Hello my lovely followers. I really need to stop starting new stories. I promise I'll update my other ones, but this idea came to me in a dream and I just had to get it out. Let me know if you want more. Oh, also, I am not brilliant enough to come up with the plot of teen wolf, but I'm mediocre enough to come up with my character Tatum.

A bunch of hunters burning your house down only hours ago doesn't exactly make me the happiest vampire sprinting through the woods. Could be worse, I suppose. I could've missed the scent of the mountain ash mine hidden underneath my "come back with a warrant" door mat. That was probably the only thing I missed in that apartment. Well that, and the old blind lady next door who used to tell me stories of her nursing in World War II.

I felt sorry for the poor bastards that blew up in the explosion, along with the rest of my stuff. It was a small building, only ten people or so, and it was nastier than you could imagine, but it was home, a temporary one at that.

The hardest part about being hunted was having to relocate every few months—once they found you again.

I sprinted past a large wooden sign reading "Beacon Hills". I supposed that was my new location. Now, to find a home.

"Ugh," I groaned, as I stepped in a giant patch of mud, my leg sinking down to mid-calf. "Fuck." Way to start off the move, Tatum.

I ran a hand through my soaking brunette hair, letting it fall over my shoulder. Breathing a few recovery breaths, I slowed to a steady walk. Running a mile a minute tended to tire a person out, even someone like me who didn't actually need to breathe to stay alive.

I was sure I lost the two men that were after me behind. It was the same two as last time. I couldn't get a good look at their faces, but they seemed familiar to me, just the way they walked, the way they shot wooden stakes at me, using their brawn arms to reload as I flew into the forest. One was tall, with longer hair, the other shorter, with a faux-hawk and bow legs. Their black impala sat in the lot right next to my royal blue 69' chevy camaro. I hope it got destroyed, just as mine did, in the ricochet of events.

I'd miss that baby. She ran beautifully, for an old car, and I only had to threaten the previous owner's life to get her.

I sighed, kicking a pile of leaves with my foot as I scampered along. My bloody—but healing— knuckles remained in the pockets of my leather jacket.

For once it would be nice to remain somewhere for more than a month— but no they just had to come after the young vampire who barely did anything to threaten her life. And I mean that—truly. I rarely killed anyone, only if they fought me on it. Most of the time I let them go—made them forget. I could do that, make them forget, it was one of the many abilities of mine. It's a mind compulsion thing. It's nothing like brainwashing—more like making them do something that they already want to do. I wasn't very good at it, in fact, most of the time it didn't work so I ended up snapping their necks anyways, but at least I tried.

I'm not cruel.

At least, I don't try to be.

I'm just trying to survive.

Man, this was a quiet town. I strolled down the windy road, encompassed by foliage, for a solid two hours before I heard the sound of a roaring vehicle speeding down the path. I slipped along the side of the road, ready to pounce on my food. Before I moved in anywhere, I needed a quick bite to eat.

I could see the car now. It was a jeep—dark blue. Similar color to my camaro. Ah, how I missed her.

The headlights flickered to a high beam as it came around the corner, and it skidded a bit in the rain. Man, whoever was driving needed to be somewhere quick.

I almost felt bad jumping in front of the vehicle, arms waving in a windmill motion. I stumbled in the rain, slipping on the cement as the jeep came to a screeching stop inches before my deceased body.

"Oh my God!" It was a teenager. "Oh my God… are you okay? Oh my God. You just came out of nowhere."

The boy came around the front of the vehicle, his hands above his heads waving spastically and his jaw hung ajar.

I coughed once or twice, using my damp sleeve to wipe away the wet hair in my view.

"Are you okay?" he repeated, "You look cold." He leaned down towards me, his arms hooking under me and bringing me erect in one swift motion. "I'm headed to the hospital, quick, get in the car!" He told me.

I just stood at him, staring wide eyed as the boy moved to stand face to face with me.

His heart skipped a beat as he did a take back.

"A-Are you coming?" He asked, his thumbs hitchhiking over his shoulder to point towards the still-running jeep. "Come on, you look hurt."

But I couldn't. I couldn't move. The way this boy's face stared at me with the big puppy eyes, brown like chocolate, and the way his thick, crazy hair fell over his forehead as the rain poured down made me stop. His face dotted with freckles, like the stars in the sky, and his lips parted so slightly-forming a light pink heart.

Ugh! Nasty. What was wrong with me? I could've been done feeding by now.

I shook my stupor, and tensed my body, fists clenched.

I felt my eyes burn red, glowing in the dim lights of the preserve, and my gums stung as a pair of piercing fangs erupted in my mouth. I hissed, moving towards him.

"Woah," he took a step back, eyes wide, but not as wide as I expected them to be. Every time I took a step forward, he retreated. Why wasn't he that scared? I mean, he was frightened, that I could tell by the sound of his heartbeat, but scared? Not very much.

