[Mistral Elite Units]

"Sir, are you sure we should be flying around this area." ME04 asked her unit commander. "'This isn't our area…" She looked out the flyers window's, and they were indeed not in their homeland.

She shut herself up as she noted the glare coming from Roman. The other units watched Roman carefully, he wasn't in the mood to be tested today - and that was now clear as day.

"Emerald, when have you ever questioned where we should be going and what we should be doing?" Roman sneered at her. "Besides this involves them." he turned to look at Neo, ME03, who was piloting "Take her down, Neo." She nodded without a word and landed their flyer in a rather wooded area.

"All right, units. Today we will be scouting these areas. I'm sure there will be nothing that we should worry about, but just in case…" he grabbed the hanging assault rifles and tossed them to his standing units. "Brand new assault rifles. These bad boys are powered by dust. They pack a worse punch then bullets and they're a lot more effective on slowing down monsters." he smirked, "But like I said...it's not like we'll have to worry about it...today."

"What are we looking for, sir?" ME02, otherwise known as Mercury asked as he stood attention, looking rather serious.

"Didn't we already talk about the briefing?" Roman sighed.

"No sir." Mercury quickly replied.

"Seriously?" Roman rolled his eyes and sighed once more. "Like I said, we're scouting. For markings. Any sort of indication that they're here. We...I mean, I recieved word that their main base is around this area. So there is a good chance they ARE here. We're only a few days off the last known tracking. We need to see what we can find. Now, go." He waved his hand as the back of the flyer finally opened.

In front of the Units was nothing but an empty roadway, and trees. Trees beyond the eye could see. It would make sense for monsters to hide in a forest.

"Reminds you of some kinda story book…" Emerald muttered as she and the others stepped out onto the roadway. Daylight shone from above. It would be obvious that they were here. She wondered just how well the Elite Units of Vale were watching. If it all. This wasn't their territory, but as of late they'd been invaders to just about everywhere. They had even explored a little bit Yang Xiao Long's hometown territory. The once well-renowned fighter was now labeled as a monster. Well, it was a fact at this point. Her reveal had been sprawled all over the news. So much potential gone to waste, due to the fact she was now a monster.

The elite units all scattered around the area. It mostly looked untouched. Mostly. ME02, Mercury noted tire tracks that seemed to lead into the forest, well, more like the trees. But this made no sense. "Em, come over here." he squatted down touching the grass. They weren't fresh tracks.

"Tire tracks?" Emerald walked over them and where they led. Directly into a tree. The tree wasn't bent or broken in any way. Emerald walked around the tree and further into the forest. It looked like a plain old forest.

"You see anything?" Mercury called out to her as he continued to examine the markings. He could tell it came from some kind of truck. He turned his head and motioned to ME01, Christoph wandered over, his rifle still in hand. He had rather bad trigger discipline. "Get your hand off of the trigger. You might kill one of us."

"I'm preparing for the worst." He commented, not taking his hand off the trigger.

"We're not going to be attacked. The monsters aren't that reckless." He stood up and looked behind Christoph, who was now accompanied by Neo and Roman.

"What do we have here?" Roman asked now taking his turn to squat, feeling the grass beneath him.

"Tire tracks. From a truck." Mercury stated as a matter of fact like with another voice soon chiming in.

"But there seems to be no sign of anything else. The tracks stop at the base of this tree. Which as you can see is fine. No car accident here and there's nothing beyond in the woods." Emerald stepped out from behind the tree as she had just returned from her short trek around the woods. There really was nothing out here.

Roman smirked. "Thank you all for your hard work today. I think I got what I wanted. Everyone, back to the flyer. We're done for today."

The group, save for Neo, looked rather confused. They without question, returned to the Flyer and put away their weapons.

Emerald eyed Roman who was now on his scroll making a phone call. Yet, from where she stood she could not hear a damn thing.

