Thanks to my wonderful beta who suffers through numerous fandoms and stories. I hope you enjoyed this story. I do have the first chapter of an A/B/O fic, so far the people who have pre-read it have liked the start. I am thinking about posting it.


"There was something off about Tony. It was…I didn't recognise him. I'm…" Gibbs turned and started to walk away.

"You need some air." Ziva smiled at him, she knew people could not resist her for she drew people in like moths to a flame. It was not something she could help, her father told her numerous times it was a skill that came naturally to her and that the Mossad capitalized on that particular skill frequently.

Once they made their way outside, Ziva showed Gibbs to a quieter area where they could talk and not be interrupted and sat down on a bench.

Finally Gibbs broke the silence. "He was so angry, I didn't recognise him. Tony acted so much like…"

"I…" She realized the time had come to get Gibbs into her corner; after all he was just a man. Ziva pushed out her lip a little and let it start to tremble as she forced tears to start flowing. Gibbs managed not to roll his eyes at how thick she was laying it on. All he needed to do was to wait and see what Ziva was going to do next.

"I understand what you mean; I've seen him act like that before. I…I didn't say anything because he'd scared me so much. I didn't think anyone would believe me."

He couldn't get over her arrogance. Did Ziva really believe that he would fall for this act? But Gibbs had to carry on with this charade. He reached over and placed his hand over hers. "What did he do to you?"

"Tony said he would help me fit in. We would watch movies together. I trusted him, so I agreed."

"What happened next?" Gibbs asked gently even though he knew where this was going; he had to lull Ziva into a false security. As he listened to her use a horror that some had lived through and continue to live through the aftermath to continue the web spun of lies and betrayal he felt physically ill. Ziva was the most selfish and ignorant woman he'd ever met, using a horror such as this to sway Gibbs to turn on Tony. He was thankful for the amount of arrogance Ziva showed right now.

"I can't, please don't make me tell you anymore. He used his position, his friendship to hurt me."

Gibbs pulled her into his arms so he could hide his face and the anger he was feeling. "It's okay." He gently stroked her back; hopefully she believed he was this much of a sucker.

"I was so afraid that no one would believe me. I have this image of being so tough."

"I'm sorry this happened to you. No one deserves for something like this to happen to them." This was something he truly believed. There were so many monsters out there and here with him now. He remembered a time when he completely trusted her, so much lies and betrayal had happened since then.

Ziva smiled as she looked over his shoulder. Gibbs was an amazing man, but still just a man and was under her spell just like all the others.

"I'm frightened off him, especially after what you've said. He's dangerous."

"I'm not sure about that." He knew that if he agreed straight away she would suspect something was off. "I think we should go and see him first, I know it's going to be difficult for you. You don't have to come."

"No, I'll I go with you." She added a little too quickly, after taking a few deep breaths she hoped that he hadn't noticed. "I need to face him, it's important to me. I don't like feeling weak."

Gibbs nearly snorted at that comment. "If you're sure I wouldn't want to put you in a situation that makes you uncomfortable."

"I'm positive."

"Okay, let's go."

Ziva smirked as she walked behind him. This was going even better than the original plan. She would enjoy watching Tony's face when the man he admires most ends his life. There was no doubt Tony was going to push things. Gibbs saw her as a daughter and after what happened to his he was protective to women he cared about.


They walked into Tony's hospital room. The man himself unconscious on the bed with an IV line inserted in his left arm. It made Gibbs' heart stop even though he knew it wasn't real. Just the idea of the man he loved ending up like this terrified him.

He felt Ziva place a hand under his coat and pulled out his gun. She had carried on with how much of a monster Tony had become while they were in the car. How she wouldn't feel safe with him around, how others were in danger as well, like Abby. Would Gibbs put her at risk? What would he do to protect Shannon and Kelly?

"We need to end this Gibbs; he's a danger to everyone." She whispered as she placed the gun in his hand. It wasn't the first time she'd done this and it wouldn't be the last. It was amazing what men would do if they believed someone they loved was in danger.

Gibbs raised his arm and stopped. "I can't kill him, he's unarmed and unconscious."

Tony wasn't going to get away with ruining her life. He took Michael from her and then her father died. She wasn't going to let him turn Gibbs against her, there would be no one left. Ziva grabbed the gun, knocked Gibbs down and fired.

Nothing happened.

It just clicked.

Ziva turned and glared at a smug Gibbs.

