It was safe to say that Marinette's favourite view was the back of Adrien's head. Or, at least, that was one of her favourite views. She also liked his eyes, of course, his brilliant green eyes, warm and kind and strangely very familiar (although Marinette thinks that's because he's her soulmate, and aren't your soulmate's eyes supposed to be familiar?). And not forgetting the best view of all, his face... from eighteen different angles.

A nudge on the ribs brought Marinette back to reality. She grinned at Alya, who shook her head, even though she was grinning too. The class had ended, and everyone had begun to leave. Adrien, who had been busy with something on his desk for almost the entire day, turned in his seat to face Marinette. With a shy smile on his face, he held his hand out to her.

He was holding a carefully folded piece of paper. It was blue, like the colour of the sky when it's filled with the biggest and whitest clouds.

Marinette froze in her seat, her mind and limbs failing all at once. Luckily, she had Alya, and Alya's elbow. Grab it, Alya seemed to yell with another nudge to Marinette's ribs. That jolted Marinette back to life, and she giggled sheepishly as she gingerly took the paper from Adrien's fingers. She held it up carefully with both hands and stared.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and said, "I saw the paper on Natalie's desk. The colour reminded me of you - your eyes, I mean."

Marinette's fingers went numb, and she could no longer feel the paper in her hands even though she was clearly still holding it. The only thing she could feel was how her heart was welling up in her chest, like it was going to explode. She was afraid the beautiful paper butterfly in her hands would come to life and fly away in fear if her heart did explode.

When she didn't say anything for the longest of time, Adrien looked down at his own hands, his face burning slightly. He suddenly felt embarrassed that he had given Marinette a silly paper butterfly. Surely she must think it ridiculous, and him a childish fool.

But a soft whisper of his name brought his eyes back to hers and made his heart skip a careless beat. He was surprised to see the blue eyes staring at him were slightly wet with tears that threatened to spill over. For a moment, Adrien was confused. How could a gesture so small mean so much to one person?

He supposed, it was just Marinette, wonderful Marinette, who had a heart as big as the sizes of everyone's hearts combined.

"Adrien," she whispered again, "I love it. Thank you."

Adrien beamed in relief and watched as Marinette pulled a hairpin from her pouch, attached it to his paper butterfly, and pinned it to the side her head, like a flower behind the ear. She giggled again, and Adrien couldn't help but think how adorable she looked.

He supposed he only had Plagg to thank for chasing the blue butterfly that mistakenly flew into his room this morning.

And the Internet, for origami instructions.

A/N: My old crush gave me an origami rose for Valentine's day when we were sixteen, and I couldn't do anything but tear up. How silly!