
So, it's finally here, the final chapter! I just want to thank all of you, I hope you all enjoyed this story!

Azazel: Was I good enough?

Me: Kid, you're the bomb.


Amy: Come on then, let's get on with it!

Me: Yeah yeah yeah, we're getting to it!

Now, without further ado...


"Come on, Azzy! Wake up already!"

Azazel groaned, holding a pillow over her head, "Go away, Zachary…It's too early for this shit…"

From the other side of the room, she could hear a certain metal penguin sigh, "I guess she'll just be late for her date-."

With those words, Azazel straighten up, her eyes wide, as she rolled out of bed, "That's today!?"

"Why do you think we're trying to get you up?" the Zoroark murmured, before Lucario walked into the room.

"Arceus said that you're f-free to go." The shy lupine Pokémon said, right before Empoleon threw her a dress.

Azazel nodded, before rushing to the bathroom, "Thanks, guys!"

Once that door closed, the three took in a deep breath, before the Zoroark grinned, "How do you think Hase will react to this?"

"React to what?"

All of them jumped when Hase walked into Azazel's hall or origin room, Azure and Ivy behind him

"Well? Spit it out, I'd like to know what I'm reacting to." Hase said, leaning on the doorway as he waited, arms crossed over his chest as he waited.

Liam rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, as if he were the one on the burner right now, "Well…"

"…All birds gotta leave the nest at sometime, right?" Zoroark tried, laughing in an odd way.

Finally, Hase sighed, turning to Elias, "What is all this about?"

"Azazel's going on a date."

Hase looked like he was about to die right then and there, not even noticing Azazel walking out, as he was thrown into stupor, "My little girl is going on a date? With who!? She's only thirteen now; she's too young to go on a date with…with some delinquiet!"

Azazel couldn't help but giggle, catching Hase's attention, "I'll be fine, Hase. Promise."

She was dressed in a nice red top and jeans, looking pretty in a casual way. She wore sneakers and had a purse over her shoulder.

"Do no worry, Hasekura." Empoleon insisted, a glint in his eye, "She won't be going alone. We swear, no harm will come to her."

Hase looked like he was about to explode, only to sigh, backing away from the door with a forced smile, "Have a good time, little one. And no staying out past sunset, understood?"

Azazel nodded, a huge grin on her face as she leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek before walking out, "Come on, guys!" She laughed, all of them following.

Hase stayed behind, sighing lightly, "…They grow up so fast…"

At the entrance of the halls, Lugia stood, giving her a grin, "You ready to go?"

Azazel nodded, returning all of her Pokémon to their pokeballs, "Ready as I'll ever be!" She grinned, before climbing onto his back.

With a loud screech, Lugia was off, zooming off towards the ground at breakneck speeds. Azazel swore that she'd fall off, only to have him land, "We're here."

Azazel nodded, getting off, before thanking him. Lugia nodded, "Jus whistle when you need a ride back home." He insisted, before zooming off once again.

Azazel looked around, "He said the poffin house, right?"

"I did."

Azazel gasped, turning around, only to laugh, "Don't do that, you scared me!"

"Couldn't help it." He said, before offering her his arm, "Join me on this fine evening?"

Azazel laughed, before linking her arm with his, "I'd be more than happy to."

I know it was short, but it's the final chapter, so, it's kinda suppose to wrap it all up.

As for who she went on a date with, I'll leave that all up to you guys and your ships, cause hey, there was a lot of them.

Anyway, if here ar any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the reivews, or PM me!

I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it, and maybe, just maybe, it'll get a sequel.

Who knows?

Anyway, this has been fun, so, this is Crimsontrainer, signing out!

Till next story do we meet; bai bai!