Stan had never thought about what Bill had done to Ford until the first night it happened.

Three weeks into the Stan twins' world boating trip Stan was woken up by the sound of screaming. He had meant to be up watching the sea and monitoring the instruments while Ford took a nap but Stan supposed he must have dozed off, he was lucky it was a clear night and no monsters had attacked the boat while he was out… Yet, he didn't feel lucky, for the first time in over forty-two years, his brother screaming for mercy was the thing that woke Stan.

Stan remembered the nightmares his twin used to have about the bullies who tied him to a goal post and beat him senseless, he had always used to scream for mercy just before the nightmares got really bad and Ford went silent. His mother had called it the "Panic Alarm"; it got really loud before it got really bad.

When he rushed down to find his brother and wake him, he was horrified to see that Ford was moving around in his sleep. Both of the twins had sleep walking issues, Stan even made a sand-which in his sleep when he was ten, (of course, it was made without any proper condiments and Stan woke up with the taste of sardines and napkins in his mouth), but Ford was different. When Ford walked around in a dream state he was outright dangerous.

At eleven Ford had attacked Stan with a bat believing him to be the man who tried to take him up into his van and do things to him back when the boy was six and a half years old. At sixteen he knocked out Filbricks' wisdom teeth with a left hook that caused enough pain to wake both of them up and leave both of the Pines men yowling in pain on the floor. The worst one was three and a half days before their Niblings Dipper and Mabel left Gravity Falls and went home.

Ford was six foot three with a slight slouch and limp so naturally Stan heard the all to familiar screaming and bolted the door to the twins' room. Ford tried to kill him that day. All six of his fingers on the left hand where around his throat and pressing into him when Dipper finally got the door open and Mabel screamed. Ford's eyes had opened immediately and he dropped to the ground staring up at his gasping brother with a look of horror.

The words he said that night came to Stanley now,

"I thought you were going to steal my eyes,"

Stan looked at his brother and thought about what that had meant, when Bill possessed Dipper, his nephew had once described it as 'having your senses dulled beyond belief and having to watch through foreign eyes as Bill destroyed what you love.' Maybe, Ford thought he was Bill. Maybe, Ford thought he was going to take away his senses.

Stan made his decision.


Ford turned towards him; he seemed frightened.


Ford stopped in his tracks and slowly he sunk to the ground.

"I just want you to get some sleep."

Ford looked up towards Stan with tear-filled eyes and let out a strangled sob.

Stan rushed forwards to his brother and wrapped his arms around him in a protective twin hug.

"No one is going to steal your eyes, Bill can't hurt us anymore."