My first time writing about NCIS. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer; I do not own NCIS. Wish I did, though.

"DiNozzo!" Anthony, also known as Tony, was not really in the mood for this. His head was throbbing. He had been drinking the day before, maybe a little too much.

He winced as he felt a slap to the back of his head. Rubbing the sore spot, he looked up at his boss with squinted eyes,

"Yes boss?" Tony felt like the light was making his headache worse.

"Rule number 48, never drink on week days." Gibbs said, as he slapped Tony once more. Tony winced and nodded his apologize to his boss.

"We'll take later, Anthony." Gibbs glared at the younger man whose stare had found some dirt on the floor.

"Yes boss..." Tony mumbled, and some tears found the way to his eyes. He was weak; he could not – and would not - show that. Gulping down the lump that had found his way to his throat, he stood up and all but ran to the men's room. He went into a stall, and locked the door. He did not wish for anyone to surprise him, while he was trying to get his anger out. It was not the smartest way to cope with it, but it was his way.

Taking his blade from his wallet, he had in his pocket; he then pulled his pants down and started to make cuts on his leg. It was not long before there was a small pool of blood, and he heard the bathroom door opening and shutting.

"DiNozzo, are you in here?" He could recognize his boss' voice everywhere, even in his sleep. He quickly cleaned up the small pool of blood and the cuts on his legs, then pulling up his pants he opened the stall door.

"I am here, boss." He quickly rinsed his hands, and took a paper towel to dry his hands, before he dumped it in the bin behind Gibbs. Before he managed to get out of the door, Gibbs grabbed his arm and hauled him back to stand in front of him.

"What is wrong, Tony?" Tony hesitated in a few seconds, before he made his face emotionless.

"I am fine, Jethro." Gibbs gabbed at the fact that Tony used his middle name. Tony realized his mistake, but hoped that Gibbs would never realize it.

"Why did you run out here? You have been out here for twenty minutes." Tony did not even think about the fact that he had been out there for longer than five minutes.

"I was sick to my stomach. I threw up. Hangover, you know." He mumbled the last part. He knew he was in trouble; he just did not want to think about that.

"Go home. Not your home, my home. The door is unlocked." Gibbs hugged his 'son', and sent him out of the bathroom with a smack to his butt.

"Yes sir." Tony mumbled, and whined at the smack. Damn.