"Do you really think you could get a gun away from me that easily? I still can't believe you think I would fall for that crap you were spouting? Oh and how exactly were you going to explain why I killed Tony?" He asked as he patted her down.

"I'm sure she would have come up with something. She is a creative liar and I hate to tell you this Gibbs, but it doesn't look like you were her first." Tony answered from the bed.

"He killed Sergei, he also killed Michael. It was obviously jealousy. He can't have me and doesn't want anyone else to either." Ziva yelled.

Tony couldn't stop the laughter that followed that incredibly inaccurate statement. "Wow, you really think highly of yourself don't you? Trust me sweetheart I don't find you attractive, in fact the more time I spent in your presence the more repulsed I became."

"You're lying, I know you want me. All men do."

As Gibbs handcuffed her he leaned forward and whispered. "Sergei's alive and told us everything."

"I don't believe you, I demand to see him."

"You have no right to demand anything, but we will let you see him." Blue eyes shone with anger.

Ziva's face became full of confusion at how easy that was. "What–"

"Take her back to NCIS." Gibbs ordered.

"Of course." Balboa grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her away.

Once they were alone Tony could see that something was wrong. "Jethro?"

"I know it was fake, but seeing you lying there…Ziva could have succeeded and killed you. I would've been so lost without you. I know we're taking this slow, but I need you to know that I love you. I can't remember when my feelings for you changed. I kept them buried so deep, the anger and frustration kept surfacing and I kept taking it out on you, the person I care for most."

"I love you too Jethro, you weren't the only one that buried their feelings. People knew that I admired you, but they never found out how much I truly cared."

Gibbs walked over to Tony's side, took hold of his hand and then bent down and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"You're going to wait until they release me, right? Considering all the hate she has sent my way I want to be there when she gets told the whole truth."

"I can wait; you were going to be released today anyway. We just kept you here for this plan and too make sure you were 100%."


Vance glanced over at Gibbs and DiNozzo. "Are we recording?" They were all in the conference room, with it all being recorded and with all the extra security it was much easier this way.

"Everything's set up." Tony replied.

Sergei was in the chair that was furthest from the door, two agents each side of him. There were another four stationed near the door, while Vance, Gibbs and DiNozzo were in the middle of the room. The door opened and Ziva arrived with two guards.

"Sergei, my friend I am so glad to see you alive. They–."

"Ziva, be quiet. Why do you want revenge for Michael?" Sergei didn't want to play around or drag this out.

"Michael and I loved each other. We were going to be together, but he," she spat at Tony's direction, "stole that happiness from me."

Sergei can't help himself, but starts to laugh. Ziva glared at him getting more and more enraged that he found her pain amusing.

"Did you never wonder why he was drinking that night? He was on the run after all, why stay with all the danger he was in? Do you think it was because there was something he needed to tell you?"

"Of course he had some drinks. He was clearly nervous about what I would say, but deep down he knew what my answer would be."

"What did you think he was going to ask you?" Sergei wanted to make sure what he was thinking was in fact correct.

"He was going to ask me to marry him."

"Ziva, he was not going to propose to you, he was in fact leaving you for someone else."

"You're lying; they've said something to you." Ziva yelled and struggled with her guards.

The other agents in the room slowly moved their hands to their weapons. Vance shook his head for them to hold at the moment.

"I am not; ask anyone with spies in Mossad, or even within the organisation they will tell you that it's true. I even caught him with his lover myself." He sighed this was such a waste all those lies caused such hatred and it was all aimed at the wrong person.

Tony handed over copies of the transcripts and emails to Gibbs, so he in turn could give them to Ziva. There was no way anyone was letting him get near the woman that hated him so much she tried to kill him.

Her face became paler as she read page after page. "It's not true, Michael loved me, and he wanted to marry me." She whispered her voice wavering, the conviction she once had faded. "No more lies."

"This is no lie. Why did you think you father was so angry that he wanted Mr DiNozzo dead for the death of Michael. It wasn't because he loved him like a son; it was because he was in love with the man."

Vance nodded to the two agents, who took hold of her arms and escorted Ziva out. It wouldn't be long before the anger came, she was in shock for now.


Vance glanced over at Gibbs. "Time to deal with McGee and the fact he told Ziva where you were when he was ordered not to. You both could've easily been killed."

"He was a good kid, but his attitude changed so much. He thought he was better than everyone. Ziva played into that and hooked him." Gibbs sighed.