"Roman, I do hope you're calling about something important." The feminine voice on the other side of the line answered.

"Cinder, now that you're in the know about everything I think every phone call I make is important." Roman took in his surroundings. "These monsters are a lot more powerful than we originally thought. Looks like they can use magic, illusions in this case."

"Were the creators aware of these abilities?" Cinder asked.

"I don't think so. But profit and power come in many way shapes and forms, but before that comes fear. Fear is the motivator for our profit and power."

"So is blackmail." Cinder responded in a confident manner.

"Cinder, it's like you know me so well." Roman grinned to himself. "We'll discuss more of this later." He clicked his scroll and shoved it in his pocket. He wore a cocky grin the whole time he walked to the flyer. You'd think it'd be easier to eliminate them, but I guess the longer we can draw this out the better we look and the dumber he looks.

"All right Neo, take us home."

[Yang & Weiss / Vale]

Yang wasn't used to having someone sleep by her side. Sure, she had Ruby sleep with her from time to time, but it was more of a 'I'm having a nightmare' situation more than a 'There's only one bed and we're supposedly companions' type of situation. So, here Yang was in bed with Weiss who was soundly asleep. Of course she didn't have trouble sleeping at 2am in the morning. Why would she?

Several days had passed after the whole reveal. A virus had done this to her. An airborne virus, that probably has affected over millions. But why didn't it affect everyone in the same way? Were some just naturally immune? Yang's mind raced with these thoughts. Why her? Out of all people? Then again, when she thought of it she was glad it was her and not Ruby. Ruby...her heart ached at the thought of her. She wanted to call her and tell her everything was okay, but she couldn't.

At least, at least she knew Ruby was safe. If anything, she was being hounded by reporters and all sorts of media. This would probably also bring her dad back from work, overseas. With all this big weird reveal, he probably knew that Ruby would be alone.

Yang continuously tossed and turned at her racing thoughts. She scrunched her eyes, hoping to just magically pass out. Her hands now covered both eyes, in another failed attempt.

"Yang?" a sleepy voice muttered out next to her.

Yang turned her head as her own lilac eyes met with icy blue ones - who by the looks of, was still in a rather sleepy state. Surprisingly, the two had remained at a respectable distance from one another as they slept on this particular night.

"What's wrong?" Weiss yawned out. "I..I noticed you've been a little distant and quiet lately."

Weiss had been right. Since the reveal, Yang was in a constant state of unsureness. She remembered being happy for the moment as they left the makeshift classroom, but as soon as they returned to their little home Yang didn't know what she wanted. She was going to help out the rest of monsters, wasn't she? Should she even call herself a monster? Were they a clan? A guild? A troupe? Yang wasn't used to this, she wasn't used to any of this.

She was to become a leader. A trainer in another aspect, but she had never personally trained anyone. Nor had she ever been trained herself. She thought back on her fighting. She was also self-taught and every moment of it felt so natural. She knew none of these kids. What they could do. Who they were. She hardly knew the girl she saved, Velvet.

Once again the room was filled with silence.

"Yaaangg.." Weiss called out, now rolling to her side and propping herself up to get a better look at the girl who seemed to be way out in outer space. At least, mentally.

Yang blinked several times, now returning to the present. She looked over at Weiss once more. "I'm sorry. I've just been...overthinking."

"I can tell." she bluntly stated.

"Did I wake you?" Yang asked, now covering her face with her arm.

"Oh, only a little. Y'know, all the tossing and turning is really good for the ambiance of sleep."

"I'm sorry." Yang repeated.

"Okay, for as little of time we've spent together I know you don't say that word that often. Yang Xiao Long, you're going to tell me what's wrong this instance!" she grabbed Yang's arm that was covering her face and tossed it aside to get a better look at Yang's face even if it was in the dark. Weiss could tell that something was eating away at the brawler.

"All of this Weiss. Isn't it a little too much?"

