Alrighty guys, how's it going?

So, as you can tell, I've choosen a pokemon story to write and publish!

So, I know that this is my first pokemon fanfiction, the first full on story, shorts don't count. And so, I hope you guys like it, I've got a lot more of these planned, and so, if this is a success, then be sure to look forward to a bunch more of these pokemon stories!

Azazel:...Is it my time now?

Amy: Hahaha, it's about time! Yeah, yeah it is!

Azazel: Well, I'd like to start by saying thank you-

Amy: You sound like you've got a stick up your ass! Calm down, there's no need to be so formal here!

Azazel: I...I apologize?

Amy:...Try swear.

Azazel: No! That's very rude!

Amy:...She's hopeless...

Me: Don't bully Azazel! It's her first chapter!

Amy:..Yeah, whatever...

Me:...Anyway...As always...


In the world of Pokémon, there were many different places to travel, sights to see, and people to meet. But, in the region of Sinnoh, a small quaint town called Twinleaf. Now, in Twinleaf town, a few families lived. It really was a small place, with only a few houses, not much to see, besides the famous lake that made the town put on the map.

Twinleaf town was quiet on that fateful afternoon, cold wind whistling about outside as the lights of the houses slowly yet surely went out. As it always was, the valley way was quiet, with only the chitter from the forest Pokémon to calm anyone to nervous with the calm scenery.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough for everyone.

In one house, a single mother lived, caring for her baby. The woman's blakc hair had been put up into a messy bun, jade eyes wide as she feverishly looked from her door to the windows. Her white dress was dirty, holding her baby close in her arms, as if fearful that the elements would take her away from her.

The mother yelped as she heard footsteps outside. She knew it. All along, she knew that they'd come for her. She held her baby in one hand, trying to hush the sweet little girl as she pulled a knife out of a drawer.

No one would hurt her sweet little child. Not if she could do something about it.

She crept to the backdoor, the lights all off, before she heard something at the front door, "Ms. Sunatsu, we know you're in there!"

She said nothing, before slipping out the back door, making sure that the baby was secure, before running. She ran for the back forests, the night helping to hide her as she fled. She ran as fast as she could, before growling was heard behind her. She didn't need to turn around to know that they've sent the Houndour after her.

"Don't try to run, Ms. Sunatsu." A chilling voice called.

She spat her hair out of her mouth, as she kept running. She prayed that the forest Pokemon would leave her be as she ran past, arms holding on tighter to her baby.

She yelped, tripping over a fallen tree, nearby dropping her baby only to have it at the last moment. Within a seconds' decision, she stood up, looking around, before digging out the dirt from underneath the fallen tree.

The mother sighed, brushing the dirt off, before placing her baby under the tree. Safe and hidden. Azazel began to cry, her arms reaching out for her mommy, while Ms. Sunatsu hushed the little girl, trying hard to keep her smile, "Oh, my sweet angel," The woman said sadly, brushing the baby's thin hair out of her face, "Hush now, there's no reason to cry."

She did her best to hush the baby, forcing herself to stand. She couldn't stay here any longer, if she did...That would ruin both of their chances, Azazel's more so.

She had to do this, it was for the best.

The mother covered her mouth, stifling the small cry in her throat, before backing away from her. Step by step, she backed away from the baby, unable to look away from the tree she had left her beloved child under. She turned around, taking off swiftly, only to run right into a sturdy chest.

She shook, slowly looking up the uniform, up the strong shoulders, before meeting cold eyes, "…Cyrus." The same chilling voice said.

He nodded coldly, his stern eyes never leaving her own, "…Ms. Sunatsu."

"I told you that I was done." She said sternly, trying to back away, only to hear a growl. Cyrus never broke from his stern demeanor, as the search dogs finally caught up, "Useless mutts." He murmured, before holding his hand out, "Now, hand her over."

This caught her by surprise. All this time, she assumed that they'd want her for the vast knowledge she'd gained while on the team, before shaking her head, cursing herself for being such a fool. Of course they'd want her baby girl, "No."

She found herself saying it before she could stop herself. After what he did to their baby, after all the surgeries and experiments...No, she would never give Azazel up.