McGee waited for the first edit of his next novel to come back. He'd finally got people to believe that they weren't based on people he knew. Ziva was right at how some were complete idiots. It wasn't their faults; of course, he was that much smarter than they were after all. He was also very lucky that they'd had a really interesting case and it was perfect to make his character shine and to take the lead.

"Maybe I could kill Tommy off in the next one." He muttered to himself. It was a minor character that no one really cared about after all.


Vance glanced up as a tall, dark haired man walked into his office.

"Thank you for seeing me Director Vance."

"That's quite all right Mr Sommers, what is it you needed to tell me about Agent McGee?"

"The Carrigan case, that is still active, correct?"

"Yes," Vance leaned forward, "why?"

"I'm editing Agent McGee's new book. I am one of the few people that know who the author really is."

"What exactly does this have to do with NCIS or the Carrigan case?"

"He's used the case as the main storyline in his next book. I only know what I have seen on the news, but he's put things in there that haven't been released that I know off. It also has a different feel from his others. I'm afraid he may have used actually real life elements. I mentioned it to his publisher and she's asked that someone here read it and see if it gives away true life events."

"Very well, do you have a number I can contact the publisher after I have read it." The Director grabbed the novel and the small card with contact details. "Thank you Mr Sommers I appreciate you coming to me with this."

"I didn't want anyone to get off with this horrible crime due to greed and fame."

Vance rubbed his head; it seemed Ziva's arrogance had rubbed off on the other agent. The two of them caused him to have a never ending headache. He grabbed the manuscript and started to read.


McGee walked into the Directors office and sat down in one of the chairs. "If this is about Ziva, I felt she should know where her team leader was. We didn't trust Tony to have his back. I think she should be given a warning and then join the team again. We work well together." He was sure that Vance would take his advice.

"She tried to shoot DiNozzo." Vance uttered incredulously.

"But it was empty."

"She didn't know that. Ziva would have killed an innocent unarmed and unconscious man."

"But nothing actually happened to him?"

Vance was going to try again, but realised it wouldn't be worth the effort as McGee didn't actually care about Tony. If it had been his sister or someone he cared about, there would be a completely different reaction.

"Miss David is going to jail, the evidence speaks for itself." He wasn't going to go into details because he couldn't trust the young man in front of him. It wasn't just the fact that she tried to kill someone, even though that was at the top of his list. She'd also sent files to Mossad. Ziva would be spending the rest of her life behind bars. "She isn't the reason that you were called in here."

"Oh." McGee suddenly smiled cockily. "So Webster has no idea what to do now and you want me to step in? Don't worry as SFA I'll make sure that all probies will be trained to a very high standard."

"You're not getting promoted."

"I'm not? Then why am I here?"

"Firstly you were told not to tell Ziva due to the fact she was under suspension for spying for Mossad. Now this on its own would be put on your file and any other problem would be cause for you to be fired."

"But she's a team-mate. I thought–."

"You were ordered not to tell her anything. Sergei could have killed both Gibbs and DiNozzo. There is also the thing about your next novel. Is there something you would like to tell me?" Vance stared at him coldly.

Tim sighed, "I thought this had been dealt with, the characters are not based on anyone here, or who I know. I wish Tony would stop lying about that…maybe I should sue him?"

"Do you honestly think that people believe you about that? Their names are barely changed; let's not get into the caricature you created of Tony. I am amazed that you work in an investigative team. You can't even come up with original storylines. In case you're wondering what I'm talking about, the Carrigan case. Does that ring any bells with you?"

"My novel is only loosely based on it; scripts do it all the time. We closed the case; I don't see what the problem is."

"Loosely based, are you kidding me? I read the script; your story follows everything exactly as it happened. In case it escaped your notice, it hasn't gone to trial yet. Your publisher said that this was the only edit you have before it gets published. It would've come out during the trial, or was that your plan along? Did you want to get more people to read it? No matter what it might have done to the case? You also have a contract with us which prohibits you discussing cases outside of NCIS. I can promise you putting it into a novel is definitely breaking the contract. All your other ones were based around cases outside of us, this is the first time you've used one of ours. Do you think that you're too important that ignoring orders or writing this damn novel that the consequences don't apply to you?" Vance shook his head and took a deep breath to try and calm down.

"Director, I–."