"Well, yes...in several ways. It's kind of crazy when you think about it." Weiss admitted.

"At least we're on the same page." Yang sighed and now turned to face Weiss, mimicking her position.

"I didn't ask for this. I don't know how to train people and I...I just can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that this? This is my reality now."

"Yang, this is our reality now. You're not alone, but you know that."

"But you're not a monster." Yang interjected. Yang wondered why Weiss stuck around. Just because they were 'connected' in some weirdly fated fashion did not mean that Weiss had to stick around. Wasn't she rich or some sort of heiress? Couldn't she just leave them all behind and fly to some deserted island and live her life in peace? It sure seemed like the easiest thing to do at this point.

"I might not be, but there are others here who are and out of everyone here you're the best fitted to lead them. To train them. To help them." As Weiss spoke she removed a stray strand of hair from Yang's face, her hand lightly caressed Yang's cheek as she brought her hand back to neutral position at her side. Even with the light touch, Yang could feel the electricity between the two.

Yang almost forgot how good it felt to be connected in the weirdly fated fashion.

"Weiss, can I ask you something?" Yang brushed off the momentary feeling of wanting to reel Weiss in as she asked her this.

"Of course."

"Why did you decide to come with me? You could've left as soon as I was safe. You had a choice."

Weiss looked a little bewildered at the question. "No, I didn't. You saved my life so I saved yours."

"So you felt obligated to come with me? Out of what? Pity?" Yang's voice rose a little more as she now sat up, Weiss soon followed the motion as she was now sitting up in bed facing Yang.

"W-what? Yang do you have to take everything so...wildly? No..let me explain." Weiss paused. "Because I felt I had to. In my heart. It was like this was everything I ever wanted."

"And your heart told you to do this? Sounds like...a real crappy reason." Yang laughed and buried her face in her hands.

Yang's sign of defeat was quickly pulled out from under her as Weiss grabbed her hand. Yang looked rather incredulously at the girl's action. Yang's hand was quickly shoved underneath Weiss's shirt, out of Weiss' own volition.

"W-What are you?" Yang began, but then quickly shut up. There was something about this that felt different and not in a sexual way. Yang's hand was placed on Weiss' heart. The "afflicted" area, she had heard some call it in the encampment. Weiss's face was stern and unwavering as she stared down Yang.

The was an incredible amount of warmth and...safety that engulfed the palm of Yang. The feeling didn't stop there as it coursed through her whole body, filling her with these intense emotions. It was when the feeling hit her own heart the she was now completely overcome and overwhelmed with what this 'connection' was.

This was an unspeakable feeling. A feeling that could only be shared with touch. A feeling that could calm a raging beast or a storm that wanted to destroy everything and anything in its path. The fact, that it was in the most cliche spot for her and Weiss was what really made Yang feel alive.

The beating of the heart along with the unspeakable feeling was like a combo attack. The longer Yang's hand stayed, the more she could recognize Weiss's heartbeat and the rise and fall of Weiss's chest as she breathed softly.

After a bit Yang removed her hand from underneath Weiss's shirt. She now understood that they both needed each other in ways that they didn't understand. An osmosis of knowledge had just formed through that small moment in time. That was the way of the Monsters and their Mates. The mates were much more than placeholders or tamers. So much more.

They stared at each other momentarily. Before Yang broke the silence. "That was...different."

"It is...and it's different for me. That feeling that you just got? It's how I feel now all the time...and ever since I met you it's just been growing. Our afflicted areas are a sign of kinship. We're two different people, but we're still one." Weiss had seemed to become more philosophical as the days had passed. Yang wondered if it was just a side-effect, but she didn't mind. She needed the girls steady, calm, cool and collected head if she was going to do all of this and she knew that.

Yang knew, that on her side of the bargain she was much more primal and she could feel that growing within her own heart. She was always a wild-child to begin with, even before the incident. But this just made things more complicated.