Cyrus sighed, running a hand through his hair as if he had other important things to do, "…Miki, I will not ask again. Hand her over."

Miki only let out a feral scream, rushing at him, knife in hand. This is her chance to rid the world once and for all of the terrible team Galactic!

But then, everything went wrong.

The Houndours growled, before all three jumped on her. Miki screamed in pain as they bit down on her arms and legs. Cyrus let out a ghost of a smirk, before calling them off, "Maybe they're not as useless as I first assumed." He said to himself, before snapping his fingers, calling them all back to him.

Miki lied there, her white dress turning a deep red from the bite marks on her legs, arms and neck. Her breathing was harsh, but the gleam in her eye told him otherwise. Cyrus's eyes stared daggers into her, "I'm waiting, Miki."

"I'll never give her to you, Cyrus." Miki spat, eyes narrowed with hatred for her once-leader, "I quit for a good reason; and I do not plan on going back."

"Which is an even bigger reason to why we need your child," Cyrus murmured, before grabbing Miki's arm, pulling her up, before sliding her over his shoulder, "If you will not do so willingly, I'm sure that I can persuade you otherwise."

With that said, he walked out of the forest, the Houndour beside him, as the fog covered his trail.

Just like that, as if both were never there to begin with, they were gone.

Before anyone knew it, morning had dawned on the forest area, with the residents slowly but surely waking up. Thanks to a certain ban on the capture of any Pokémon in that area, a wide diversity of Pokémon has been able to thrive on their own. Some were born and raised in the area, while others had been released and found solace in the greenery.

One of said Pokémon was a lone Gallade by the name of Hasekura. He was one of the older Pokémon that lived in the quiet forest, making him what others called a sort of "elder".

Hasekura sighed, walking away from his area, a small yet comfy clearing, as he began his morning walk.

It was always nice for Hasekura to see the new and old editions of the forest, like the new Budew and Roselia group, and the wild Tauros herd that dashed by in the plains.

"Wait up, Hasekura!"

He turned around to see a young frantic Roselia. "Yes, Lefa? How can I help you?"

"There were humans!" Lefa yelled, finally coming to a stop in front of him, breathing heavily, "Last night, two humans were seen inside the borders!"

This caught Hasekura by surprise. From what he remembered, humans were banned from this forest, which helped to enforce the Pokémon security and safety.

From what he was told, due to the fact that they were so close to Twinleaf town, which was home to the most non-trainers in the whole Sinnoh region, the officials had banned the capture of the Twinleaf forest, claiming it as a nature reserve, and hope to make more later on.

And thus, humans in this forest was a rare occurring.

"I'll be right there." Hasekura ensured, walking off in that direction, Lefa staring at him from a distance, still fearful from the thought of having humans in the forest.

She quickly shook her head, this was Hasekura! He was one of the wisest Pokémon that has lived in the forest! Surely, if Hasekura couldn't take care of it, no one could!


Meanwhile, Hasekura ran a light jog through the forest, having finally arrived at the outskirts of the forest.

He scanned the area, keeping to the trees so that no random trainers in the area could see him, before an ear splitting sound.

The sound of a baby crying.

Confused, Hasekura walked over, unsure if he was hearing that right. Was he going crazy? No, he wasn't that old, he wasn't losing his mind just yet.


The fallen tree trunk was a well known spot for the younger Pokémon, the more adventurous ones that want to see humans up close.

But, at the moment, it would seem as if something else was hiding out.

Hasekura reached into the trunk, pushing the dry leafs out of the way, before grabbing hold of something…squishy.

Confused he slowly pulled the thing out, only to appear more confused.

In his hands was a small pale child, maybe one or two at best. She had wide jade eyes, with her dark blue hair messy with leaves and twigs.

She was crying loudly, and didn't seem anywhere near a stopping point.

"…Oh my…" Hasekura murmured, rubbing the back of his head, while carrying the girl in the other hand, "Hello there, young one-."

He was interrupted by the young girl's scream. Hasekura couldn't help but groan, giving the baby a look of mild irritation. To be honest, he wasn't very fond of infants and toddlers. They didn't understand logical reasoning, the one component that he stood for the most.

He sighed, debating on what to do. He could leave the child, hoping that the parents would come back for her… but he didn't have the heart to do that. He could kill her…again, he didn't have the heart to do that.