"No, I don't want to hear it. When you first started with the MCRT under Gibbs and DiNozzo you grew as an agent and there was a possibility you could do well for yourself. Then Ziva joined, and then you became an author and that's when the arrogance appeared. I've talked to Sec Nav and because of the times you have now been written up by Gibbs and Webster, ignoring orders and now this book we have no choice but to let you go. You're lucky we're not taking things any further. As of now you are no longer an NCIS agent. Please leave your gun and badge with me. There is a security guard at your desk. Once you have finished packing he will escort out of the building."


"You're dismissed."

Tim watched as the Director concentrated on some files. He turned and left the room in a daze. He was no longer an agent, but there was still his writing. It was something that would keep him going. The novel just needed a new story. It was time to go and see his publisher, maybe it was time to change what he wrote about.


Abby pouted. "Why won't you let me kill her?"

"It's over and done with." Tony pulled her into a hug.

"Could we meet up for a movie night sometime?" She asked hopefully.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." He held her a little tighter.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to be a better friend to you."

"Well, you showed me that it meant something to you. You changed; I couldn't ask more than that."

"It should've never have got that far. You shouldn't have had to leave to make us realise a change was necessary."

"We can't change the past; we can just look forward to a better future."

"I won't treat you like that ever again, pinkie swear." She held out her little finger.

Tony linked his with hers. "Pinkie swear. I'm sorry about McGee; I know the two of you were close."

"There's nothing you need to be sorry for. I didn't like the person he became. It would've never worked out between us. Hopefully both he and Ziva will grow from this experience." She paused for a moment, "but I doubt it."


Tim slammed his apartment door behind him, walked over to his favourite chair and collapsed into it. This was the worst day he's ever had. His publisher wanted nothing to do with him. He'd broken their contract as well, because he worked at NCIS they made sure he wouldn't use any cases that he'd worked on.

Before he arrived home, he'd made so many phone calls to other publishers, but it seemed word travelled quickly and no one wanted anything to do with him. Tim had tried to call Abby and Gibbs, but they never returned his calls. Ziva had been arrested so she wouldn't be any help. It was all Tony's fault, since he came back his life was a mess. He still had to tell his family about what had happened. It wouldn't take them long to hear about it. Tonight though, what he needed was alcohol and a lot of it. Tim just wanted to pretend that none of this had happened.


Gibbs was back at Tony's house and they were cuddling on the couch.

"I'm going to retire."

Tony's head shot around in shock. "Why? You're a great agent, one of the best. You love your job."

"So many things have happened. Look at what I became, what I missed and what I let people get away with. I don't trust myself to train a new agent. It won't be the same anyway."

"What are you going to do with all that spare time? You're not a man who'll sit around and do nothing."

"Spend as much as I can with you, do some work around this place." Gibbs glanced around. "When I spoke to Vance he wants me to do some training for probies. I could also help you with the odd case if you want?"

"If that's what you really want to do, then I will support you. I would love to get your eyes on some of my cases. We'll need to get you security clearance, but I don't think that will be much of a problem."

"I do mean only the odd case. I want us to be able to sit like this and tell each other about our days. Plan weekends away, making this into the home you always dreamed off. I could see myself living here one day; if that's something you would be interested in."

"Maybe one day I'll say yes and then you'll know if I'm interested in having you around on a more permanent basis."

Gibbs grabbed Tony's hand, turned it over and placed a kiss on the palm. "I love you Tony."

"I love you too Jethro."

"I see you have a fire?"

"Well it's a good thing I have steaks in the fridge then."

"Cowboy steaks it is."

The two men looked at each other and laughed. For the first time in years they both felt free of their pasts and had a future together to look forward to.


Ziva had tried to call in all the favours owed to her, but no one would help. They also told her about Michael and her father, they had both betrayed her. But there was one man whom all her anger was aimed at Tony DiNozzo. If he hadn't come back none of this would've happened. If he'd died her dreams wouldn't have been shattered and she wouldn't have been left alone in prison.

Why had all the people she loved treated her this way, none of it was her fault? Why did the blame land at her feet? All Ziva had left was anger and with everything in her she prayed that all those who turned on her would suffer. Most of all she wanted Tony to have the most miserable life he could.


The two men lay cuddled on the couch as 'The Quiet Man' played on the TV. The food, as always, was perfect.

Tony couldn't be any happier than he was right at this moment. When he left NCIS all those months ago he truly believed that he would be forgotten. He didn't think anyone would change for him. But they did and Tony ended up with the man he had loved for years. He couldn't wait to see what the future would bring him. He was going to film when Gibbs found out one his closest friends was Trent Kort, it would be too funny not to.

The End