"You've gotta believe me, Ron! Neville and Malfoy were truly friends!" said Harry. Harry ran his hand through his already wild hair. The moment he brought up the blasphemous thought of Ferret Head and Neville being friends to Ron the next morning, all he got was weird looks and a lot of forehead touching.

"Harry are you sure you're alright?" asked Ron, concerned for his friend.

"Yeah," he replied. "Must have had a strange dream."

"Alrighty then. So, breakfast?"

Harry chuckled a little and followed his stomach centered friend down to the Great Hall. Maybe Hermione will know…

She was no help either.

"Harry, Malfoy bullies Neville. I think you ought to see Madam Pomfrey. Maybe its Voldemort messing with your mind," said Hermione.

"I'm not joking! Neville and Draco were friends, I swear! They had a huge dagger to sword duel in the middle of the Hall and two Howlers that started it all!"

Neville leaned over from a couple spots over after Harry's rant. "Harry," he said worriedly. "I think Hermione is right. The thought of Malfoy and me even being acquaintances…" He shuddered.

Harry stared at his food lost in thought.

Neville cornered Draco later that night.

"What in Hades, Drake?!"

He shrugged. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Neville flushed. "Yes you do! Why would you use the Mist on everyone but Harry!?"

Draco shouldered him out of the way. "Who cares if it was Potter! He'll probably forget about it in a week anyway! Someone has to know, and if the teachers know already know then having one more doesn't hurt. Especially if it's the savior of the wizarding world!"

Neville watched as Draco stomped down towards the direction of the dungeons. Good grief. What a mess.