After a short fight about whether or not Orcus was a terrible name, Lucifer managed to convince Chloe to go back to bed. She was clearly exhausted and, he was sure, after a little sleep she would see how lovely the name was. He was amused to her fall asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. He drew the covers up around her and went back downstairs to finish the dishes.
With the last plate dried and put away he set to work writing out a list of names. Best to have a backup in case Chloe didn't come around to Orcus. He could not give his child some boring, ordinary name. By the time his phone alarm beeped at 8:30am he had a good list going. She must like at least one of these, he thought to himself looking it over.
Leaving the list on the table he got up from the table and began searching the house. His search was short, he found her laptop on the coffee table in the living room. Opening he typed in the password she didn't know he knew and went to work. Half a dozen phone calls later he felt satisfied that everything would be exactly as he wanted. He wanted his apology to Chloe to be ready before the end of the day. Clearing the search history just to be safe (he couldn't risk have his surprise ruined), he closed the laptop and placed it back where he had found it. Chloe will probably sleep for a few more hours he thought. With this thought he began to consider what else he could do around here. Vacuum? No, it would be too loud. Fill her refrigerate with healthy pregnancy safe food? No, he didn't want to leave. Finally he settled for purging her kitchen. He remember hearing that there were certain foods pregnant humans should avoid, a quick search on his phone confirmed this and he set up disposing of all cold-cuts, pre-packaged cookie dough, and other foods that could harm his child.
As he cleaned out all offensive food he mind began to wander. What would his kid look like? His dark hair and Chloe's big blue-green eyes? Or maybe it would be practically a clone of one of them? Why did he father make this happen?
Upstairs Chloe was sleeping. And dreaming. She was dreaming she was in her kitchen cooking. She felt a tug on her pant leg. Look down she saw a small, red creature its face twisted with a manic smile revealing razor like teeth. She was screaming as the creature let out a cackle and began climbing up her leg. Then it was gone, her kitchen was gone, morphed into a hazy whitish space. She became aware of a figure materialize in front of her. Tall, slim, and wearing white and blue robes.
"Hello Chloe, I am Gabriel."
"Wha-what?" Was all she could manage.
"I am here with a message from the Lord. Do not fear for your child. It has a very special purpose."
Here a mentioned of her child put some courage back in her. Instinctively placing her hands over her stomach. "What does he want with my kid?"
Gabriel smiled at her, "Every creature the Lord creates has a purpose. Your child will be the judge of souls."
"The WHAT?"
"The Lord allows into Heaven those who have lived good lives. Lucifer punishes those who have not. Your child will be the judge, the one who is able to consider the billions of factors decided the fate of a soul."
"Doesn't God already do that?"
"The Lord does. He could do all of our purposes if he wished. He does not need me to, nor any other creature."
"Then why?"
"None know the mind of the Lord, though many profess so."
Chloe had the feeling that if she kept asking question it would only result in some kind of circular argument with the archangel.
"Chloe," he continued, "All will be well." With that she woke up.