[First, I would like to thank everyone who's read and reviewed my story. It feels great to have such a positive response to my works and I feel like writing some more chapters in the future and maybe starting another story. Please enjoy the next chapter.]

(Ring, Ring...)

Hello, my child. It's been a while since I've last spoken to you, I'm sorry that I haven't seen you in so long. I've spent most of my days in the Underground, I have little interest in seeing the surface, I know that I'm not worthy of it, especially after everything that's happened.

Papyrus and Sans spoke to me recently, they said it would be good for me to finally come to the surface and visit you, and perhaps live there since you've given up everything in order for monsters to have that freedom. They are both such wonderful people, but I don't feel like I of all people deserve to live on the surface, after all it was my failure as a parent figure and a friend which cost you so much.

I see that everyone has made quite a memorial for you, it's very beautiful and it's the least we could do for everything that you've done for us. From what I understand, the other humans are very divided about us coming to the surface again, some are acceptant of us but others are adamantly against our being there, even though there aren't that many of us and some of us have tried to contribute to their world, like Alphys. Funny, is it not? You and the other human children I've met seem to be more mature and wise than the adults, who are bickering with each other ceaselessly over insignificant matters. It's really annoying.

In truth, I feel that my failures as a parent and as a friend have lead you to this fate. Nobody knows exactly what happened between the time we all passed out to the time we found your lifeless body and the broken barrier, but I know that I should've protected you, and I failed. I cannot express in words how sorry I am about this, I know you would likely forgive me, you are a generous and forgiving child, but I'm not so forgiving to myself. I now have to live with the loss of not three, but nine children who I've committed myself to protect and failed.

I dream about you sometimes, and the other children. In this dream, we are on the surface, near the base of Mount Ebott where many yellow flowers grow like the ones in Asgore's throne room. All of us are there, living in a small wooden house, unlike the castle in the Underground. You and Asriel are playing with the other children amongst the flowers, and Chara is simply sitting down, depressed as usual and keeping to himself, he was always a pessimist unfortunately. Not all of my dreams are so pleasant though, sometimes late at night I hear Asriel's voice as well, echoing through the ruins, crying or calling for you or Chara. I wake up and rush to where I hear his voice but when I arrive he's always gone. One time I thought I saw him in the distance, fleeing down a dark hallway in the ruins, but I could never find him when I go to look. I think I'm going insane.


I'm sorry, I mustn't burden you with such fantasies.

I must know something though, even though you can't respond to this question I still feel like I should ask it just in case. What happens to humans when they die? Dr. Alphys told me that monster souls disappear when we expire but human souls continue to live on, or at least they live on longer than a monster's soul. When a human dies, is there a special place their souls go to that's impossible for us to reach? Or do you remain on Earth and stealthly watch over and follow us? I like the idea of the later, the idea that you're still with us and there to listen to us and help us when we need you, even though you no longer have a body or a voice to speak with anymore. I also want to know... Is Asriel or Chara with you? If so, I have a few things to say to them.

First, I'd like you to tell Asriel I'm sorry, that I should've never let him leave the Underground with Chara's body, and that it should've been my responsible and mine alone to complete the task that Chara had set out for him. Also, if by chance he somehow comes back to life, I want him to know that he's grounded. I've found those naughty CDs he had hidden under his bed, I'm not sure what "Machine" those angry humans were raging against but I'm certain they could've done so with much fewer F-Bombs. As for Chara, all I want to know is why? Did he end his life because he was that unhappy? Or did he truly want to free us that badly? Or was there some other motive I'm not aware of?

You see, after Asriel returned Chara's body we discovered he had died of buttercup poisoning, but our family continued to keep this a secret from the rest of the monsters, the truth would only hurt them. If you meet Chara wherever you are, tell him I still love him, even though he has hurt us all so badly. And Frisk, although you're not alive anymore I could somehow sense that you don't want me to blame myself for what happened to you. But it's too late for me, I've had more than my share of chances to be a good parent and I've failed each time, I should never have let even a single child leave my sight. The truth is, I miss my children... so much. When you fell to the Underground, you somehow reminded me of both of them at once.

Rest in peace my child, and don't worry about me, I'll figure things out.

Thank you, for everything.
