A month after I had met Roman, we'd settled into a routine.

When we woke up in the morning, we'd eat breakfast, get showers, and get changed. Roman was kind enough to let me have the bathroom first. After that, we'd walk around town and look for dopey people to pickpocket.

Roman just had a few rules: no robbing kids, no robbing people who have their kids with them (unless the parents are assholes, then go right on ahead (the kids might even help)), no robbing visibly-poor people, and always go for the rich bastards who look like they have sticks up their asses.


"Now, the key is to find someone completely oblivious." Roman told me as we watched the masses move past our alleyway. Roman examined everyone, then noticed a man in a suit with a briefcase talking on his scroll. "Watch and learn." I watched as Roman carefully snuck out, took the man's wallet (without him seeing or feeling a thing), and snuck back. I gave a few silent claps.

'Nice.' I smiled. Roman gave a small bow, smirking.

"Thank you, m'lady. Now, you go and give it a try."


"Neopolitan, are you afraid?"


"Then, prove it." Roman pointed to a man with a gold pocket-watch, smiling deviously. "That one."

My eyes widened, then I took a deep breath and crept out. I blended into the crowd, walked behind my target for a little while, then got the courage to reach out and grab the watch.

The issue was that the watch was on a chain on the man's belt, so I delicately reached over and removed it from the hook, smiling as I sighed in relief. Then, I ducked into an alleyway.

Roman was there, smiling as he crossed his arms. I skipped over, twirling the watch on its chain before handing it to him, beaming.

'How'd I do?'

"You did great, Neo!" Roman congratulated me, ruffling my hair. I silently giggled, then...

"Hey, I've been robbed!"

"Run!" Roman grabbed my hand, both of us running off as some policemen started searching for the mystery-thief. "I know a place where we can hide!"


I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms and I gazed at Roman.

'Your idea of a hiding place is an ice-cream parlor?'

"Hey, I made a promise. Candy, junk-food, ice-cream: you get to try them all. And the first ice-cream flavor on the list..." Roman smiled deviously as the waitress walked over and set our ice-cream down in front of us. "Neapolitan."

My eyes widened in surprise, and I blinked a few times as I stared down at the ice-cream. I had never tried ice-cream before, and all I knew about it was that it was cold and delicious.

The ice-cream that had been placed in front of me was brown, pink, and white, and it was topped in some sort of brown sauce, white stuff, and a cherry (that was the only thing that I recognized, and only from some empty jars I found while digging through garbage for food). I slowly picked up a spoon and decided to try the pink, first.

I got some pink and some of the white-stuff on my spoon, then I slowly put the spoon in my mouth. My eyes widened, and Roman laughed.

'It's like looking into the face of God...'

"And that's only the strawberry! Try the chocolate and the vanilla!"

'I will never doubt you, again...'

"We both know that's a lie."

'True... Ice-cream time!' I tried the vanilla, then the chocolate. Delicious! Then, I started digging into the ice-cream.

"Careful." Roman warned. "I don't want you getting a-" A pang of pain shot through my skull, and I gripped the sides of my head. "Brain-freeze... Okay, this is gonna sound weird, but put your thumb on the roof of your mouth. It'll help."

'O-okay...' I obeyed, the roof of my mouth warming and the pain subsiding. Roman smiled, eating his own ice-cream and looking up at me.

"You're welcome."

'Don't get cocky, partner.'

"Too late."

'You're the worst.'

"Aw, Neo! That's the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me... Well, thought to me."







Both of us stuck our tongues out at each other, then laughed (well, I laughed silently, but you get the idea) and got back to work on our ice-cream.

YES! NEO HAS HAD ICE-CREAM! FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I own nothing! Please read, review, check out my other stories, etc. Thanks!