"Thank you Weiss." Yang stated.

"You're very welcome." Weiss smirked, now reverting to her cocky princess like attitude. Weiss had immediately slipped back under the covers and turned her back towards Yang, feeling pretty smug about herself. Weiss herself, wondered when she would be able to bring Yang home...to meet her two best friends. If that was even a possibility at this point, Weiss didn't know, but she sure damned hope so.

She could just imagine the look of jealousy on Jaune when she brought back Yang. She also wondered how Pyrrha and Jaune's relationship was panning out. Though she didn't have time to think about their relationship when she had a rather complicated one of her own.

It's not like her and Yang had…


Weiss turned her head and noticed Yang was cuddled up close to her. When did this happen? She also noted that Yang's face was suspiciously close to hers. It wasn't until their lips met, that Weiss had finally realized what was happening.

Scratch that, her and Yang had finally kissed.

Weiss wrapped her arms around Yang's neck to deepen the kiss. Yang had to prop herself up with on hand on right side of Weiss's head while the other hand tangled itself in her hair. It was a sudden gesture for Yang, and well, Weiss too. Yang positioned herself on top of Weiss, straddling her ever so carefully. Yang took control - though this came to a surprise to her. She would've thought that Weiss would've fought for some sort of dominance.

This gesture by Yang was certainly welcomed by Weiss nonetheless. Weiss was willing to submit to almost anything Yang had offered and she wouldn't have minded if they continued all night but...Yang pulled away and rested her forehead on Weiss's. The two had to catch their breath for the new and welcoming experience. Yang inhaled and could smell the scent of arousal coming off of Weiss - it was faint, but Yang was glad she ended the kissing there. Yang was familiar with intimacy in a previous fling she had before. Of course, there could be and was primal aspect towards it, well, at least for Yang. But she didn't know how this version of herself would take to such an act - if...if they were to do it all. Sex, that is. Something told her it would be dangerous, not for her, but for Weiss.

Before Weiss could speak and draw her out of her thoughts, Yang was the first to say something. Her forehead, still resting on Weiss's own. "That was another thank you from me. I told you before if you kept talking dirty like that you'd get more." Yang teased.

"It's a good thing I like you, you big oaf." Weiss glared at her. Though, in Weiss's heart she was as giddy as one could be with their first, ever, official kiss.

Yang smiled widely and removed herself from the smaller girl. She now placed herself up against Weiss as she laid next to her. Weiss turned to face her and it was very apparent to Yang that she wanted something before they went to bed.

Yang gladly pressed her lips against Weiss's one last time which Weiss happily met her. Again, Yang pulled away.

"Goodnight Weiss." Yang said as she stretched her arm over Weiss and pulled her in. Completely removing any space between them.

"Goodnight Yang." Weiss, being smaller nestled her head in the crook of Yang's neck and pressed up against her.

As they both fell asleep, the afflicted areas filled both of their bodies with warmth. Their connected bodies made this feeling stronger, and with that they both fell into a very deep and restful sleep.


"She's late." Coco's muttered as she fast walked towards the Xiao-Long Schnee household. Her fast walk usually meant business. Her fast walk usually meant business and Velvet knew better than to step in a try and slow her down. She'd probably be mowed over. Dang raid leaders.

Afterall, today was the day that Yang Xiao Long would begin training the underlings of their little clan. As Yang, would take over the Guardians along with the Berserkers with Velvet as representative to overlook them.

"I have a feeling Yang is the type to sleep in." Velvet kept her pace with Coco as she commented.

Coco banged on their door, and after a few seconds decided to invade their privacy as she let herself in. It was known that the houses had no locks. This may have been a community of misfits, but they could be trusted. There were also other factors playing into this, but trust and honesty was what made this home for all of them.

Without wasting anytime, Coco made beeline for their bedroom. She didn't care if they were naked, sleeping, or making love she would make sure that Yang Xiao Long would be up and ready for class - as Yang was the professor after all. Velvet hopped along behind Coco. She knew better than to stop the girl in charge.

