Tee had just had her date with Zach, she should of know he would have preferred someone like Carmen, she dried her eyes as she heard footsteps approaching.

"Hold on Carmen." Tee said wiping her eyes thinking it was her best friend coming down the garden path. She turned around to see Ryan reaching her, "oh it's you."

"What's your problem." Ryan rudely asked her perching down near here, she rolled her eyes.

"You now leave me alone." Tee said dismissing him making Ryan raise his eyebrow cockily.

"What was your date with Zach not over the moon perfect." Ryan sarcastically questioned.

"No you were right about what you said about tall model types." Tee grumpily replied, putting her chin in her hands.

"Why what happened." Ryan asked taking a fully seat next to her.

"Why do you care." Tee couldn't help but snap at him.

"I need a laugh." He sweetly replied, making Tee shake her head exasperated

"He saw Carmen." Tee said as if that was explanation enough.

"And he preferred Carmen to you." Ryan questioned confused making Tee nod, "why."

"Because Carmen pretty tall and skinny." Tee said sniffing slightly.

"So it's not like your ugly or anything." Ryan said awkwardly shifting about for a second.

"Careful that almost sounded like a compliment." Tee said letting out a small laughing making Ryan break out into a smile.

"Tee." They heard Carmen call as she walked down the garden.

"It was suppose to." Ryan said redirecting his attention back to Tee and their conversation before they were interrupted.

This made Tee look up at the fact Ryan had just said that to her, he shot her a cheeky smile before disappearing.

Ryan was leaving the garden as Carmen and Sasha entered.

"Ryan." Carmen questioned in suprise, briefly stopping.

"She's in there." Ryan said gesturing behind him.

"Off to scare some babies." Sasha said making Ryan let out a sarcastic smile.

"Funny." He said before walking away back up the garden sticking his hands in his pockets and smiling to himself.

"What did he want." Carmen questioned as she took a seat next to Tee.

"Nothing." Tee said looking up when Ryan had left.

"Same annoying Ryan." Sasha groaned rolling her eyes.

"Not exactly." Tee replied letting out a smile, leaving the other girls were confused by what had just happened.