"Never seen you before," He commented, stumbling backwards against his jeep, "One of Theo's?" He yelled over the pounding rain. It hammered against the metal roof of the running vehicle. "You know, I didn't exactly see all your faces at the nemeton, must have missed your pretty eyes." He swiftly opened the door as I lunged for him, causing me to smack my face against the glass.

I groaned.

He reached for something in the back seat of his jeep, but I got to him quickly (After groaning once more, of course. If I hadn't taken so damn long to observe the human he would've been dead by now).

I yanked him by the collar of his blue and green hoodie, and pulled him outside, shutting the door behind me.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" He grumbled, "I left the keys in there! The doors locked, how am I going to get back in?!"

Damn, grabbing a bite to eat had never been so difficult for me. Not even in my human years.

I hissed again, brows furrowing together. The lack of fear in the mortal made me frustrated, so I pounced for him. My teeth sunk into his neck, and I began drinking.

"SHIT!" He screamed. I thrusted his body against the jeep once more, which caused him to go limp. He was still conscious; he was just being cooperative now. I could drink his body dry. I could guzzle the warm liquid down until there was nothing left in him, but something inside told me to stop—told me to keep him alive. I didn't even know the kid. What was I doing? I suppose I wasn't that hungry. Leaving the last bit of blood left in him to keep him alive, I transformed back.

I lifted my head in the sky, panting as the rest of the fluid ran down my throat like melted chocolate. Most of my face washed off by the rain, causing a water fall of red to spill over my chin. I didn't care; I just remained in bliss as I let the boy recover.

He coughed, hunching over as he clutched his neck. "WHAT THE HELL?!" he screamed, holding both hands to his wound. He shot a face at me, and I just smirked.


"Come here," I interrupted him, rolling my eyes.

"NO!" He yelled "PLEASE! NO MORE!" He begged, as I yanked him up by the collar to face me.

He was tense as I pulled him up to my face. Our noses were barely touching, his warm breath on my cold lips like a heater in winter. His respiration was fast, unsteady. Now he was afraid—but some kind of scent in the air, a chemosignal, told me it wasn't from me. He was afraid of something else.

"Please…" He whispered, barely audible if it wasn't for my vampire hearing. "Please…. I-I have to be somewhere—I have to go somewhere."

My green eyes met his chocolate ones, and I focused. For a split second I wondered if I should snap the boy's neck, but then that hint of admiration for the boy came washing back, and I relaxed. I was curious, as well; curious to why he wasn't scared of me, and what he was truly frightened of.

Before I did anything, I bit into my wrist.

"Awgh! Gross," he grimaced and turned his head away, bottom lip quivering. "What are you… are… oh God…" He coughed in result of gagging.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"Hey, come here." I curled a finger at him, signaling for him to turn towards me if he wanted help.

"What? No!"

Again, with the difficultness. My lips hardened into a line, and I glared at him. "Fine," I concluded, grabbing the back of his head. I moved his neck fragile skull towards my wrist and then repositioned to lean his head back. I let the blood from my wrist drip down his throat, and smirked when I saw his eyes go alarmingly wide.

He mumbled under my skin, but I ignored him. For my sake, I had to heal him, that way there would be no news reports of 'cougars' attacking people around town.

I could see the skin slowly start to knit together where I had previously bit him, and the last traces of bodily fluid washed away in the rain as a small pink scar replaced the wound. It would be completely gone in an hour or so, no traces to be left whatsoever.

When I let go of the boy's head, he started heaving.

"Oh…. Oh my God…" he spat, curled up as he stumbled around on the road. "I can't believe you just did that oh my freaking…" He coughed again.

Once again, I yanked the boy straight. His mouth still had blood on it, making him look like a toddler with chocolate, which caused me to stifle a giggle.

"Look at me," I ordered him.

He did, surprisingly.

My eyes focused on his, and I tried to work my magic.

"You will forget this. You will continue driving and you will forget what just happened…"I spoke the words, hoping he would repeat them back and the compulsion would work.

"Um… No." He frowned

"Dammit…" I cursed, releasing the boy.

He fell to the floor, and I grumbled.

"S..Something… wrong?" He asked, using the jeep to pull him up.

I shook my head, choosing to forget about the boy and spare his life. Instead, I used my elbow to break the lock on the door, and opened it for him to get in.

Why was I helping this boy?

Once again, I shook my head and sped off into the forest again.

"Hey! Ah… Okay…" I heard him murmur to myself as I continued to run.

I rolled my eyes again. Silly human. If only all my meals were that lucky. The boy should have been begging for his life by the time I had left him. So why wasn't he?

Curiosity got the best of me, as it always did, and that fulfilled my decision to stay in the quaint little town called 'Beacon Hills'.

A/N: Thoughts? Questions? Queries? R&R and tell me what you think in the comments.