It was then he realized something. The crying had stopped. He looked down at the baby, only to see those jade eyes staring up in wonder at his face. He flinched slightly, when she suddenly made a grab for his face.

Hasekura sighed, he couldn't leave her out here! Sure, it would take a while for the others to accept, but he had a feeling that this was a great moment.

He slowly removed the dirty blanket from the chubby child, only now seeing the name sewn into the blanket, "…Ah, so your name is Azazel, isn't it, little one?"

Azazel cooed, which just added to the cute that came off of her. He began to head back to the forest. He'd get them to see, Azazel would make the forest a better place! She was human, yes, but she was innocent! Surely, I the other elders of the forest would understand!

"Absolutely not!"

Hasekura sighed, "Please, reconsider."

He had come to the meeting clearing, simply another is cleared of trees in the forest, where he normally went to keep watch over the forest, where all the news flowed through.

But, when he showed up with a baby girl in his hands, there was an uproar.

Namely one of the elders, a Medicham named Shiva.

There were three elders of the forest, himself, Shiva, and the eldest and wisest of them all; an Alazakam by the name of Kashikoi.

Everyday, it was always the same type of thing. Shiva hated him, and he wasn't very fond of her. She would call him out, he would slowly but surely grow angry to the point where Kashikoi had to step in and mediate between the two of them.

But today, it would seem as if it was two to one.

"Kashikoi!" Shiva yelled, "Don't tell me that you're going to let this happen! We can't have a human girl in the forest! That would destroy everything that we stand for!"

Kashikoi nodded, "She is right, Hasekura. You know that humans are not allowed here. Take her back to her own kind."

"But she was left alone." Hasekura countered, "I couldn't have just left her to die."

Kashikoi nodded, causing Shiva to growl, "But Kashi! We can't have a human girl here. The damage she can cause once she realizes what she is! We can't risk that!"

"But, if she were to be raised among us, if she were to be treated like a Pokémon, she has a chance to become better than that." Hasekura rebutted, unwilling to go down.

Shiva groaned, "A human can't be raised as a Pokémon! It's a human girl!" She looked at Kashikoi, "Well? What do you say, Kashi?"

Kashikoi sat down, eyes closed, as he entered a deep thought. Once they opened, he saw Hasekura giving him a look of pity, "Please, Kashikoi, have mercy on her. She did nothing to hurt our kind, she has a chance to become more than a vile human! I'll watch over her, I'll act as her guardian. Just please, don't leave her to die."

Kashikoi sat there silently, watching Hasekura's pleading face, before watching Shiva scowl. Finally, he rose, "…Hasekura…You will be able to keep the girl."

"WHAT!?" Shiva screamed, "Kashi, you can't-."

"I've decided." Kashi cut in, "Hasekura, I hope you know what you're doing."

Hasekura nodded, before smiling down at the little girl, "Hear that, Azazel? You'll be able to stay with me."

Azazel cooed, "Mommy!"

Shiva couldn't help but snicker, while Hasekura sighed, "No, little one; I'm not your mother-."


Even Kashikoi managed a weak smile, while Hasekura groaned, "No, I am Hasekura."


"No, Hasekura."


"Getting closer, Ha-se-ku-ra."


"Close enough." Hasekura sighed, before walking out, a smile on his face, "Alright then, little one; you'll do so many great things, you'll become a great person!"


Hasekura laughed, "Do me a favor and stay this naïve forever, Azazel."

Cute, isn't it?

Amy: Very much so.

Azazel: Yes, it's very nice.

Amy: Pff, such a-

Me: One word, kiddo. I dare you.


Me:...You're banned.

Amy: WHAT!?

Me: You're banned for at least three chapters! Now go on, get!

Amy:..Fuck you...*Walks out*

Azazel:...I'm sorry, was all of that because of me?

Me: Nah, it's all cool! Amy's always like that with new people; just give her time!

Anyway, that's all the time for today! I hope you guys enjoyed it, and if you did, or didn't, please leave a review! I would like to know what is wrong and right, but hey, I can't make you!

Well, I'm all done here, and so, I'll see you guys later on!

Till then, bai bai!