Still thinking of the fight with the Slytherins and the later talk he had with his young wife, Oliver made a decision to get the twins alone. As soon as he got the opportunity, he pulled them out of site from everyone, making sure that there would be no surprise interruptions. He couldn't risk a professor coming up behind them as Lupin had when they were discussing Sirius Black. Oliver had plans and knew the twins would help but if a professor learnt of his plans, they would never accomplish anything.

The twins followed Oliver easily into an abandoned area but most importantly they were watching him. He was silent and seething. "Whats up Oliver," Fred asked seeing how angry he was. Something had clearly happened since the last time they spoke the day before.

"Need something," George added.

"Help," Oliver admitted without hesitation.

"With," both twins asked together realizing that this was far from a joking matter for the quidditch captain.

Oliver scowled at what he was about to say. The very idea of it turned his stomach. How could people be so cruel to a young girl who had done nothing wrong? "You know flints comment about Harry?"

Both twins matched his angry scowls the very question making them sick as it had the captain. Harry was as good as their little sister and the very thought was disgusting and to say it about the 13-year-old. She may have been married but she wasn't even legal yet, as if they would let any one touch her, she was still a child but to accuse them of sharing her was low even for a Slytherin.

"Yes we remember," George said clenching his fist. He wished that he had gotten a good few hits in at them for those comments. They had done pretty good in the fight, but he knew they could have done better. He wanted revenge against Flint for the comment.

"It's not new," Oliver stated.

Both twins froze hoping they had heard the captain wrong. "what do you mean it's not new," Fred demanded going cold at the idea. Had they missed something?

Oliver took a breath attempting to calm his firey temper as he answered the question. "It's not the first time Harry heard crap like that. Apparently, they have the sense to keep me from hearing the worst of the comments, but they don't have any problem about bringing them up in front of a 13-year-old girl," Oliver returned. "Asking her if I share her around the dorm, how often she puts out, saying a thousand and one more hurtful things. Some of them I couldn't even think of."

"Who," The twins demanded together. There was no question about what they would do to everyone who even so much as hinted at a comment like that. They would be dealt with fully and without fear of consequences. No one hurt their baby sister.

Oliver gave them a slightly dark grin knowing they were on board. He never doubted it. Though he tended to be closer to their rule following older brother, he knew they were the ones to go to about this. They were normally good-natured pranksters, but they could turn ruthless and sadistic at the drop of a hat. Right now, he needed someone without care about the rules to help deal with the people who hurt his wife. "I got a list and I want every last one of them to realize what happens when they mess with my wife. They target her because she won't fight them on it, she can't fight them on it. I don't want anyone to think they can get away with this."

The twins nodded without hesitation. "we need test subjects, give us their names."

"I want in," Oliver said since normally the twins would go off on their own, but it was his wife, a girl he considered a close friend who was being hurt. He wouldn't allow it to continue. The two newly married wizards had been dealing with this on their own. They were struggling slightly but they had accepted it. They didn't need a bunch of ignorant bullies making it that much harder to deal with or causing her problems.

The twins shared a look, having a silent conversation before nodding. "Alright Captain, you're in," Fred agreed.

"Please follow us, we need to start preparing," George added leading him up into the dorm room. Everyone would be regretting what they said. They were sure of that.

The twins quickly brought out their trunks opening to secret compartments which were filled with vials and books as well as objects that Oliver did not have any idea what they could be for and truthfully, he was slightly too scared to ask. They began unloading pre-prepared prank options, some complete others not. Some of the vials had untested written on them with names. Others had failed or too dangerous…revenge only…any number of handwritten notes. "Now let's just see how far we wish to go," Fred said.

"We have here a number of our experimental potions. Puking Pestiles. Nosebleed nougat's. Untested. A few kinks to figure out."

"Now we should definitely have a show of the itching powder. Impressively painful if left on for long periods of time."

"Not eligible for pranks as pranks are to be humorous instead of painful."

"It's one of our failed experiments. We do not just have potions though."

"We have a tripping jinx and a numbing hex which will be slowly getting worse as well as these."

The twins pulled out book after book on jinx's, curses, charms, most of them were books filled with potential pranks but others took on a slightly more dangerous nature. "Some we felt were too…"

"Dangerous for Hogwarts pranks. We've been meaning to adapt for our pranking needs however…"

"We feel this is a good reason to test some failed experiments and ideas."

"Will it hurt," Oliver asked.

"Guaranteed," The twins said together without hesitation.

"Good," Oliver said pleased. "They deserve what they get."

As they discussed future plans of revenge and which tactic they would use on each person, Lee entered the room as he shared with both twins. As soon as he entered however, he saw which books they had pulled out. He glanced at the darker expressions on the groups faces and without thinking twice, he walked out again. He wasn't going to deal with it at the moment. No, he liked being naïve on some matters and he felt this was something he shouldn't get involved with. He felt sorry for whomever had drawn there anger to such an extent they were willing to pull out the big guns.

They would never see it coming and regret ever hurting one of theirs.