She swiftly opened the door and yelled "Yang Xiao Long!".

Yang jumped out of bed, as if they were in danger and went into her natural fighting stance. Weiss had glided out of bed following behind Yang. Yang was still half-asleep and unsure of what's going on.

"Coco? Velvet?" Weiss yawned. She rubbed her eyes for a better look and it was indeed the duo that had barged their way into their household. "What are you...Oh my.." she face-palmed herself suddenly remembering what day it was and that they probably had overslept.

Yang was still stuck in her fighting position as she struggled to wake up properly. "Are we being invaded?" she stood her ground and looked around now trying to make herself fully alert.

"No, you dolt." Weiss put a hand on Yang's shoulder as a way to tell her to stand down. "We're late. For your lesson."

"Lesson.." she began to trail off as she repeated the word needlessly. She snapped her fingers together and widened her eyes when she finally remembered. "Ahh..whoops." she scratched behind her head.

"We need to be there in twenty minutes or else we'll be late." Coco added, now tapping on a rather fancy wrist watch she had on.

"All right. I just need to get dressed." Yang now turned to the dresser where she shuffled through to find something acceptable to wear.

"Sorry about that, you guys. Once Coco starts she can't really stop." Velvet commented as she watched Yang and Weiss go through their things.

"It wouldn't happen if Yang would stick to the plans." Coco muttered as she was now slowly being pulled out of the room by Velvet.

"We'll get out of your hair and meet you there, all right? Don't be late." Velvet smiled closing the door behind her.

"DON'T BE LATE." Coco reiterated as the door closed behind them.

"Coco is a lot scarier than I thought...and I thought Velvet was the monster." Yang laughed as she finally pulled out a tank top. She was going to be a teacher, but she saw no need to overdo it. After all...all these kids were either her age or possibly younger. She didn't see anyone that seemed too much older than her if at all.

"Probably didn't help we stayed up until 2 am talking and…" Weiss remembered what had happened that night. She turned a rather light shade of pink.

"Making out?" Yang grinned as she raised an eyebrow at the smaller girl.

"It was nothing more than a heart to heart." Weiss turned around to dress herself now with a rather plain looking outfit that fit her white aesthetic. Coco knew them well, a little too well.

"More like mouth to mouth!" Yang at this point had already turned around to get dressed as well. The two girls were now back to back with a respectable distance between them.

"Yang!" Weiss flailed her arm behind her lightly hitting the blonde guardian.

"Heh, don't be so cold." Yang added as she was being lightly tapped.

Weiss was in the process of doing it once more, to deter the girl but was grabbed and pulled in by the stronger and taller Yang Xiao Long. Yang now embraced Weiss in a one-sided hug.

"Let go of me!"

"Back to being icy, huh?"

"Now's not the time we're going to be late!" she shoved the taller girl towards the door as Yang still had her arms - now walking backwards.

"Y'know, I hope they're all ready for the GREAT DRAGON PROFESSOR!" Yang loudly proclaimed as she was shoved out the door of the bedroom.

Weiss rolled her eyes as she continued to shove Yang in this awkward, yet endearing positioning. It's not like Weiss minded in all honesty, but she still wasn't 100% used to Yang although they WERE connected.

It would take more than one heart to heart conversation to unlock their full potential, but for now…

They had other matters to attend to.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm wondering if anyone still reads this. I'm kind of interested and looking for someone to help me along with the story? A beta reader if you will. I want to improve my writing, be able to write down the entirety of this story to its actual completion with some help by someone! Also, I may want to rewrite the previous chapters to word them better! I will tell you everything about this world and what I expect from myself. I feel like I have poor execution! I'm also a horrible procrastinator, whoops! Anyways, hit me up on tumblr - Shaevira if you might be interested or want to discuss the story.