right hand. He suddenly went into the mindscape, the world becoming a monochromatic gray. Mabel watched as Bill reached into her, and began to writhe in pain. Dipper woke up. He turned and saw Mabel screaming seemingly random incantations, glowing brighter and brighter as she spoke. In the mindscape, Mabel felt as if her soul was on fire.

"You demon! Get out of me!" Mabel grabbed onto Bill's arm and pulled with all of her strength. Bill's eye widened. He started to fall apart.

"NONONONO! This can't be happening! NOOOO!" Bill disintegrated in a flash of blue light. Mabel was shoved out of the mindscape. A golden haze was all that was left of the demon Bill Cipher. Getting up, she found that she was stuck to the spot. Suddenly, a ball of blue flame enveloped her. Dipper watched as her sister screamed and disappeared.

3 years later

Dipper got off the bus. It had been 3 years since his twin sister disappeared.

No! Mabel!

3 years since the last time he set foot in Gravity Falls.

Kid, there's nothing you can do now.

3 years of living as an only child.

Ha hah! Dipstick has no one to help him now!

3 years of loneliness.

Face it kid, she's gone.

Mabel suddenly was yanked out of the void she had come to associate with death. She had no idea what what year it was. She had no idea where she was. She spotted a wooden water tower. On it read Gravity Falls. Am I alive? She looked down and screamed. She was floating. What? No matter. She had to find her brother. Just as she thought about it, she felt a pull. Looking around she saw no one. She felt another tug. I guess I should follow it, whatever it is. She soon found it was like an internal compass. It lead her to a bus that was pulling into Gravity Falls. The doors opened. An old woman walked out. Then a middle-aged man. Why did it lead me here? She was about to turn around when she was tugged again. If it's another stranger, I'm never listening to... At that moment, a boy that was about 16 stepped out of the bus. He was wearing white cap with a pine tree on it.

Sorry for the short chapter. The rest of them are probably going to be this short.

"Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!"